I didn't get notice of this thread. I'm so sorry.
There are some old folks on here, I will remove them. Unfortunately Nate is no longer with the Flirc, so I'm on my own.
We will put this on the roadmap.
I think this was probably due to a misconfigured flirc rather than anything wrong with the skip remote. Your Skip config looks fine.
The way it works is we are sending out random IR signals and I've pre-mapped these to keyboard keys for you within the flirc usb receiver. If I'm missing something you like, you can re-map any IR signal that comes out of the Skip with the Flirc USB pairing software. Download that from the website. Open it, go to Controllers->Keyboards
Pair an unused signal or override an existing signal that comes out of skip to one of those keys:
My suggestion is first go into the skip app, edit the remote, and assign an unused button from the kodi button list into your remote that you want to use as page up or down.
For example, looking at your config, I'll take any arbitrary un-used function and assign it to channel up and down on your remote. In this example, I've taken Zoom+ and Zoom-.
CleanShot 2025-01-29 at 09.46.53.mp4
If you hit these buttons on your remote, flirc usb will take these signals and use the pre-mapped keyboard keys to increase or decrease zoom. However, using the flirc usb app above, you can record over these.
Just plug in the flirc USB, fire up the application, go to controllers->keyboard, and press the keyboard key you want to record.
You will be prompted to press the button on your remote to pair with the page up/down key. Press the Channel up/down on your remote, and it's done. Plug into the machine that's running kodi, and it should work as intended.
CleanShot 2025-01-29 at 09.53.45.mp4
Hopefully that's helpful.