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an ENABLE/DISABLE function


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WOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!    How 'bout that 2016, HUH?!!?



Hey man, did this ever get implemented?

I was taking a look around and things seemed to have died down around the time I got busy and couldn't logon like I was.  Looks like I landed here just in time in 2015.  Maybe now that I'm back, the crowd will follow me back in.  =D

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@Budwyzer No such function yet, sorry :). Maybe there's a chance for something like this with the new Flirc USB (2nd gen) as its hardware is much more capable than the old one. But new hardware brings new challenges and there are still some issues to work on before Jason starts adding new features.

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Hey Budwizer, what is that qwerty remote in your first post?

Were you able to program the qwerty part of it?


I bought VU+ qwerty remote and cannot program the qwerty side, flirc is completely confused and cannot distinguish those keys one from the other....

It's this one.  Yes I was able to program it, up to the memory limit of the original Flirc device.


Still looking forward to this function, as it solves everything.  My sound comes from a surround sound unit, but I use a HTPC as my only media device. So, if I were to program the volume buttons on the Vizio remote as the volume control for the PC I would have nothing left uncontrolled.  Other than power for the sound I suppose. haha

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 3 months later...

i thought i finaly going to see a solution when i found this topic but no solution yet..

this is very disappointing, i have flirc on computer and use my tv remote to control kodi/tv but i want to disable flirc when kodi is off, yesterday it was late in night i was watching tv and suddenly music starts on my pc room it was me that with the tv remote started some music on my pc (where is flirc)



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I can do this now. 

Let me know how you'd like this to work. Here are some of my thoughts:

We can have an enable/disable or a toggle button?

My initial hesitation with implementing this was that there is no visual feedback if the device is enabled or disabled. I see many pissed off spouses. This is going to make functionality frustrating. See below:

  • From a practicality point of view, it would be easier to separate these. Meaning if we had an enable/disable button, then we would be able to know for certain which state flirc is in. If a user is insistent on keeping this in a single button, they could long press into an enable or disable.
  • If they are separated, you need more buttons on your remote, unless you long press, but this has drawbacks. I see many people not being certain if it's enabled or disabled, so they press down harder and longer on their remote.
  • If we do have a toggle, I need to block all buttons from being received for 3 seconds. Otherwise, the state can toggle back and forth.

I'm really inclined to have an enable and disable button. And I'll probably hide these in the cli, I 'm going to have a customer support nightmare if this doesn't remain an advanced feature. 

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i think enable/disable button is easier, we press once if it moves its enable, we press again if it doesnt move its disable, if it didnt enable, we press it again till it goes to the state we want, nothing wrong with that i think.

in the app we have a button that matches the state, so we can have a visual of the state.

but how do you implement a function that we can assign that button to a remote button and enable and disable on the remote?

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@jason please give us feedback im really looking foward for this feature


i was trying to do this by other means i was trying to load and unload a configuration file when i started kodi so when i started kodi i  loadead a configuration that had all the tv remote keys and when i turn off kodi i wanted to load a configuration with no keys so it wont mess with computer when kodi is off but i dont know where the configuration file is and dont know how to load a configuration file automaticaly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

hello i finally understand how to do it, so i will post here so people that dont usually use the flirc_util.exe can do the same.

To enable and disable flirc on your PC go to start, execute/run/search (depends on your windows version) and write


it will open command prompt window, then write

cd your-flirc-directory - in my example i write cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Flirc and press ENTER

then you write

flirc_util.exe record toggle - at this moment flirc is waiting for you to press a button on your remote, choose the button you want to enable and disable flirc, and voilaaa, you can now enable and disable flirc by pressing your selected remote button


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