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  1. Today
  2. We posted another update today that should autodetect and correct this. Mac v0.9.968 Linux v0.9.968 Windows v0.9.968 These are also on the front page of the website. So very sorry for those seeing this issue.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Latest version v0.9.967-Beta works fine. Tested on Windows 11. Thank you very much. JiRo
  5. Sorry, makes sure you are on the latest: Windows v0.9.967 Linux v0.9.967 Mac v0.9.967
  6. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html
  7. Agree with this sentiment, this coating should be banned, it turns into chewing gum after a few years. I've just noticed this on my FLIRC Pi 3 case, I purchased because of the premium design but it just looks tacky now unfortunately. I'd even pay for replacements if they were available.
  8. Unfortunately, still the same status, nothing has changed. Maybe some sort of cache on the server side?
  9. I'm having trouble finding reference to these. Do you have a link I can take a look at?
  10. Last week
  11. we spotted the issue and pushed a fix. Try removing the device and re-adding. Let me know if that works.
  12. Those are the key codes in ADB that activate one of 8 apps. input keyevent 289
  13. Thanks for the response. I use Skip App on Windows 11. I've tried that several times. Deleted and recreated the third activity, deleted and added the Samsung TV device and always with the same result. I even tried adding another device (Flirc) to the third activity (Media Centre PC 2) and the commands for it work fine. Here, for example, you can see both commands (for TV and Flirc) for turning on the third activity, and you can see that while TV has the "eee" protocol, Flirc has "PRONTO". { "id": "a8e5198ec0b", "deviceModelId": 7523, "position": 3, "device": "77fac048c98", "icon": "/", "iconColor": { "value": "#FF9DE9" }, "actionId": "8e5198ec0bd", "label": "CONTEXT MENU", "protocol": "PRONTO", "code": "0000,006D,0013,0000,00BC,00BC,0020,0040,0020,0040,0020,0040,0020,0020,0020,0040,0020,0040,0020,0040,0020,00A7,0020,0020,0020,0020,0020,0020,0020,0020,0020,0040,0040,0040,0020,0020,0020,0020,0020,0020,0040,03CD", "repeat": 1, "up": true, "isDragging": false, "action": "56" }, { "id": "76dfe7988e9", "deviceModelId": 595, "position": 4, "device": "6d319824c90", "icon": "1", "iconColor": { "value": "#FF9800", "isSelected": false, "isDisabled": false }, "actionId": "6dfe7988e9e", "label": "POWER ON", "protocol": "eee", "code": "eeecheeeggeÉeoieseaeeseaeeseaeesed`esed`esed`esed`esed`eseaeeseaeeseaeesed`esed`esed`esed`esed`eseaeesed`esed`eseaeeseaeesed`esed`eseaeesed`eseaeeseaeesed`esed`eseaeeseaeesed`ese\u0014i", "repeat": 1, "up": true, "isDragging": false, "action": "0" } MEDIA Test 3.skip
  14. I'm really sorry, I don't think it will work on a mac that far back. I tried a bit today and couldn't get it to compile on one. It's something we can look to in the future, but honestly, I'm so far behind on everything, I don't think it'll be anytime soon.
  15. Holy shit, where did the one for the third activity come from? Was that from the wizard? If you delete it and add the same device again, do you get the same thing? Which OS was this in? It's completely corrupt.
  16. Just wanted to say sorry for the delay. It is still a wip, but we had another task that we are trying to finish.
  17. This was a terrible mistake on our part. We posted a new version at the same link. It should be fix now. Thank you and my apologies.
  18. Can you please post old version downloads for linux? The current version AppImage doesn't work. Tried on Ubuntu, Fedora, and Arch. Panicked: PanicInfo { payload: Any { .. }, message: Some(error while running tauri application: Setup(SetupError("Error opening DB archive: No such file or directory (os error 2)"))), location: Location { file: "src/main.rs", line: 76, col: 10 }, can_unwind: true, force_no_backtrace: false }
  19. Bump. I'd really like to get this resolved as it's the primary reason I bought this remote.
  20. KEYCODE_VIDEO_APP_# (1-8) How do I record the video app keys for a firestick (keycodes 289-296)?
  21. Hello, I tried adding Enclave Audio as it's in the supported audio devices, but it doesn't work. In the models, it says "All Models (Home Theater System)" which I have (CineHome 5.1) so I don't really get how to make this work.
  22. Hello ! I tried to configure the Skip 1S with different devices to test what would get sent and the Broadlink doesn't recognize anything. The broadlink is working, that I'm sure of, since I registered 2 remotes' worth of buttons and they are triggering the associated devices. The Skip 1S however doesn't. Is there something I'm missing after syncing the config to the remote ?
  23. Well if you were on the Alpha 6 version and you tried to force the firmware update following these steps: Close the software Unplug the USB-C cable Remove the batteries. Press and hold the return and center key while you insert the USB-C cable (image attached) Start the software If the above didn't work, you should PM Jason and see if he has any other suggestions.
  24. Hello, I have Marantz NR1510 (only one zone AVR) and it does not work with settings from SkipApp. None of them work. Please help. Balsare
  25. Hi! Well I thought that you have updated app and firmware for the remote, however none of the option from the list work. I have tried them all. Also the testing button is greyed out forever after unsuccessful try to connect to tv. So I am unable to change quickly from the list and try again, I have to make another procedure of adding TV again and again. Not very user friendly. Take care, Balsare
  26. Hi! I also have PS4 Pro, Flirc USB and Skip 1s. None of them work together. You can't even choose Flirc/Playstation from Skip App neither as Misc or Game console devices.
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