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  2. still not working? you said you would reply
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  4. Thanks for the answer. I use flirc_util.exe with the parameter sendir --raw=, and it works. However, I wanted to try calling the functionality via the DLL, as it might work faster. Unfortunately, I couldn't find useful information or examples on how to work with libflirc.dll in the package available at https://github.com/flirc/sdk.
  5. -
  6. The new Google Streamer profile supports USB hub with Power Delivery, so Flirc UCB can be attached and works. Please add Google Streamer profile to Flirc programming utility
  7. Highly recommend using gloves. I was able to easily remove the sticky residue with 91% isopropyl alcohol. 1. Grab some cotton balls or paper towels and cover the sticky parts with isopropyl alcohol. 2. Wait for 30 seconds. 3. Start rubbing and it'll come right off. See attached video for demonstration: IMG_4194_3.mov
  8. @jason - you seem to be the man around here, can you help? (please start from my 3 "Edits" above, they provide the latest).
  9. Hi There I recieved today my new Skip remote. Starting to pull my hair out after 5 hours of troubleshooting. I've tried on 3 different Windows devices (2x Windows 11 and a Windows 10) - same issue: I download the Windows Software, and it installs, but when I run the setup routine and plug in the remote via USB, it wont recognise anything. (although I can see that Windows sees the device in Device Manager). I read here in the Forum that there is a workaround by exporting a profile (CBOR) from the Config Software and then uploading the profiles using a seperate custom tool so I tested this, but I run into further problem: The profile updater/injection tool (for lack of a better word) comes up with an error saying "Device in Bootloader" and prevents me from clicking SYNC. My questions: Are there any other workarounds? (I can't find them in the forum) Am I doing something wrong? Even if I get this working, how am I meant to record inputs from other remotes (this feature requires that the software recognises the Skip remote via usb). Currently, I can't do anything with the remote. Any help would be appreciated. Edit; I have just borrowed a friend's Apple laptop and I wasn't able to open the app, the DMG just crashes... Edit 2.0: Just adding (having read the many other posts); I do not have Steam installed, nor any logitech software, so those issues don't exist on my side. Edit 3.0: I'm beginning to think this remote was bricked from the get go... As soon as I put the batteries in the remote when I took it out of the packaging the red lights blinked 3 times... I had originally thought this was normal behaviour, but looking at videos online, other people's remotes made many colours.. I also see that Windows says it is stuck in "DFU Mode" - does that mean there is no firmware on my remote?? I am trying to download a firmware updater on this forum but all links are broken (!).. Some help from somebody would be appreciated.
  10. Earlier
  11. jason

    Toggle switches?

    Yes, recently published and only available to a few buttons. By default, it's enabled on the 'power' button always. It will be automatically enabled if toggle buttons are available for either the play/pause or mute button. You can however enable them if it doesn't automatically do so. See the following: CleanShot 2025-01-08 at 11.01.04.mp4
  12. Which? I would love to know so I can get these fixed and if you want to post your flirc config I'll get something added to make this easier and automated. Really sorry for all the trouble you had. I am out of the loop with this one, can you point me to that so I can get some documentation going? Yes, recently published and only available to a few buttons. By default, it's enabled on the 'power' button always. It will be automatically enabled if toggle buttons are available for either the play/pause or mute button. You can however enable them if it doesn't automatically do so. See the following: CleanShot 2025-01-08 at 11.01.04.mp4
  13. https://github.com/flirc/sdk That repo has example code which is the same code that ships with flirc_util. Should compile on anything with GCC / mingw setup properly. Headers are documented and example code should be enough to copy and pasta.
  14. Okay, mostly got it working. I am having an issue with Channel UP and Channel Down. The codes for that I see are 157 and 156. But on my unit that doesn't change the channel up or down, it just brings up a list of channels to navigate. Any idea what code might work?
  15. Hi. , Please help me find documentation on using libflirc.dll with examples. Thanks.
  16. Okay, I figured most of it out. But it was much harder than it should have been. 1. I found a config file for a Kodi Tv box that mostly works for my android TV box. There are a few functions that I don't have and a couple I'd like to add, but the main ones are there. 2. Finally also found an explanation for how to use the Harmony remote with the Flirc USB and the Skip. But it wasn't totally obvious. You should have a page that explains it step by step in simple terms. 3. Again, is there a way to set up buttons that toggle on the Flirc Skip? I have one that toggles power on/off and another that toggles mute/ unmute. I tried to set it up, but I can't get anything that works consistently.
  17. I have a device with two buttons that toggle: Power button alternates on/off Mute button alternates mute/not mute I can't duplicate this behavior with the skip. Is there a way to setup one button to alternate between two states, as the original remote does?
