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  1. I am unable to record the Menu button via the command line. When I execute flirc_util record_api 0 101 from the command line, I do not get a prompt to press a key on my remote. It just ends without recording anything. I am using v1.2.7-rc.4 Thanks
  2. Jason: No problem, I'm just glad I didn't spend too much time digging deep into the device wake options. Would it be possible to switch between the two modes in the advanced options? Right now with my Harmony I could see wanting to use any button since the buttons take a pretty hard click to activate, but I could see it being a problem with more sensitive remotes, so a single wake key would be better there. dirty_denim86: I binded a key on my Harmony remote to the Flirc Wake command (which is on the full keyboard configuration, top right area). From what Jason says it seems the current Flirc firmware only listens for this particular command rather than any button press like a typical mouse or keyboard. The command I was using in my original post to make the Flirc port a wake up device was actually fine in my case, The problem was that I assumed any Flirc key would wake up my computer, rather than the just the "wake" button. Have you tried to enable/disable with a keyboard/mouse that you know normally works as a wake up device in the same USB port you're using for Flirc? I did this as a quick test just to make sure that Ubuntu was actually responding to my USB wake up changes. Just in case it helps though, here's a list of everything I did: 1) add "tee" command to my sudoers file so that it does not require a password when run with elevated privileges (this is not good practice, but for a media computer that I don't want to pull a keyboard out for it seems the only option) 2) add "echo enabled | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-2/power/wakeup" so that the USB port is automatically enabled at startup 3) Bind Flirc key "ctrl+alt+z" to a button on my Harmony (i.e. Guide) 4) Bind Flirc key "Wake" to a button on my Harmony (i.e. Menu) 5) Make Ubuntu keyboard shortcut "ctrl+alt+z->sudo pm-suspend &"
  3. Hi, I assigned two keyboard shortcuts and automator actions to start Tunes and Plex and mapped them on a remote controller. This works when Flirc is open at the foreground and it starts the software, but doesn't when Flirc is closed. Is this perhaps known to anyone? btw. I also mapped command + Q, to quit an application, and this works when Flirc isn't open. So what is happening to the two shortcuts whom act accordingly when Flirc is open, but fail when Flirc is closed?
  4. Just registered to give my 2 cents and perhaps aid in the development Flirc worked well for me for 2 days, and then i started seeing the repeated keypresses, and significant loss of sensitivity. In that time i built up my media center rack: speakers receiver subwoofer NAS modem router xbox ETC. After several days of tearing everything apart I have isolated the issue with FLIRC TLDR: The issue is an ELECTRICAL NOISE issue, NOT an infrared sensitivity issue. I'm afraid this may be all the way down to the hardware, unless a Firmware fix can filter electrical noise. Long version: I'm an embedded systems engineer, I'm not claiming to be an expert but this isn't exactly voodoo to me. After several days of frustration figuring out why FLIRC was no longer working, i systematically eliminated devices that weren't causing the problem. My final setup is as follows. FLIRC -> HTPC Laptop. (connected to AC adapter) -> HDMI -> Denon Receiver -> RCA subwoofer cable -> subwoofer -> back to the SAME OUTLET.as PC **The failures occur where these are the ONLY devices, and no other devices or speakers are connected to either the receiver or the PC** This is what is required to cause my FLIRC not to work. Ultimately my subwoofer is the root cause of the error. Sure, we can blame the it and say flirc is fine, however EVERY SINGLE other device works just fine, including every other USB device running on the same. If any component in this loop is broken , FLIRC works great, with such great reception i can reflect IR from my Harmony remote off the back wall and it will be recieved. Complete the loop and ~50% of the time FLIRC is lucky to detect IR 6 inches away, and when it does we get repeated keypresses quite frequently. The loop doesn't even have to be fully connected, simply short the grounds on either the HDMI or RCA terminals and FLIRC stops working. (same goes for the data pins too). The difference is dramatic! (Please don't blame lighting conditions, I realize FLIRC is sensitive, but realize that 99.99999% of TVS or other equipment have never received phantom input from lighting causing it to turn on without intervention, and I'd expect the same level of filtering from flirc once it is programmed.) It is interesting to note, that this ONLY occurs when the subwoofer is connected through the same electrical outlet as the other equipment (to prevent ground loops) If i run an extension cord through my house to an outlet on another breaker, FLIRC works fine with everything hooked up, so long as the subwoofer has a different ground. (sure, my APT doesn't have the best wiring, but again thats not the point is it?) This leads me to believe that ultimately electric noise is being read by flirc as an IR signal and being sent back through to the PC via USB as a valid input (or repeated keypress for some reason)??. I don't have an oscilloscope handy here, but my multimeter says the difference in ground voltage between the subwoofer and USB is .07V at its max. I'm not sure if FLIRC can actually be fixed, as i think this may be a hardware problem, Maybe FLIRC does not have the required