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I recently got a Telefunken XF32N750M TV. Its remote seems to be Code Group 3 because some buttons work when using that, but my original remote has a lot more buttons like "RECORD" or "EPG" for example.

To be able to use these additional buttons, I recorded the buttons of the whole original remote on a Debian machine (the Skip app does work there, some GUI quirks). You can find the generated json attached. Although the recording was accepted by the App and could be seen in the admin tab, I couldn't choose it in the wizard, it just didn't show up. I deleted the recorded profile in the admin tab and tried to re-import it, but the app said there was some error in the json file.

Then, I read some threads on this forum dealing with similar problems. I took a working json for some other TV from this Thread and edited together a working json for my Telefunken TV that could be imported. You can find that one attached, too.

However, when using this new profile, there is a strange behavior: I press a button, it immediately works, but it takes a second or two before I can press another button. I suspect that's because the Skip App encouraged me to press and hold the buttons while recording. This behavior makes scrolling or changing the volume somehow annoying. When using the default "Code Group 3" profile, "press and hold" and "pressing buttons in short order" work. The HEX recorder in the admin tab indicates there's a difference between short and long press, but I'm not sure. I didn't want to invest a few hours debugging the HEX codes before someone tells me it's worth the time. Please advise on how to proceed to get this working.

I'll also be happy to provide more recordings of the original remote so it can be added to the database.

I've also attached a picture of my remote in case there's confusion about the names for the buttons and a screenshot from the Skip App that contains firmware information from my remote.



Telefunken - XF32N750M (original record).json Telefunken-3-tv-cec (manual edit).json


Really sorry for the delay and holy smokes that GUI looks like shit in linux, with compact mode.

You can't export learned configuration from the admin panle like that, you'll want to export your remote configuration from the remote manager here:


Can you do that for me, I suspect that your issue you are seeing is likely do to configuration, I don't see much of an issue with the configs posted.

  • 4 months later...

Sorry it took me a few months to get back to you, had some personal stuff going on that prevented me from working on the remote.

However, I've made significant progress in investigating the problem: There are "toggle bits" in the RC5-Signal.

When I push for example the "UP" button on the original remote and hold it, this is the actual signal:

0000 006d 004a 0000 0000 0000 0066 0020 0023 0020 0023 0042 0023 0020 0023 0020 0023 0020 0044 0042 0044 0043 0043 0043 0022 0021
                         0000 0003 0020 0023 0020 0023 0042 0023 0021 0022 0021 0022 0021 0044 0042 0044 0042 0044 0042 0023 0021
                         0000 0003 0020 0023 0020 0023 0043 0023 0020 0022 0021 0023 0020 0044 0042 0044 0043 0043 0043 0022 0021
                         0000 0003 0020 0023 0020 0023 0042 0023 0021 0022 0021 0023 0020 0044 0042 0044 0042 0044 0043 0022 0020
                         0000 0003 0020 0023 0021 0022 0042 0023 0020 0023 0020 0023 0020 0044 0043 0043 0041 0044 0043 0022 0022
                         0000 0003 0021 0022 0020 0023 0043 0023 0020 0023 0020 0023 0021 0043 0042 0044 0043 0044 0042 0022 0021
                         0000 0003 0020 0023 0020 0023 0042 0022 0021 0023 0020 0023 0020 0044 0042 0044 0041 0044 0043 0022 0021

The Remote sends its signal and then repeats the data again after "0000 0003" for as long as I push the button. That way, my TV knows the button is still pushed. The Skip 1s acts the same:

0000 006d 0020 0000 0000 0000 02d1 001f 0021 001d 0021 003d 0022 001e 0022 001e 0021 001d 0041 003d 0041 003e 0041 003e 0022 001f
                         0000 0001 0020 0021 001d 0022 003e 0021 001d 0021 001e 0021 001d 0041 003e 0042 003e 003f 003e 0022 001f
                         0000 0001 001f 0022 001e 0021 003d 0022 001e 0021 001d 0022 001d 0042 003c 0041 003e 0041 003d 0021 001f

The Skip 1s is configured to send this signal:
0000 006D 0000 000A                0020 0020 0020 0020 0040 0020 0020 0020 0020 0020 0020 0040 0040 0040 0040 0040 0040 0020 0020 03CD

However, if I press the UP button five times in a row on the original remote, the signal alternates in a few places:

0000 006d 004a 0000 0000 0000 07cb 0021 0023 0042 0023 0021 0022 0020 0023 0021 0022 0021 0044 0042 0044 0042 0044 0042 0023 0020
                         0000 0077 0021 0022 0021 0022 0043 0022 0020 0022 0022 0021 0022 0043 0043 0043 0043 0043 0043 0022 0021
                         0000 0003 0020 0022 0021 0023 0042 0023 0021 0022 0021 0023 0020 0044 0042 0044 0042 0044 0042 0023 0020
                         0000 0041 0022 0021 0043 0022 0021 0022 0021 0022 0021 0022 0022 0042 0044 0043 0042 0044 0044 0022 0021
                         0000 00a0 0021 0022 0021 0022 0043 0022 0020 0023 0020 0023 0020 0044 0042 0044 0043 0043 0043 0022 0021
                         0000 0003 0021 0022 0021 0023 0042 0023 0020 0023 0020 0023 0021 0043 0043 0044 0042 0043 0043 0023 0020
                         0000 001a 001f 0023 0043 0022 0021 0022 0022 0021 0021 0022 0021 0043 0043 0043 0043 0044 0041 0023 0021

Yes, this is the result of pressing the button five times, and you can even see, which pushes were slightly longer than the other ones: The second and the fourth one. Some numbers alternate whenever the button is released. The tenth and twelfth "column" can be either 20-ish or 40-ish and it looks like they're always different. This way, the TV knows if the button got released between signals or not.

I couldn't find much information about the RC5 protocol, but it looks like "toggle bits" are actually part of the standard, they just aren't used in every implementation.
See here: http://www.hifi-remote.com/wiki/index.php/Toggle_bits

The learning feature of the Skip 1s App didn't recognize the alternating signal as you can see in the already provided file.
At this point, I just don't know whether the Skip 1s is theoretically able to handle these toggling bits and I just don't know how the config would have to look or if the firmware would need an enhancement to handle this.


If I can further assist, let me know!
I promise it won't take again months for me to answer!

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