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Everything posted by jason

  1. Good start, enable IR Debug logging, and record a button. Press and hold the button in question for 2 seconds. Lift, press as if you are clicking it twice. Post that log file.
  2. doesn't make any sense. I'm able to update just fine. try installing manually: http://apt.flirc.tv/arch/x64/binary/ Download the latest and dpkg -i 'package'
  3. You have to enable the log as described in my pictures. Need the latest software.
  4. I just tried, was able to update it. Can you paste the output of: cat /etc/*-release
  5. You need to remove the libusbk driver, it's only needed for the first generation. The second generation doesn't need any drivers.
  6. can you do an apt-get update and an apt-get upgrade flirc
  7. File->Advanced and force an upgrade. You should have been prompted. What version of the GUI is it running?
  8. Do you have the first generation or second generation ?
  9. Can you enable debugging: http://cl.flirc.io/lZuZ and http://cl.flirc.io/lZ4G Also post your remote. I'll take a look. I'll get a fix as quickly as I can see the issue.
  10. You'll need the latest GUI and a second generation flirc: http://cl.flirc.io/lZuZ and http://cl.flirc.io/lZuZ In case this isn't enough, post what kind of remote you have.
  11. also, prior, if you pressed and held down a key, would it detect that you were holding it down?
  12. Can you also go to device_log, enable debugging, press and hold a button. After about a second, press it normally a couple times. Save and post that too. Thanks, I'll take a look.
  13. Save your config and post it here please. I'll take a look.
  14. It's Kodi. They do that. Not me. I wish I had long presses finished....
  15. I definitely fixed a bug related to repeats with 4.1.0. Keep me posted.
  16. re-record them, but when you record them, Press and Hold the keys. let me know if that's helpful
  17. I'll have something to remedy this in probably 2 weeks. Keep an eye on the blog.
  18. You could be right, looks like that's a setting on the shield too.
  19. I'm sorry, although fairly easy, this is probably a good 2-3 days of effort. I'll get to this soon. I'm working on a major release. sorry for the trouble.
  20. I figured it out. Very strange, I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how to fix this in the long run. Send me your configuration, I'll alter it so it works as it should.
  21. he guy I hired dropped off the map, I'm very upset with him. His progress was great, I just need him to give me his work.... I'm really sorry, I've been trying to get a hold of him for a while so I don't have to replicate everything he's done.
  22. Hey got the remote, I'll be looking into this, I'll have an update or fix by this week. Thanks for the patience.
  23. Great, glad it's up and running. Sorry for the delay, in the release. Hopefully should be able to get it out this week. I showed it to my partner who's a patent attorney and he's convinced there are a few unique things that potentially could be patentable, so we're going to fire a provisional before the public release. Want to be transparent, but it's done.
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