resistors and capacitors to fully clean up a dirty USB signal, and instead we are leaking analog noise over the digital USB signal to the IR circuit and it is being interpreted as a command? i'm not sure. This is probably why 90% of cases with FLIRC acting up is people with raspberry PI, as its power is usually from a "dirty" wall wart. I've tried various solutions as you would expect USB hub, powered USB hub, changing USB ports, Adding resistors to create a voltage divider to attenuate the nose on the RCA cable, dark rooms, light rooms, other equipment. At this point i feel that any fix (ground loop isolater on RCA subwoofer cable or extension cord running through house to power subwoofer-causing an actual ground loop) would be an unnecessary band-aid on something that should just work. I apologize if i seem "ranty" I really think this is an awesome project but I figured the more info I gave the better! Let me know if you need any more data points! Thanks
  5. For those interested in adding commands to the Harmony Ultimate remote using Flirc and XBMC, there is a very simple way to do that without having to fiddle with : - installing the old generic Samsung/Panasonic TV generic profiles to emulate the Flirc device - using the command learning feature of the Harmony remote - manually editing XML keyboard layout files Just add a device using the Flirc Harmony profile in the Harmony app, so you don't have to manually assign all the keys to buttons using the Flirc GUI In case some key/button assignments are missing, make the necessary adjustments using the Flirc GUI. For example, the M key (OSD menu) cannot be mapped to a button in the Harmony app. What i did was i assigned the DVR button on my remote to the AudioNextLanguage command in the Harmony app. Then, i overrode that assignment by associating the DVR button to the M key using the Flirc GUI. The thing is, you have to first assign commands to buttons in the Harmony app before those buttons become available in the Flirc GUI. Going from that, i was able to assign the wake and suspend commands to buttons on my Harmony remote and add those commands to my "Use XBMC" activity. Now my PC goes to sleep when pressing the OFF button and wakes up when pressing the XBMC activity button. More on that here :
  6. I think i've found a very simple way to trigger suspend/wake using a Harmony Ultimate Hub with the Flirc module using XBMC. I am using the Flirc profile in the Harmony app as i find it is more straightforward than going through the hassle of using the generic Panasonic/Samsung TV profile and manually assigning buttons in the Flirc Windows GUI. As the Flirc device in the Harmony app does not provide any poweron/poweroff commands in the Activity section, i did as follows : - using the Harmony app, i assigned two unused commands (Zoom+ and Zoom-) to the "--" and "E" buttons on the Harmony remote (the ones at the bottom left and right) - having done that, the two buttons became available in the Flirc GUI : using the Flirc keyboard layout, i overrode the Zoom+/Zoom- Harmony assignments and associated the "--" and "E" buttons respectively with the Wake and S keys - back to the Harmony app, i was able to add start/stop steps to my "Use XBMC" activity (start command : "Zoom+", stop commands : "Zoom-" and "Select") As of now : - pressing the XBMC activity button on my remote turns on my TV/amp and wakes my PC from suspend mode - pressing the OFF button turns off my TV/amp, calls the XBMC shutdown menu and launches the Suspend command.
  7. How do I save (and restore) my current config? I can learn new keypresses via the command line, right? The GUI is a little confusing.
  8. Hi Juro, You can use command line app that is provided in Flirc install. It's called flirc_util.exe (it's in the folder where you installed flirc app). You can use it for example to list recorded keys and to delete specific ones using key's index. I'm not entirely sure that this will work for you as the util doesn't display all keys sometimes (for example those which use at least one of modifier keys). Use flirc_util help to get information on possible operations.
  9. IceDiver you can always try to record keys using flirc_util in command line. Just assign remote's vol up and down buttons to the key scan codes where your layout has + and - keys. From what I could find, on Swedish keyboard + sign has scan code 0x0c (decimal 12), and - sign has scan code 0x35 (decimal 53) both without modifiers. The commands you need to execute: flirc_util record_api 0 12 flirc_util record_api 0 53 After each press enter and then press a button on the remote. First one is for +, second is for -.
  10. Bump. I'm having the exact same issue. I got my flirc in May 2013 and have dusted it off every few months to revisit the same frustration. Here are the results from flirc_util command line tool. I have the same results in Linux and Win7Pro root@ubuntu:~/usr/bin# ./flirc_util status Last upgrade attempt: Error root@ubuntu:~/usr/bin# ./flirc_util version flirc_util version v1.2.6 [v1.2.6] Firmware: v2.6 At this point, I don't remember all the exact steps I've tried, but none of the GUI versions have worked and I've tried doing the manual driver installation through device manager as well as tinkering with with Zadig [Edit: Added flirc_util output]
  11. I ordered a FLIRC because of all the good things I've heard from the raspberry pi forums. I'm confused by one aspect of the FLIRC. I thought it would be more like LIRC (incorrectly assumed based on the similarity of the name) where you can actually send command line commands to the pi directly without having to be in XBMC or any kind of destkop environment. Can you program the flirc to work this way?
