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  1. Hi, i am currently trying to program my harmony 650 to work with WMC using the MCE keyboard profile but i am having issues. A lot of keys are not working properly, for example I've programmed the back button on the remote to the backspace key on the keyboard but when i press the button on the remote it sends the "up arrow' command. Any idea what could be the issue?
  2. Actually the best way may be by doing both. Since flirc itself has no control on how keys are mapped between different version of XBMC?Kodi, one thing for sure certain core keys will always or should remain the same. Now i myself have not played with Kodi yet so don't know the differences yet but there may be some. One of the major reasons i purchased the flirc was due to the fact that it already had a logictech harmony profile as that was a major selling point for me as it would not only allow me to customize the buttons to my own likes (which the flirc software interface also does) but the fact that i can then utilize the services of harmony to control all of my devices by setting all the correct inputs based upon all devices involved within an activity with one button press of an activity function (which the flirc does not provide this functionality and not designed to do so) was the one thing that made me click "Add to Cart" button and in your forum now there are lots of posts of folks using a harmony remote and thus a big additional major selling point of the flirc as they like to keep this feature also. As your market grows im sure more and more harmony remote users will be grateful for this feature to be taken advantage of.... I also do like what yawor mentioned about having some externalized profiles that could be created and loaded in via your software and it be in a ini like format that can be user modified and community supported which gives a lot of flexibility. So there are benefits to both being in place for several reasons. First the logitech profile profiles simplicity for existing and new harmony users to get onboard very quickly. Once i got my harmony profile setup and synced, 95% of the functionality worked without any modifications on my part and that is a BIG Selling point. So all time told less than 10 minutes on my part adding the addtional buttons i wanted to customize to myharmony. If you got rid of it, then everyone would have to use the interface within the tool and thus need to for one know more on the actual keyboard shortcuts than they care to know and then spend much more time in setting up, along with the fact that this remote no longer works with the harmony remote and thus remove a big selling point for those who have harmony remotes. In time Logitech will most likely be discontinuing their legacy remotes more in favor of their new Hub related interface which for one solves many problems they have had. Their new Hub approach is much better in the fact that now they also offer limited home automation along with exiting activities of which the flirc XBMC profile would be a involved as an activity for its area of expertise and function, along with like it or not the smartphone/tablet app for the Harmony Hub as an additional benefit and this is in my opinion where the largest bulk of remote sales will be made in the future is the integration of entertainment/home automation remotes as the market matures. My suggestion would to be first be sure the existing profile is sending the right keys for XBMC as that is where the largest market is for now and less customization as that caused a lot of my personal frustration when the keys sent were not correct in couple instances and i have to go and create a special keyboard.xml file to handle the wrong keys being sent. Kodi is still in release candidate status and not everyone is going to abandon their existing setup unless Kodi offers them something new that they really want and need to justify the upgrade hassles and reconfiguring stuff after the upgrade. Heck they just stop supporting Eden just recently. Right now u seem to capture the majority of keys for the XBMC profile that worked right out of the gate and btw thank you very much for that. Second, later on you could add an XBMC-Kodi profile if you saw fit, but there may be a way to not have to do that as third, you could create a special keymap app much like you do now with the flirc software tool and as an addon or part of this same software provide the option to take any set of remappings due to version levels of XBMC-kodi and remapped the differences between XBMC and Kodi (or let the customer remap) and then create a keyboard.xml that the user can then substitute as a new map layout for Kodi by overriding the meaning of certain keys to map to Kodi correctly or even new mappings for XBMC versions for those who need the extra customization and then upload those customizations to harmony as a custom command thru another remote. Now yes i know there is an addon within within XBMC that can added to do this mapping but that once again requires more advanced knowledge on the user's part on the internal setup of the keyboard.xml file and how things work, of which many may not want to go down that route but still allows the advanced users to customize to their delight. Finally i would suggest making a video that shows how to teach the harmony new commands and thus allowing customers to see first hand how to do it and how simple it really can be programmed once they understand. Most advanced users will figure this out quickly but for the bulk of non technical users it will be a confidence booster. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a million words and requires less support. Anyway this is my two cents worth.
