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Found 16 results

  1. I received my Flirc this morning. Syncing to my remote control was a breeze. But I'm trying to optimize things. Right now Flirc is plugged into my Raspberry Pi 3 running Kodi. Generally I leave my Raspberry Pi on all the time. Which means, if I'm using my TV on another application like Netflix (which runs from an app on the TV) I have to press the arrow keys and enter keys to navigate. Since Flirc is still plugged in and the Pi is on, this means that while I'm browsing Netflix I am also blindly navigating around Kodi files and settings. Obviously there's a potential for something to go horribly wrong here. Is there a way for my Pi to know when to not receive signals from Flirc? Can it somehow be attached to the signal, so that Flirc only sends signals to Kodi when the Pi's input is active?
  2. I just got a flirc 2. Using it on a PI 3 running Kodi 18. I have successfully mapped buttons that are working in Raspbian Pixel desktop. They also seem to work in Kodi—except ENTER. Nothing I map to ENTER in the FLIRC GUI will send an ENTER command to Kodi correctly. it is crazy because I can see ENTER working fine in a terminal window. I open a command prompt, press my enter key on my remote, FLIRC receives this and lo and behold, I see the command prompt go to a new line. By that account it seems to work. So I launch Kodi and my other nav buttons work, but ENTER does not. Yet, I know Kodi is ready for ENTER because I have a physical keyboard connected for testing and I can press enter on it and it works in Kodi. i have tried disabling the built in profiles in the GUI, I have remapped other remote buttons to enter, tried it on the full keyboard module, I even tried loading the Kodi key mapper add-on to attempt a workaround, but even this does not work. I can map the button press with Kodi key mapper (it registers receiving it) but it does not work when I try to use it. I am stuck. What is going on with the ENTER key in Kodi 18 on the Pi? This is useless if I cannot get ENTER to work. Other than that, it is really cool! <EDIT> Well, I think I may have solved my own problem here. The IR command I was issuing for the ENTER key was getting sent as a 3x repeat. FLIRC must have been recording this in some odd manner and when issuing the ENTER, it would sometimes rapid-fire a string of them, four in a row for example. Changing the IR repeat to 1, re-recording/learning the command seems to have fixed the problem. At least I am able to generate ENTER commands in Kodi now. I have some reconfiguring as a decide how to orient IR blasters etc, but I think my issue was the multiple sends, the recorded result, and further multiplying the effect when re-sending the command once learned (Kodi was often getting a contextual menu "c" command instead of enter, but BASH would show four enters in a row most cases).
  3. Hi all, I want to use my Apple TV Remote Gen 2 to control Kodi in my raspberry pi. How to program my flirc usb v2 to be able to control volume(Up/Down), make Play/pause and contextual menu using this apple TV remote ? Thank you in advanced
  4. I read in a review on Amazon that the heatsink/heat transfer post is hollow. Is this indeed the case? Also, I've seen reference to a 3rd gen case, but the Amazon description states "gen2." What generation is the newest shipping version? Thank you for your attention to this. Regards,
  5. I need an easy way to exit Kodi automatically while switching off the TV. Family members switch off the TV with the remote but forget to exit Kodi. This eats up my daily GB allowance whic would normally be sufficient (but not for a full night fetching data!). Ideally the shutoff button of my TV should exit the Kodi on the Raspberry Pi app. But in the Flirc setup I can't find a way to map that (only the arrow, select etc as in the minimalist controller). My remote is a Samsung BN59-00684B. I though of other options, such as setting the sleep timer in Kodi or using a standby killer (disconnects power from TV and RP upon standby, this requires reboot of RP at start), but tehes are not so elegant. Is there a profile of my Samsung remote that I can load in the Flirc and whose buttons I can assign dedicated Kodi commands?