  12. I'm trying to control a headless Itunes server. FLIRC works perfectly as long as I have a physical keyboard and monitor (I'm sending keyboard commands to windows shortcut keys). But when I remove the keyboard and monitor, windows seems to ignore the FLIRC commands. Not sure if FLIRC isn't sending the command or windows simply ignores it. Starmanj
  13. Yes. It is possible depending on the protocol used by the remote. I've also had such situation when I was checking some devices on my universal remote which one will work best with Flirc. It reported that key is already recorded for multiple keys. I just used a code for Samsung TV as I have LG one so they won't interfere with each other and everything works smoothly. You can use flirc_util.exe in command line. There is a format command, but it just do the same thing that clear configuration does. You can check if there is anything recorded using flirc_util space command which will print how many buttons are stored in flirc memory. After clearing it should show 0.
  14. I don't have Harmony so I can only speculate based on knowledge I've gained doing research on them (I've decided to go for OneForAll Simple 4 remote instead). I think you are in activity mode which allows you to send commands to different devices without switching between them. So you started the activity which was configured to send TV commands on some keys and the ones for Flirc on others and then you recorded these buttons. So in the end the remote is sending a single command but both your tv and flirc are reacting to it. You should disable activity, clear Flirc and then set harmony to a single device mode and record commands one more time.
  15. Hi, I've been doing some hacking with Flirc and EventGhost to get the best possible setup. I wanted all the keys to be intercepted by EventGhost so I could do some more advanced control schemes. My problem was that I don't like mapping remote keys to some arbitrary shortcuts. The problem here is that in Windows I cannot stop key presses just from a specific keyboard (Flirc in this case) so I loose those shortcuts if I use them in Flirc and EG. Now here comes a little trick. Media buttons are not treated as Keyboard events (they are not intercepted by HID keyboard filter driver) but are available to Generic HID plugin in EventGhost. Why is that? Because media keys are not from default keyboard HID usage table but from the "consumer" one. Media keys in EventGhost's Generic HID are received as decimal value of HID code for those buttons. Unfortunatelly Flirc GUI (and CLI too) doesn't have much media keys available to be used. Fortunatelly saved config file has very simple structure :). I've assigned every button on remote to Play button for a reference and then replaced play button code to ranges that are not officially used in Consumer HID Table, from 0x04 to 0x1F, then from 0x23 to 0x2F - this was enough for my remote but there are other unused ranges. Those can be found here http://www.freebsddiary.org/APC/usb_hid_usages.php, table 12 - Consumer. After loading the config back into Flirc I'm getting correct HID codes in EventGhost when I'm pressing buttons. Here are my two suggestions: 1. I don't know if this can be somehow done in the firmware, but when I hold the button pressed on the remote I'm getting a stream of button press events in HID instead of just one (this also happens for not modified config with standard media buttons). When I release the button then HID gets release event correctly. For now I've modified Generic HID plugin to remember last event and not issue it again if enduring events are enabled (required for long press detection and action repeat configuration). Maybe I'm wrong (I don't know HID specifics) but I think Flirc should only send one key press event (on press and hold) and then one release event. If not then forget this suggestion. 2. It would be nice to be able to set arbitrary codes from Consumer table (possibly using hex notation or detected by 0x before the code) using at least the CLI. Maybe new command in CLI like record_hid or something. I know that Flirc can only store 2 bytes per key (modifier + HID code for keyboard table and HID code + 0x66 as a marker for consumer table) so we cannot access codes above 0xFF but I think this is enough for most cases. This would be great feature for advanced users.
  16. knilch

    Key repeat

    Hi, since the last update (Windows-GUI says firmware is 2.6) keypresses are not repeated anymore when keep pushing a remote button. So i.e. when I press the Up key on my remote I get exactly one Up-command. When I keep pushing the button there is still only one Up-command. After button release and pushing again another command is created. Has anything been changed? Am I missing something? Regards knilch
  17. I have 2 Flirc's, both with the same issue. They have been running along fine for a while now, no firmware upgrades in quite some time. I want to take advantage of some of the improvements in XBMC control and also add the harmony profile so I went to upgrade today, but both cycle through saying "Could not upgrade firmware, contact support" when I try to do so in the 1.2.6 gui. It seems to crash frequently while trying this as well. This is the same on a laptop running Win7 x86 and on a desktop running Win7 x64, both with fresh program installs. I would try to do the upgrade via command line but can't since I don't have access to the bin file that is bundled in the gui. I did check the current version there and it says "Bootloader 10.5". Let me know what I can do or what other information I can send you to get this figured out. Thanks!