  3. Is the GUI working normally and the problem is only with command line util? Are you sure you are using full file name of the exec file: flirc_util.exe, not just flirc_util? Some people are having a problem like you described when they try to execute command line commands which shortened exec name (without .exe). I've also experienced it but I don't have any problems when using full exec file name.
  4. I tried the setting in the link on the Harmony and set the Flirc InterKey to 5 but it still sends a double command on occasion for the direction keys!
  5. Yawor, Thanks for that input. Just my luck my tv's are LG's so can't use that remote and i thought there might be an issue with using a MCE type remote as i have a mediagate that i was using before and that's why i asked just in case. I could possibly try my Dish remote but set it on a separate device or find some other old tv remote. Btw how did u find out which protocols a certain tv remote is using? The nice thing about the harmony remotes is that with one button you press an activity like "Watch a Movie" and the harmony remotes handle all switching of inputs on the tv and avr and all other devices involved in that activity to the right inputs automatically which makes life easier. The Harmony Smart Remote is more minimalist has basic controls are all there but it allows overloading each button with either a short press or long press, which allows you to assign a specific button to have one or two roles depending on the press length. Default if not overridden is that a short or long press will send the exact same command unless you set it up to have two different commands based upon a long or short button press. I also have the harmony 650, but the down arrow button in center stopped working and it uses discontinued ps3 adapter to send the Bluetooth commands as the harmony ultimate hub sends the Bluetooth commands directly to the PS3. My adapter still works but its only a matter of time before it craps out and thus the handwriting is on the wall to upgrade.
  6. You need to wait for the shutdown ability. I think I saw Jason mentioning that he'll work on this. As for the Eject, I'm not 100% sure that this will work but you can try running this in command line: flirc_util record_api 184 102 and press a button you want to have the eject on.
  7. I just purchased the Flirc for my PS4. I plugged it into my laptop and installed the software under Win 7. I was able to run the GUI to program it, but from the command line I get no response when trying to run "flirc_util record pause". It just returns immediately to command prompt. I tried reboot as well as unplugging dongle and plugging it back in. Any help?
  8. dwnz


    Ok thanks I have that part sorted. When I run flirc_util to record the pause key action I'm getting: Warning: Cannot open USB Device I am running cmd prompt as Administrator, Windows 8.1 Professional. Anything I am missing? Configuration within the GUI is fine, tried with GUI application both running and not running if that makes any difference. I was running the command flirc_util record pause And I'm assuming it should prompt for a keypress input after that? I have also seen mention of the command record_api (with suitable parameters), but the support section just mentions using 'record pause'.
  9. Yawor, Thanks for your advice however i do have limitations with the harmony hub as it will only send out the commands its been programmed for using its profile. The smart remote i think only communicates with the hub using RF protocols and it's the Hub itself that sends out a IR signal or Bluetooth signal for the playstation3. So it looks like for me to get the extra keys that i want to use i will need to program the Harmony Hub with the new values by using some existing remote and then go back and map flirc using the updated command with the mapped Smart Remote. I could always use a spare remote and program flirc with it for additional stuff, but that then defeats the purpose of using the Harmony setup with just one remote. Now are there any specific types of remotes i should not use for creating these custom commands with the harmony so that there is no confusion and or overlapping between different devices i have?
