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  1. Past hour
  2. Thanks, once I switched the category from 'Misc" to 'Audio' it worked perfectly.
  3. Today
  4. It's not stored in a file by default. It's in a react storage structure that can be found in the skipapp system directory. You can enable the admin panel and export the full app JSON file. Did you recently upgrade the app?
  5. Thanks for letting me know. It seems the issue is with recording using the 'misc' device category. Here is a new version that should fix the issue:
  6. Bug Fixes We have a lot of under the hood cleanup and fixes here. Nothing too noticeable unless you were one of those that reported bugs. This is also a placeholder for the firmware addition for smarter activity switching. Not included now, but will be in this version. As always, we're grateful for everyone who helps us test bleeding edge and reports issues. Changelog New - Improved user configs for performance updates Fixed - Bugs and Stability Fixed - Button Mappings For Some Profiles Fixed - Connected Device Not Linking to Newly Connected Remote Fixed - Devices Recorded as Misc. Wont Save Downloads Mac Download Windows Download Linux Download
  7. @jasonWhere can I download 0.994? I don't see it on the downloads page and I'm not prompted to upgrade when I run my Skip App v0.993.9235
  8. Yesterday
  9. Make sure you are not on the release candidate, the one published is unstable. You should be on 0.993, although the version of 0.994 pushed this morning should be better.
  10. When loading a saved configuration, the original "Controller" type is evidently not restored. Please include the "Controller" in the saved configuration data and restore it when loading a configuration.
  11. The download page says that v3.27.16 is 64-bit, but when I run the installer, it wants to install into "C:\Program Files (x86)" which is for 32-bit programs. What gives?
  12. The website still doesn't work on Firefox (now version 135.0). I had to use Edge to get the Download button to work.
  13. Last week
  14. Where is the configurations store for the Skip 1s remote? Seems like the Skip app "forgot" my remote, and thinks it's new. I don't want to lose all my settings.
  15. Sounds like it. Symptoms are the same. I received an initial response via email asking for current firmware details and circumstances leading up to the problem. I supplied those on 3 February: have heard nothing since, which indicates there may not be a straightforward solution. I have a second Skip1s in another room that is working OK, but then I haven’t updated it for a long time. Think I’ll be leaving that one alone for the time being as I don’t trust the latest firmware. I see a sofabaton in my immediate future…..
  16. Screenshot of app about page: Edit: The version number is 0.9.993
  17. So I had to force the remote to update it's firmware to see if they fixed the battery issue. And I have NO IDEA if it worked or didn't because the remote can't control ANYTHING now. One hell of a fix there guys.
  18. What version of the app is this?
  19. I think we are in the same boat. I upgraded mine today (from 4.12.19) with a forced update as it wouldn't update on it's own, due to this thing sucking batteries dead VERY quickly. The procedure to force a firmware update worked, it said said all was well and everything was synced. I disconnected the remote and TRIED to turn off my TV. Fail. Push "A", then try to turn off remote. Fail. Try every single button. Fail to do ANYTHING. So, reconnect remote and force it to sync again (Why does it only let me sync if it THINKS things are out of date???). Still nothing. I'm starting to think it is time to toss this in the trash and find something that actually works. This thing has more bugs than Windows
  20. I did some poking around the admin menu and was able to find the json created when I recorded my remote. Dropping it here in case that helps. Maybe the app is failing to parse the json correctly? When I attempted to change the brand name to get rid of the duplicate brand in my list, it did update the name there (but didn't merge them so I put it back). Onn - 5.1 Surround (100043839) .json
  21. I'm seeing the same issue, tried recording the remote for this Onn 5.1 surround speaker system, but after saving I get a similar screen to Andy. (The all cap was there previously but doesn't have my remote there either) Remote version and stats:
  22. I tried various angles and distances and battery change and it's always the same. But, isn't it your software that translate those signals into a virtual keystroke. Can't something be parametrized at that level, adjusting the virtual keystroke ? Because other than the length of the press everything is working fine, it's pressing the right keys at the right time.
  23. It looks very strange. Are you super close to it? Make sure to aim at the ceiling if you are. Also, batteries could be low on the remote. It's not getting clear signals.
  24. I sent s and w in screenshots in the above answer. Same thing. In the log, I pressed the right key 3 times without holding and then I held it for a couple seconds Log right arrow.txt
  25. How about the other keys recorded, 's', 'w', etc. Can you also go to file->advanced, and then enable IR debugging. Press and hold the right arrow, save and send that here too.
  26. I have been in contact off and on with Jason through this forum and through emails. I was asked for my address for a possible remote replacement since I can't update my remote. I would very much appreciate some kind of reply or resolution since I've been trying to solve this or discuss with support since October (four months ago). Please help.
  27. Yep same result. For every arrow the minimum duration is 192ms
  28. Hello, I have just ordered the Kodi Raspberry Pi 5 case. Will a m.2 HAT fit in it, to install an NVME SSD? Like this one: https://www.raspberrystore.nl/PrestaShop/nl/raspberry-pi-5/572-raspberry-pi-m2-hat-voor-raspberry-pi-5-oa-voor-nvme-ssd-s-5056561803463.html Thank you in advance.
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