  6. I have a first gen Flirc I've been using for years with a Mac and it's been flawless. I recently switched to using it with a new Raspberry Pi 3 with the commands I'd recorded on my Mac. Single key presses are sending the Pi multiple commands. For example, the Pi sees "Command F1" as three separate commands: # KEY_LEFTMETA # KEY_LEFTMETA+KEY_F1 # KEY_F1 I don't understand why the Pi sees Command F1 as alt (meta), but the real issue for me is that when I press the assigned button on my remote, my Pi is receiving three separate commands. Every time I press the assigned button on my remote, Alt opens the menu, my KEY_LEFTMETA+KEY_F1 command is executed, and my Pi also does an F1. If I connect the same Flirc to my Mac, that same button press only executes a Command F1 (as intended). It gets even crazier with more complicated key presses. My Mac with Flirc sees Control+Option+Command+F1 as one event. Control+Option+Command+F1 My Pi with the same Flirc sees Control+Option+Command+F1 as all of the following (at the end of each item, 1 represents a key press, 2 represents a key hold and 0 represents a key release. Even the slightest click of a button generates all three): # KEY_LEFTCTRL 1 # KEY_LEFTCTRL+KEY_LEFTALT 1 # KEY_LEFTCTRL+KEY_LEFTALT+KEY_LEFTMETA 1 # KEY_LEFTCTRL+KEY_LEFTALT+KEY_LEFTMETA+KEY_F12 1 # KEY_LEFTCTRL+KEY_LEFTALT+KEY_LEFTMETA+KEY_F12 2 # KEY_LEFTCTRL+KEY_LEFTALT+KEY_LEFTMETA+KEY_F12 2 # KEY_LEFTALT+KEY_F12+KEY_LEFTMETA+KEY_LEFTCTRL 0 # KEY_F12+KEY_LEFTMETA+KEY_LEFTALT 0 # KEY_F12+KEY_LEFTMETA 0 # KEY_F12 0 Any idea what's going on here and how to fix it? I'm using a Sony universal remote, but I've tested this with other remotes and I get the same result: my Mac sees the one command I've programmed whereas my Pi sees each individual key press as a unique event.
  7. Hi! I was setting up my brand new dongle and I was having a hard time with fast_forward. The usage message incorrectly suggests to use fastforward without underscore. mlt@rpi ~ $ ./flirc_util record fastforward Press any button on the remote to link it with 'fastforward' Not a valid word: fastforward usage: flirc record 'word'Available Options: escape, return, enter, escape, backspace, delete, tab, space, F[1-12], printscreen, scroll, pause, insert, home, pageup, pagedown, end, right, left, down, up, wake, media keys: eject, vol_up, vol_down, mute, play/pause, stop, fastforward, rewind [E] fl_ver2_set_record(454): Key does not exist Error, button exists mlt@rpi ~ $ ./flirc_util version flirc_util version v1.3.7 [v1.3.7-rc.1-50-gc0ff92e] Firmware: v3.6 [96F70DB5] mlt@rpi ~ $ uname -a Linux rpi 4.1.13-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 13 20:11:44 MST 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux
  8. Hi, I have 2 Logitech Harmony remotes - a 650 and a 700. I use each to control several devices. My problem is using the Flirc dongle with my Raspberry Pi 2's running Kodi. In previous versions of the Flirc software for Windows, I used the XBMC (now Kodi) Controller and when I set up my remotes with the Harmony software, both Page Up and Page Down were mapped correctly and worked. Now they don't. I've tried both the Kodi and Windows Media Controllers from Flirc and cannot get Page Up/Page Down programmed on my remotes. I don't know how to "teach" my Harmony remotes these commands as I don't have Raspberry Pi remote to use. Does anyone have a link to an older version of the Flirc software for Windows? Maybe I can get it to work that way. Or, if anyone knows of another way to configure Flirc (and therefore my remotes) with these commands, please let me know. Your help would be greatly appreciated! Gracie
  9. I have a flrc attached the a raspberry pi B which works great most of the time, but from time to time it's like the pi forgets its there. If I unplug it and plug it back in it still doesnt work. The only way ive found to get it working it to plug it into my PC and run the FLIRC software. The buttons on the remote are recognised and all appears fine, When I return it to the Pi it works again. I've tried changing the power supply to the pi and the same happens. The device is probably a couple of years old and is running the lastest firmware (3?) but this has been the same with all previous firmwares. Any suggestions? thanks Phil
  10. I'm using Openelec on a Raspberry Pi B+ and recently bought a Logitech Harmony to control it. I'm trusting the embedded profile, and it seems to work very well. After a while though the volume down key or command (and ONLY this one, so far) stops working. Unplugging and replugging the FLIRC doesn't help, only a complete reboot of the RPi will let it work again. It's not a tremendous hassle but it's somehow distressing. Anyone got any clue on this? Is it a firmware bug?
