I haven't been using my Flirc for quite some time, and in the mean time, I have updated my XBMC to a newer version, and bought a new remote (harmony ultimate)
Well, It has always been working, although I have always been haunted by "Sticky Keys" and the missing option for a wake-up key (though I have been testing several beta's, some working better than others.
Well, to my pleasant surprise I noticed that a new firmware version have been released, so hoping that earlier issues had been resolved, I upgraded my Flirc to the latest firmware, cleared the config, and did a fresh configuration.
Unfortunately it seems like my Flirc's a more unstable than ever.
I have had to "pack" my Flirc and a blaster in a small "compartment", just for it to read my remote presses.
"sticky keys" makes it worth, resulting in alot of key presses not going through.
and twice I have noticed that my media center wont boot when the Flirc is plugged in (There is no display, and I can't ssh into it, and haven't had the time to look at the logs just yet (running xbmcbuntu 64bit)
Well, I bought my 2 Flirc's quite early 2011-08-08, And somewhere in the forums I noticed someone writing about early versions of flirc had some issues with updating firmware..
So now I am thinking, has a newer Flirc been release (new hardware) with better noise canceling, and less sticky keys?