  10. Current stable firmware version is 3.5 and is included in Flirc software 1.3.4 which can be downloaded from a download section on the website. It has the Flirc-SE power button working, but you need to use command line util to record the power button for now: flirc_util record power
  11. ok thanks. i'm not sure you'll be able to pick one up in radioshack as i think i've had it at least 4 years and is probably EOL'd years ago. might be easier to dig thru my stuff to see if i have a different remote. did try doing the double press thing and was able to get some of the keys working, some said already programmed and with my tests in the command shell weird things happened e.g. programmed number keys and pressed & released 3 button quickly many times and i got things like 332323232333232323232323. fiddle with the interkey delay would fix that? might just be easier to find another remote though :)
  12. Hi, I got my Harmony 650 remote to work OK with WMC and FLIRC, however, I press the button, have to wait a tad until it actually moves in WMC until I press the next one otherwise it misses. I am guessing I can fix this with interkey delay in either FLIRC or the Harmony software or the repeats in the Harmony software so I have been playing around with no luck. It would be helpful to better understand how each of these things work. Most forum posts I saw just say hey try increase or decreasing this or that but I feel like I am just floating around in the dark on this. Specifically it would be great if someone could provide a good definition of each of the following AND some background on what each is actually doing. FLIRC Interkey Delay (one thing I don't understand is the delay in what FLIRC expects to receive or is this only the delay in how fast FLIRC sends the keyboard command...I am guessing the first because a PC should be able to rapidly receive keyboard commands and buffer them if needed), definition, how works would be great, is the 0-6 in ms or is it just 0-6 with no direct tie to the time. FLIRC Sequence Modifiers - not sure what this is but noticed that it needs to be on for WMC Harmony Interkey Delay - again define and how will this work with the FLIRC interkey delay...do they need to match, is there a best way to setup, etc. Harmony Key Repeats - definition, how does this relate to interkey delay issues, etc. Having this all in one place and how to use all of these in tweaking the performance or fixing issues would be great (I think?)!
  13. Predominantly going to be explaining flirc stuff, in theory there shouldn't be too much tweaking needed. Most of the recent articles in the zendesk are done by me (under Jason's name) as I have more time for doing it, unfortunately I don't know the nitty gritty of how the settings work so Jason will be writing those articles - he has a lot less free time than I do. I do I agree with you though and we are working on it. I've taken the choice to aim the help documents (at least to start with) toward less technical documentation - we will introduce a "technical section" though. Interkey delay is telling flirc how long to wait before sending another command to the computer (even if it receiving ir signals), Increasing the interkey delay will tell flirc to wait longer before deciding the button was let go. Decreasing the interkey delay will tell flirc to wait less before deciding the button was let go. Not sure if the numbers directly correlate
  14. I am trying to setup a Harmony remote with FLIRC/WMC and noticed some inconsistencies between what is documentd by FLIRC and Microsoft re: keyboard shortcuts for WMC. Here are links to the sources I looked at: Per FLIRC https://flirc.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202923419-Controller-presets-in-Flirc-GUI Per Microsoft http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/media-center-keyboard-shortcuts#1TC=windows-7 Per This Post http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ff404226.aspx Summary of issues I identified....not sure if FLIRC is actually sending the wrong command or if it is just the documentation. PER FLIRC- Home: Windows key + alt PER MICROSOFT- Open Media Center or return to the Media Center start screen: Windows logo key+Alt+Enter PER FLIRC- Go to music: ctrl+s PER MICROSOFT- Go to the Music library page: Ctrl+M PER FLIRC- Mute: Shift + F8 PER MICROSOFT- Mute or unmute volume: F8 PER FLIRC- Pause: ctrl + 8 PER MICROSOFT- Pause or resume: Ctrl+P PER FLIRC- Play: Ctrl + shift + 8 PER MICROSOFT- Play: Ctrl+Shift+P PER FLIRC- Previous : ctrl + , PER MICROSOFT- Skip back: Ctrl+B PER FLIRC- Stop: ctrl+shift+alt+8 PER MICROSOFT- Stop: Ctrl+Shift+S PER FLIRC- Subtitles: c PER MICROSOFT- Ctrl + U PER FLIRC- Lower volume: Shift + F9 PER MICROSOFT- Turn down volume: F9 PER FLIRC- Increase volume: Shift + F10 PER MICROSOFT- Turn up volume: F10 PER FLIRC- Page down (really last item): end PER MICROSOFT- Go to the last item in a list: End PER FLIRC- Page up (really first item): home PER MICROSOFT- Go to the first item in a list: Home
  15. Sorry, one more thing. I realize XBMC is probably your biggest user base but WMC is still pretty popular. It would be awesome to have a built in profile for WMC and a matching FLIRC WMC profile in Harmony. That way you can probably move away from a WMC compatible remote and use your own commands that work well with FLIRC (or I guess base it off WMC but there is the double press/every other IR command is different issue I am aware of). Anyway, it would be great to be a plug n play replacement for WMC vs. all the programming, fishing around, building tables, etc.