  11. Is there a keymap that shows what XBMC functions are assigned to which keys on my Harmony One Remote? The basics are working: play, direction up,down,left,right select. I also have "back" show up on one of the virtual keys on the screen. I am using the updated firmware v256 on my Flirc and have Selected the Flirc XBMC "device" on my Harmony One remote control. XBMC is running on my Raspberry Pi displaying on my TV (via HDMI). I've had a look at the Flirc GUI (Flirc v1.0.0-beta) but from what I can tell there is nothing I need to do there since the keys are already paired - but how are they mapped? There is probably something obvious I am missing and will be happy if someone points it out to me since I am new to XBMC as well as Flirc and Raspberry Pi. Thanks, Cindy
  12. I'm trying to use my rf harmony hub to control my raspberry pi which has the flirc plugged in. How do I do this
  13. Hey All, I've read a bunch of older threads for this problem and tried the "solutions" they mentioned without any success. I have a Flirc connected directly to a raspberry pi, and I'm controlling it with a Harmony One. I had no problems setting this up using the Flirc XBMC Profile in the harmony software. Everything worked great for 2 days, no issues at all. No double characters, play and pause worked correctly. Today when I came home I was using it, started a video and paused it and noticed it seemed to pause/play really quickly. Then realized it was sending every button press very quickly. I tried the troubleshooting options in the harmony software and adjusted it to 0. The problem still persists. Has anyone found a solution? I've recorded a video of this here: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=5C92638C7D70FFCA!986&authkey=!AKW5-zehJpIA5iU&ithint=video%2c.mp4
  14. Hi, I'm using Rasbmc on my Rasperry Pi with Flirc and Apple Remote (silver). I've configured Flirc on Windows 7 using version 0.96 and controller 'XBMC' as shown in the attached file. How can I use the volume up/volume down buttons during playing a video without loosing the existing configuration? How can I use the 'informaton' button (to see codec) during playing a video without loosing the existing configuration? Is it possible to use one button on my Apple Remote for different keys in XBMC depending on the area in Xbmc? (e.g. Video, Settings, ...) Regards, Christian
  15. This topic will most likely be useful only to Finnish users, since the Procaster 8-in-1 remote is a product of a Finnish electronics store Verkkokauppa.com. I bought the remote to control my Raspberry Pi with Flirc. Here's what I used to configure the remote: First I defined the device to be controlled as a DVB. Then I selected Skymaster model 301 from the list, since it was the first one I found that had all the buttons usable. Then I just selected the XBMC layout from the configuration application and defined the buttons. It's a pretty nice basic remote, especially since it only costs 10 euros. The sides are made from a rubber of some kind, so the grip is quite good and it won't slide on tables. If you have questions about the remote just reply to this post.
  16. hi i would like to use flirc with my logitech haromony one+. logitech support told me, that i have to use Microsoft and MCE Keyboard profile for the logitech remote. after that i did the xmbc settings (bind keys), but the enter, return, play and stop key do not work..... can you please give me a simple manual, how to use logitech harmony one with flirc and xbmc ? thanks
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