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TonyC last won the day on September 20 2023

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  1. Thanks Jason, I updated the desktop app and the delays work and I can select all the delay values. prior to this update I could not select certain values. Works great now and I reduced my 16 second delay today to a much more sane value. One more question are there plans to add the ability to do a press and hold to send a different command? For example on my LG TV if you press back it goes back one screen, but if you press and hold it sends the exit command. So for the Skip one press should send the back command and a long press should send the exit command. Also can you enable the delete option for posts? There are some I posted that I want to delete :-)
  2. Thanks, I messed up the first one and put the power on for the Power off pronto code....sorry. Here is the fixed one and tested. Avedio-4port-hdmiswitch.json
  3. This device: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C2Y6P8BZ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details .json file attached. Avedio-4port-hdmiswitch.json
  4. Just a FYI, I think it works now, I had to increase the total delays to 14 seconds. TV power I a gave it 4s Dune Homatics Box power toggle I gave it 6s Then I do the HDMI toggle and give another 2s Then I toggle the dune's home page command Then finally I do another HDMI 4 They don't seem to be accurate though, the animation finishes way faster than 14 seconds. If I count 1001 etc to 1014 the animation finish in like 4 or 5 seconds. Not sure if it's supposed to keep displaying thru the whole macro.
  5. It's working now, replied on other post.
  6. Config from today is attached. I thought you said you found the issue over in the Reddit thread (shield) Living Room.skip
  7. Nope works perfect after I learned them with the flirc:-) (the ones the Dune company posted on their website did not work, but I was able to learn them from the remote they ship) The remote defaults to full IR mode when the box is unplugged from power and I was able to use that to learn all the buttons and voila it works perfectly now. Jason, the .json file I posted above is the one I am using and it works perfectly. I did update the skip app today with the latest nightnly and delays are still not working. Don't know if you pushed the fix for that yet though. Thanks, Tony
  8. It only happens once in awhile, but still annoying. I got my flirc in July and I just replaced the batteries a few days ago when I noticed this double button push thing. Sometimes it won't come back on until I pull the batteries, but that seems to happen less than the double button press thing.
  9. "Remote seems to randomly turn off, meaning it just stops working. I know this because the LED on the IR blaster is not flashing. I have to remove the batteries and hold the power button then re-insert the batteries to get to work again" I have noticed this as well. sometimes I have to push the buttons twice. Hopefully it's not a hardware issue.
  10. The IR on the remote is pretty powerful. I can use mine from 30 feet away with a IR repeater. The IR repeater has a receiver that flashes and I can visually see it triggering when I am halfway across the house. I guess it's possible you have a hardware issue. One trick is to use a phone camera to see of the IR is bright when you push a button.
  11. Where are the firmware updates? been finding issues with my Skip, like the delays don't seem to be working in the power on and off. I have a power on macro where I need to switch inputs on the TV and I have like a 20 second delay when all added up and it only switches the input once in a blue moon. No way the delays are working properly.
  12. yep, the delay doesn't seem to work or is not doing the set amount of time correctly. I have a power on that I have to switch the tv to HDMI 4 and even if I set the delay to 10 seconds on one command and 6 on the next the switch to HDMI happens once in a blue moon which leads me to believe it's not waiting the specified amount of seconds.
  13. TonyC

    No device database?

    There is, it all works great. Have you figured it out yet? You basically just select the brand and then the model. It's not extensive as Harmony but it's there.
  14. The remote is pretty darn good for being so fresh. It's way better than the sofabatan X1. You can learn codes now if you have a FLIRC the process is not documented well but it works great. No reason you could not get all your stuff working perfectly if you have the orignal remotes. There is a command line app that you can run called irtool.exe and it will learn any code from any IR remote. it's in the flirc folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Flirc usage: irtools.exe decode -l Then point your remote at the plugged in FLIRC and boom you have your codes, then just use one of the .json files as an example and add to your local copy of the skip app. You do have to enable the config tab in order to add "brands" aka new .json files with the pronto codes.
  15. Just a FYI, this is resolved. i used the FLIRC to learn the codes from the remote and they are different than the manufactures list.
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