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Any chance of getting the Harmony Profile updated?


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It will be corrected sooner or later, but there are currently other problems Jason is working on right now (ones that can't be corrected by users themselves) and he is asking for patience. I know that it may be frustrating. It may be easy to correct those keys in the built-in profile, but on the other hand it IS also easy to just disable built-in profiles in Flirc and map correct buttons yourself. You don't even need to change the profile in the Harmony remote - just use Flirc GUI to remap the functions using XBMC or, even better, Keyboard controller.


BTW I'm not sure why you think that up and down arrows should use Page Up and Page Down keys instead of Up and Down. How would you want to move 1 position up/down at a time in the list?

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Function                 Wrong          Correct

Up Arrow                   Up                 PageUp  

Down Arrow              Down             PageDown

Volume Down           Oemplus       - (minus)

Volume Up                Skift+Oem4   + (plus)

Skip Back |<<           R                   , (comma)

Play >                       Ctrl+P            P

Skip Forward >>|      F                    . (period)

I just dug out my harmony remote and programmed it on myharmony with the default flirc profile, my findings:

Up is mapped to "up arrow" - correct (as per the kodi wiki)

Down is mapped to "down arrow" - correct (as per the kodi wiki)

Volume up is mapped to "+" - correct (as per the kodi wiki)

Volume down is mapped to "-" = correct (as per the kodi wiki)

Skip Back |<< is mapped to rewind "r", if we map it to "," then that is the same function as press "arrow left"

Skip Forward >>| is mapped to fastforward "f", if we map it to "." then that is the same function as press "arrow right"


The only one that is properly wrong is Play which should be P (in the meatime you can press ok on a video file to play it)


Or as yawor says, correcting it is easy enough for now

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Proper Page Up / Page down would be a huge help!


Nothing stops you from recording some buttons on the remote to Page Up and Page Down keys. If you use built-in profile with Harmony Flirc profile you can still record extra buttons if you need them.

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To build on what Yawor posted:

Adding keys to a harmony remote in our "harmony remotes" help article:



This fixed all my issues with Flirc + Harmony. Didn't realize Logitech's software had that profile.


edit: well, most of my issues, see below...

Edited by ExtremelyAnnoyed
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These keys are definitely not working properly for me on my Harmony:

  1. Play (does nothing)
  2. Page Up (performs an arrow up)
  3. Page Down (performs an arrow down)
  4. Skip Forward (performs fast forward)
  5. Skip Backward (performs rewind)
  6. CodecInfo (does nothing -- supposed to be the black CPU overlay while playing video, "o" on keyboard)
  7. NextAudioTrack (does nothing)
  8. NextSubtitle (does nothing)

Actually for points 4 & 5 I can't even make these work right with the flirc programmable software, using any of the profiles. It always either does a jump or a fast forward, rather than a skip to next track.


Are there any other broken keybinds? Can this just be fixed in firmware so I don't have to manually bind all my remotes as a workaround? It's great in the Harmony software that there are so many presets, too bad they don't all work.


On OpenElec 5.0.0 Kodi & latest 3.5 flirc firmware, no indication from devs when a firmware update might be available. Some transparency would be great here. Crucial functionality missing from what would otherwise be a really simple & useful setup!

Edited by ExtremelyAnnoyed
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May I chime in ?

I used to have my Harmony One setup using the "TV" method, but am now using the xbmc profile.


I found that I am unable to map the "Home" (<esc>) action to anything. It doesn't appear in the drop down for commands (in the Harmony Software), and I can't record the button, as I want to map "Menu", which won't emit anything, as it's not mapped to anything (a lovely catch-22).


Has anyone been able to map "Home" to a key ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to add to this discussion. Here is my setup, XBMC on Ubuntu 14.04 & Harmony 890. The problem I have with using the software to map buttons to the harmony remote is this; when I try to map "Power Off" (I have it mapped to the "E" button on my remote using my Harmony software per the recommendation) on my remote to the Flirc using the Flirc software, the software detects Power Off as "Period". Period is already mapped in Keyboard.xml to "SkipNext". Since the keymapping for the Flirc is hardcoded and cannot be edited by myself. I also don't like to edit keyboard.xml as it gets overwritten on upgrades, so essentially it stays as <period>SkipNext</period> and conflicts with my keymapping.


Am I missing something here?


I agree that the Flirc profile for XBMC should be rewritten to work according to the keyboard.xml and eliminate workarounds and instead allow for customizations. Workarounds and customizations are not the same and show that the Flirc still has a ways to go to be as advertised.


Thank you,



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Flirc is not recognizing my Harmony's main Off button at the top of the remote. I think this is an issue with the Harmony though.

Probably. There has to be a signal for it to respond to. I wrote a guide for the harmony 300 (as that's the remote I have) - it might help:


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...




It will be corrected sooner or later, but there are currently other problems Jason is working on right now (ones that can't be corrected by users themselves) and he is asking for patience. I know that it may be frustrating. It may be easy to correct those keys in the built-in profile, but on the other hand it IS also easy to just disable built-in profiles in Flirc and map correct buttons yourself. You don't even need to change the profile in the Harmony remote - just use Flirc GUI to remap the functions using XBMC or, even better, Keyboard controller.


BTW I'm not sure why you think that up and down arrows should use Page Up and Page Down keys instead of Up and Down. How would you want to move 1 position up/down at a time in the list?


Please, get focus straight and take a decision to either remove the flirc Natvie Kodi profile in Harmony, or update it on the Harmony side as well as in the firmware. This is a joke as it is now and nothing happens, I have actually offered me to help out if possible - no response what so ever.


Regarding your last question; it's actualy Jason who has set it up as this in Harmony, don't blame me. However, I think it's the right choice of button to map.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been also waiting for the fix for a long time? Why won't this get fixed?



I ended up using Bluetooth with my Harmony remote. My system is Windows.

Page Up and Page Down work properly now.

No more delay in button presses except for the 6 buttons that either did not work correctly or for missing commands.


I use Flirc for:

Info: MCE results in right arrow key.

Fullscreen: MCE results in window mode toggle.

Small Step Back: MCE does not support it.

Toggle Watched: MCE does not support it.

Subtitles: MCE does not work right for me. I want it to toggle. I'm not sure what it does.

Next Subtitle: MCE does not support it.

Edited by Shrimpyaab
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  • 7 months later...

As a nationwide supplier/installer for entertainment systems i investigated the potential use of flirc as a replacement for mce receivers.

However the functionality is still limited and inferior to mce, my clients need simplicity and child proof, fail safe integration.

If this had been updated to support the full functionality that mce already offers or "more" i would have a lot more buisiness through this product.

How it stands though, this product offers more complication and less functionality compared to mce + harmony integration.



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