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Flirc, Harmony ultimate and noise issues


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I haven't been using my Flirc for quite some time, and in the mean time, I have updated my XBMC to a newer version, and bought a new remote (harmony ultimate)


Well, It has always been working, although I have always been haunted by "Sticky Keys" and the missing option for a wake-up key (though I have been testing several beta's, some working better than others.


Well, to my pleasant surprise I noticed that a new firmware version have been released, so hoping that earlier issues had been resolved, I upgraded my Flirc to the latest firmware, cleared the config, and did a fresh configuration.


Unfortunately it seems like my Flirc's a more unstable than ever.


I have had to "pack" my Flirc and a blaster in a small "compartment", just for it to read my remote presses.

"sticky keys" makes it worth, resulting in alot of key presses not going through.


and twice I have noticed that my media center wont boot when the Flirc is plugged in (There is no display, and I can't ssh into it, and haven't had the time to look at the logs just yet (running xbmcbuntu 64bit)


Well, I bought my 2 Flirc's quite early 2011-08-08, And somewhere in the forums I noticed someone writing about early versions of flirc had some issues with updating firmware..


So now I am thinking, has a newer Flirc been release (new hardware) with better noise canceling, and less sticky keys?



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I haven't made any changes to the hardware, but the bootloader is indeed different. A lot of people are experiencing problems with repeaters and small cabinets where the flirc registers a bunch of signal bounces. 

While your firmware upgrades probably went okay and succeeded, there are chances of corruption still. Chances are small, but it's not worth ruling out. Feel free to shoot me an email, I'm more than happy to see if a new one helps. Just let me know.

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mcnovy, Sorry to hijack your thread, but did you every have the flirc working with an IR blaster?  I bought eight flircs and am unable to use them because I can't get them to work with my setup that includes an IR repeater/blaster.  I would gladly create a small "compartment" if I knew that would solve the problem.

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