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Everything posted by jason

  1. I'm sorry you are having trouble. We are working hard. Two versions to try: http://update.flirc.tv/skipapp/pr/998/SkipApp- or ttps://update.flirc.tv/skipapp/beta/0.9.71/SkipApp-0.9.71-Beta-x64.msix?token=skipAppUpdate Can you please let me know the results of each? Posting any log files as described earlier would be of great help.
  2. Windows has moved to a new software package called msix. For windows 10, you need to install their supporting software : https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/msix-packaging-tool/9N5LW3JBCXKF?hl=en-in&gl=in
  3. This is not the same problem. Deleting and responding in your other thread
  4. Where is the other forum for the Apple TV? Can you post your config?
  5. This is a normal app, it took 2 years. I can’t write one “another” overnight. Did you try the last version? http://update.flirc.tv/skipapp/pr/998/SkipApp-
  6. Seems everyone else in this thread has died. getting closer. Silly question. When was the last reboot?
  7. The profiles you are adding on skip are already on flirc. You don’t actually need to learn/pair them. You are overwriting them. The one plugged into your PC, go to advanced settings. And disable all the built in profiles except kodi. For the one in the shield. Plug into the pc and go to advanced. Disable all the built in profiles except the shield
  8. @Daniel Another to try: Download Link
  9. jason

    Learning Mode?

    Do they work as you expect with the regular remote? It's possible they are doing something on their end to rate limit it.
  10. hmm, doesn't sound right. Can you save your config and post it?
  11. I think the TV needs more time to turn on, so make sure the power is first in the sequence, add a healthy delay by clicking on the TV ON button in the macro to expand it's settings, and then increase it experimentally and let me know what it ends up being if that works. Regarding both devices responding. Seams both devices have been 'taught' the same codes or you are sending out the same code for both devices. It's the same as if two identical TV's are in the same room, they'll both respond. So to remedy, make sure to use different codes for each. You can add an arbitrary device that's not in your room to Skip, and then teach the other flirc this new device. Let me know.
  12. Try the attached. Use the instructions on the sticky page: https://forum.flirc.tv/index.php?/topic/10420-current-device-list-and-manual-importing/ Yamaha - TSR-7850.json
  13. Okay, I'm adding that and posting to this next release
  14. Nice job, and thank you. Looks great and I'm going to add this to the next release tomorrow.
  15. @PBroughton Can you try the attached and let us know how that goes? Logitech - Squeezebox.json
  16. @Kurojin_Karu @snds @StephenM64 @Daniel Let us know if that last link works. We're all on edge. @StephenM64 Try this: New Linux Version Create a file: /etc/udev/rules.d/99-flirc.rules # Flirc Devices # Bootloader SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTR{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTR{idProduct}=="0000", MODE="0666" SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTR{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTR{idProduct}=="0002", MODE="0666" SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0005", MODE="0666" # Flirc Application SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTR{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTR{idProduct}=="0001", MODE="0666" SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTR{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTR{idProduct}=="0004", MODE="0666" SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0006", MODE="0666" # Skip 1s Bootloader SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTR{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTR{idProduct}=="0007", MODE="0666" SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0005", MODE="0666" # Flirc Application SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTR{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTR{idProduct}=="0008", MODE="0666" SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0006", MODE="0666" Linux version has a lot of bugs. It's completely alpha, but I can connect and sync.
  17. Thank you, one more to try Download Link
  18. How about this one https://update.flirc.tv/skipapp/beta/0.9.71/SkipApp-0.9.71-Beta-x64.msix?token=skipAppUpdate
  19. Can you try the following: https://update.flirc.tv/skipapp/pr/998/SkipApp-
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