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jason last won the day on July 28

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    Santa Clara
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    flirc, that's all I have time for.

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  1. Can you share your current configuration. You can always leave your Amplifier on as well. I leave mine on, just simplifies things and they don't use much power when off. But I'll help you fix it.
  2. I’m so sorry for the delay. There are a couple things we can try…. Since I have learning built in, we can walk her through trying to learn the missing buttons. If that works, you can save and send me the config. and I can create a new config for that device. If learning goes well enough, she could learn all the buttons. But we can see how that goes. If for some reason that doesn’t work, we could enable the admin panel. Three dots, go to preferences, Accessibility, enable the admin panel. Click on the wrench, go to the the learning tab, and just hit the buttons on the remote we want to learn, you can copy and paste the results to me. Let me know, I can always try to join a remote session.
  3. When was the last time you downloaded the Linux version? Is it the same version as windows. The auto update was not working a while back, make sure you have the latest.
  4. I wish I had a remote, I could put this together quickly for you. Does she have the remote? Is it possible you might be able to walk her through taking the set top box remote and using my software to capture those codes for us?
  5. Enable the admin panel, go to the learning tab, and then press and hold the okay button there. Do you see anything?
  6. I had planned to do this but got far behind in getting manufacturing tests updated before a family trip. I killed myself so that I can get inventory again and things moving along. Work was at nearly a standstill on this while I was off. Came back with Covid, finished covid, 30 minutes later, kidney stone. Jesus christ. I'm trying to catch up and it's on my list of things to do shortly. I would kill to know what you did to get it to work previously.
  7. Should be fixed in the latest release candidate.
  8. Must be a local firewall rule. https://ir.flirc.io Server is up and running fine.
  9. Thanks for these, we should have a fix soon.
  10. Yup, because windows is a piece of shit. Number of issues, last one being that we had to renew our app certificate, unfortunately that changed our app signature, and now windows says it's a different app. I don't know how they've gotten this far. Just download the new version here: https://flirc.tv/products/skip1s-remote-universal-remote-control?variant=43489094729960# Backup your config, you'll probably have to uninstall it and re-install it and doing so, you'll lose everything. You can write them angry emails, it's out of our hands.
  11. oh that’s so strange… How did you install it? With the deb package manager? Being that is a shared object, it’s not in the application. Can you try re-installing it? apt-get install libhidapi-dev libhidapi-hidraw0 libhidapi-libusb0 What is your architecture: `uname -a` Also, did you try the appimage version on the website?
  12. Most significant backend re-write to date. We focused strictly on performance and getting those animations super smooth. We also cleaned up our action editor pop-up to match our original design. Now it's always centered on the remote so we never cover up our tips window which will eventually be more useful. Let us know how it works for you and if you have any trouble. Estimated public release is about 2 weeks. Changelog New - Action Editor Redesign Improved - Action Editor Performance Improved - Application Stability and Performance Improved - Animation Performance Improved - Database Performance Improved - Slider Animaton Improved - Animation on Activity Switch Fixed - Update Channel Selector on Release Candidate Builds Mac Download Windows Download Linux Download
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