  16. I have cleared the whole configuration for the Flirc each time I have tried before setting the whole thing up again and I have also now tried with the Interkey setting in the Flirc Software at every setting from 0-6 and none fix the problem! I can upload a video but it is not really going to tell you much more then what I have described: When I press the Prev button on my Harmony remote in something like XBMC which is set to the Back button on the FireTV config in Flirc it sends the command twice most of the time so instead of backing up one screen it backs up 2 screens! Showing you this on a video will just be exactly as I described in words. The next thing I will try is to map the Back button to a different key on the Harmony remote (Maybe the Menu button) and see what results come in for that, this does though point to an issue with the Flirc as I have had this Remote for years and it currently controls 8 devices and not once before have I had an issue with it sending a command twice to any device besides the Flirc...
  17. I'm using Sony VL series remotes. The problem with the repeated sendings of the "back" command is weird. I can actually hear a click when it's sent the second, third, etc. times. The first press of the button usually gets somewhat better results as it doesn't always send the Fire all the way back home or produce a series of clicks. But the second time it always does. I haven't determined how long I have to wait, but if I press the return button once, thereafter the second press produces multiple clicks and sends me back home no matter where I am or what I'm doing. But if I wait for a long time the effect goes away. It's a weird problem and a challenge to describe. I wish I could show it to you.
  18. OK, now that I'm home and can look at my Harmony remote settings, I find it is not the inter-key delay that I tweaked to make it so I did not get doubled up button presses (sorry about my bad advice above). Using the MyHarmony software, I chose the device I use to control the FireTV, selected Change Device Settings, selected the Device Command Repeats menu item... ...and set Device Command Repeats to 0... I hope this helps you too. -Randy
  19. I am using the FireTV Controller View setting in the Flirc Config software. I am not sure what you mean by the XBMC buttons don't match? If the ParentFolder command is not the right one to send from the Harmony then can you please tell me what is?
  20. With Harmony remotes, I'm 99.6364% sure you want a low value inter-key delay to keep the IR command from repeating. Try setting it to the lowest or second to lowest number. -Randy
  21. Back is set to the "Prev" button on the Harmony Remote and that in turn is invoking the "ParentFolder" command. This does give me the Back functionality throughout the FireTV but it sends the command twice more then 50% of the time. Is ParentFolder the correct command to send? I will wipe the Flirc configuration fully again and re-set it up and let you know with Interkey Delay of 6 as the last time I only changed the Interkey setting without a clean wipe.
  22. Increasing the Interkey Delay to 5 or 6 actually made the problem worse and now other keys like Up etc. are sending the command twice! Any other way to solve this?
  23. I have a Harmony 525 and have set it up using the Flirc -> XBMC profile in the Harmony Software and everything works ok except for the remote seems to be sending 2 commands on occasion when it should only send 1 particularly for the Back command! I have tried the fix that another poster has mentioned here: https://flirc.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202819236 and reduced the setting to 0 but it does not seem to make any difference... Are there any other fixes for this? Also might the Inter Key Delay in the Flirc Software under Advanced help with this as well?
  24. The MCE remote and its provided receiver will wake the Fire. The button in the extreme lower right that looks like a PC and is labeled "Desktop." In theory though, any key should wake it up. Haven't found anything that will put it to sleep reliably yet. Which is kind of surprising since the Fire has a built-in sleep command.
  25. I think just about any input wakes it and the standard sleep works to shut it down. I have the xbmc power off command using the harmony profile and it shuts the firetv down (sleep) to wake you could record home or menu etc.
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