  18. OK so the above command works and my flirc generates Ctrl+P when I press the appropriate key on the remote, but here's what's weird. The key doesn't show up when I type "flirc_util settings", but an index (in this case, 3) is skipped. Here's the output: flirc_util version v1.2.6 [v1.2.6] Firmware: v2.6 Settings: sleep detection: Disabled noise canceler: Disabled inter-key delay: 4 state: 0 builtin profiles: Enable Memory Info: keys recorded: 10 keys remaining: 159 memory used: 6% Recorded Keys: Index hash key ----- --------- --- 0 1F4078A3 > 1 5F190E7C < 2 DF5224B7 * 4 148C61EE next_track 5 DF895EFB next_track 6 D467F8DB prev_track 7 1FCEF6C8 prev_track 8 404078A3 play/pause 9 DF3B78A3 stop
  19. I finally figured it out. I was using the ascii key, p, for the second argument to flirc_util record_api. I should have been using the IEEE HID code, 0x13 = 19 (base 10), which I got from this post: which lead me to the HID codes here: http://www.freebsddiary.org/APC/usb_hid_usages So to set a key to generate Ctrl-P, the correct command is: flirc_util record_api 1 19
  20. Hmm... you may need to increase the inter key delay: https://flirc.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201366933-Double-Key-Presses (Not sure how to do it via command line though, apologies)
  21. I received my Flirc today, so I'm pretty new to this. I'm using Flirc on Linux and I'm trying to control mpd (music player daemon) through a combination of triggerhappy, mpc and a generic remote control. My problem right now is that if I don't immediately release a button on the remote control, I get a series of keydown/keyup events. My remote apparently sends alternating codes, accordingly I have programmed two "button presses" for each event Flirc generates. That seems to work and I don't think it is the cause of my problem. Originally, I did get a sequence of keydown, (repeated) keypressed, keyup events. However, the keys themselves always were a combination of only(!) modifier keys. Tinkering around I did lots of irreproducible stuff in the GUI (Flirc program) and command line tool (flirc_util). Along the way I *may* have updated the firmware. Here's what I currently have: $ ./flirc_util settings flirc_util version v1.2.6 [v1.2.6] Firmware: v2.6 Settings: sleep detection: Disabled noise canceler: Disabled inter-key delay: 3 state: 0 builtin profiles: Disable Memory Info: keys recorded: 12 keys remaining: 157 memory used: 8% Recorded Keys: Index hash key ----- --------- --- 0 9F11E0D7 play/pause 1 5F25EB06 play/pause 2 1FC1F416 stop 3 DF2A8BEF stop 4 DF34F416 rewind 5 9F9E8AEF rewind 6 5FC5F416 fast_forward 7 1F2F8BEF fast_forward 8 808C56CC prev_track 9 40662E24 prev_track 10 5F8C56CC next_track 11 1F662E24 next_track $ ./flirc_util status Last upgrade attempt: Error The latter output is surprising and the "Error" does not disappear when I "force upgrade" from the GUI. Any hints how to solve this? Michael
  22. Thanks for the reply. I get this: -bash: flirc_util: command not found Does it matter that I setup my Flirc on my Windows laptop and then plugged it into my Raspbmc?
  23. Hello, I have Flirc running firmware 2.4, Harmony Ultimate remote, and RaspBMC. When I first installed Flirc it worked great for a couple of weeks or so. Then I started getting the repeating keys issue and every button press would result in to two. I searched the forums and found a lot of things to try such as modifying the remote to use Repeat = 0, changing the delays, etc. But after I tried changing it now nothing works. My remote keys still work in the Flirc configuration program (for example when I press up on the remote the up button the lights up in the configuration progrm). But now my raspbmc doesn't seem to recognize any remote key presses at all. Is there something I can do on the raspbmc command line to remove the flirc and start again?
  24. You should update your harmony software. I was able to locate a build in profile for Flirc. Use xbmc as the model when prompted. This isn't home free, you would still need to remap with Flirc to match with controls that will work both on fire tv and xbmc. I used the wiki site for key mapping. The harmony software also has context menu command build in so you don't have to do any of the command line stuff.
  25. I have flirc mostly running on an android box with xbmc. I have set up a harmony remote with the Flirc profile, which works almost perfectly, but I need the "back" button to send the "esc" command. How can I do this? Edit: did a quicky test, and it turns out the Flirc produces space for "exit", and backspace for the back key. But if I do "flirc_util record escape" I get "button already exists". Escape is indeed tied to a key, but I have no idea which; the settings say "257BC215 escape" I've seen the FAQ suggesting "use any other remote", but I don't know what that means. Should I set up a boxee remote in MyHarmony? And then do what? Edit: I was able to edit the keys with flirc_util
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