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Tony last won the day on May 19

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  1. Thanks for the reply and no worries! I downgraded to 4.12.12 and now the on/off sequence works as it should.
  2. Yes, they are all assigned and I have removed and added them again without success. Right now I have the various power toggle commands assigned to the color wheel so I can turn my units on and off. And as I mentioned, the first command in the sequence always work so I have tested the various toggles by putting them first which works, but every command after the first one fails. Current setup:
  3. Hi! I'm running firmware version 4.12.18 and app version 0.9.80 and ever since I update to this configuration the power button only turn on/off the first thing that I have matched to the power button. All the power commands works separately, but when pressing the power button it is only ever the first command that is working. Would really like a fix for this. BR /Tony
  4. Long time no feedback from me :) Since my remote has been working pretty well I haven't tested any versions properly since 0.9.4 and this is because I have waited for Flirc/PS4 to be added back into the app. But I was curious about the the app and decided to test this version and I have to say that it works pretty good! This is the first version that doesn't crash on my desktop computer when I hover over an activity which is great. The Power Down action seems to be working better as well and the remote connects every time so far. As I wrote before my remote is working pretty well but I would really like to use it with my PS4. And I can't seem to find the right command to open the Settings menu on my Samsung TV :) Thanks for all the hard work you're putting in!
  5. Still can't find Flirc/PS4 under Game Consoles in version 0.9.6.
  6. Sounds great! Looking forward to trying it out :)
  7. Ok, managed to get a connection again so my activities are back. Yay! But regarding Flirc Usb + PS4 + Skip 1S it is not working at all at the moment.
  8. Well this sucks. Downloaded the latest version and ran it. My activities disappeared but no worries, they are pretty simple to setup again. But now Flirc isn't even available as a device any longer so there really isn't anything for me to test. To try and get my old activities back I installed the previous version again but no matter what I do now the app can't find the remote. So the remote I've been using since the day I got it is useless right now...
  9. Any help with this would be much appreciated.
  10. An update regarding my experience since I received my remote. The previous version of the app ( actually worked for me when it came to connecting to the remote. I tried it on my private desktop computer (which has Steam installed) and didn't have any connection problems. I did however still have the problem where the app crashes as soon as I hover over an activity which made it unusable for me. I have instead been running the app on my work laptop where it works pretty good. I have the occasional crash, sometimes buttons lose their assigned functionality etc, but no connection problems. This new version ( works about the same and on my desktop computer it still crashes every time I hover over an activity, but this is no big deal for me right now since it works on my laptop. I've set up my remote pretty much the way I want it and have been using it for over a week and I really like it so far :)
  11. Hi! I can't get the Skip and Flirc to work with my Playstation 4. First I tried adding Brand - Flirc and Model - Playstation in the Skip app but this had no effect on any of the buttons I tried. I then tried downloading the Flirc software, connecting the Flirc to my computer and map buttons on my Skip to the buttons on the Playstation 4 remote in the app but this didn't have any effect either (well, the app said that the keys got mapped when I pressed them). Do I need the Flirc software or should it be enough with the Skip app?
  12. No worries, it's so nice to hear that you might have found the issue. Great work from everyone involved!
  13. I was wondering if it would be possible to put together some sort of guide of what to do if you want to help out with debugging? This thread is getting quite long and if you haven't been involved from the start it can be a bit hard to follow what needs to be done if you want to test things. I'm scheduled to receive my remote this week and I have had problems with the app on Win10 so if you need more people reproduce errors I am willing to help and if there was a simple enough step-by-step guide of things to try, where to find logs etc I'm sure more people would be willing to help when they get their remotes. Just a thought :)
  14. Here is my log file. I will send my IP to you as well. flirc20230113.log
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