  18. Hi, My skip 1s for some reason is stuck on firmware update v4.12.18. At some point I thought it was the latest one but found on this forum mentions of later versions (eg 4.13 which my logic says it's more recent). I also found mentions on how to force an update by pulling the battery and plugging USB while pushing the center and back button but it does not seem to work. I tried on both windows and linux with the same result for both. Attached you can find the logs for linux as this is my main system, I think you can find out more in the logs than I do. It's a clean log and has 2 boots one without the force update mode and one with the force update with only trying to get the update on both boots. I guess you can find out more in the logs than I do. Thanks for looking into it. flirc20241230.log
  19. Hi- I didn’t explain myself well. I also have a skip remote. I want the androidtv box to respond to that, as the remote that came with the tv box is an IP remote. Thanks for the response. It helped a bit, but, 1.regarding the usb dongle: a. The androidtv didn’t respond to my remote; b. The profile for shield in the usb driver interface seems nothing like what I need to run the tv box; it only shows a few of functions - nothing like channel selection, volume up down. c. How do I turn off dab debugging? 2. Using the Flirc Skip with the Android TV box and the Flirc USB: A. I see there are profiles in the skip programming I can load. The shield profiles work, but they also don’t have things that are vital like channel up down, or a number panel for picking channels. Is there a way to add such functions to the profile for shield in the skip? B. Are there any suitable profiles existing somewhere that I can download and add? Thanks
  20. Would be great to be able to do the device test/maybe have a virtual Skip remote option that can tie in with the FLIRC dongle and its transmitter. Don't have a Skip yet but would love to test out a few configurations before deciding.
  21. Download my software and then plug the device in. Ignore the update, and go to the shield profile (since it runs on android). That’s controllers -> shield at the top menu. Pair remote buttons by hitting go. Unplug and plug into your android. Make sure adb debugging is off if it doesn’t respond to your remote. Let me know if you get stuck.
  22. Bought the flirc to use with an androidtv box. The box doesn't have IR. It has a remote that works on IP. The TV Box is an SEI800Y. Not listed with flirc. I have no clue how to set it up. None the instructions I've found on the NET are very useful. Isn't there some generic programming I can load onto it that should more or less work? And if there is, how do I load it?
  23. Ended up writing a small Qt5 GUI that interfaces with libflirc directly. Hope this helps others out there with weird setups. https://github.com/parkerlreed/flirc_sendir_raw
  24. This is working much better. Example here https://github.com/parkerlreed/flirc_sendir_raw
  25. So I managed to adapt an example from a project that used the C library to transmit codes. fl_transmit_raw says its taking 65 ms to run but I think running on the main thread is slowing it down with the UI waiting for it. The code I built out is here https://gist.github.com/parkerlreed/4f7d2026c5c4a29a4a0cf39e40705473 EDIT: Oh just realized I put the device init and disconnect in the button function... I'll separate these out and see how it performs.
  26. Also looking for something like this. I tried adapting the `ir` example from the sdk but it just sends the code type and hex value to the statically linked library. In my case I want to keep the device open and send raw IR codes programmatically.
  27. Greetings, Now that AppImages are becoming more common for Linux deployment, users need to manage all of them. That's where applications like AppMan, Pho!, or Gear Lever come in (by far the three most popular; AppMan is the best in my end-user-personal-experience-opinion ;-) ). Most of the managers use master lists like this one below to find install paths and updates: https://portable-linux-apps.github.io/apps It's easy to contribute to the lists (https://github.com/Portable-Linux-Apps/Portable-Linux-Apps.github.io/pulls ) . The goal is ultimately to help users keep the Skip 1s AppImage up-to-date and manage their AppImage install of the Skip 1s client. However, I believe it ultimately helps the Skip 1s project as it allows another entity to help manage AppImage installs and updates. I was going to submit a request directly to the list, but when I go to the skip 1s website then click "Downloads" which scrolls down the screen where under the Linux banner I click Download yet again, there's a check box when then opens a link with a token to update.flirc.tv that in turn downloads a compressed image version on a site that asks for user/password if one tries any other variation to see available versions ... which makes me uncomfortable asking the project lists to support such a link. I believe it is worth both the projects time and in the end-users best interest to have another entity manage the update process, but that's me. I ask that it at least be considered as an option. Also. When on that download for the AppImage, there's a link for "Release Notes". That link points to here: https://nathan-betzens-organization.gitbook.io/skip-remote-guide/ but is redirected to here https://skip-org.gitbook.io/skip-remote-guide yet there is no "Release Notes". In fact, try searching for them and they don't exist. No results for "Notes". That link should probably be fixed, updated, and/or removed. :-) Thanks!
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