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My problem is that, when i map my Inteset 422 with Flirc, the directional arrows scroll forever. My understanding is that I need to change the inter-key delay, but that option is in the advanced settings. How can I fix this if not through the advanced-settings dialog?

Edited by Wratchet
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My problem is that, when i map my Inteset 422 with Flirc, the directional arrows scroll forever. My understanding is that I need to change the inter-key delay, but that option is in the advanced settings. How can I fix this if not through the advanced-settings dialog?

This is the exact same reason, I needed the advanced settings, except all my keys randomly trigger forever. I can't change the key repeat on my Harmony remote, so wanted to do it in the settings... So I guess I'll have to wait until the next update, before I can use my Flirc.

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The inter-key delay setting is for old Flirc only. The new Flirc uses different algorithm to recognise repeats. The algorithm still needs tweaking, that's for sure.

In the mean time, you are both using universal remotes. Have you tried to change to a different device profile and test if it works better with Flirc? There are different IR protocols and some of them use different techniques to inform the receiver that the key is still pressed.

The new algorithm records the time between signals when the button is being held. Try recording the button like normal, but when the GUI asks to press a button on the remote then hold it until you see the message that the operation was successful.

Edited by yawor
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Using another profile, I've fixed the directional-arrow problem, but now many of the other Fire buttons don't work. 

Can I program buttons on my Inteset/Flirc from different profiles? For example, map the directional keys from a profile that works then do the rest of the buttons under the Fire TV profile (which always worked)? I tried to do this but it didn't take.

I'm a new Flirc buyer and user, and I got it specifically to work with Fire TV for my wife. Any idea when the included Fire TV profile will work correctly?


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I just posted a general question about this.  I'm finding the Flirc to be a less-than-wonderful user experience. 

I use Simple Control to automate a bunch of equipment in several rooms and need the Flirc to cope with the stupidity that is Android TV/Shield TV (the only decent Plex 4k experience until Apple wakes up).  The Flirc randomly generates input when wrapped up in electrical tape (with a sweatshirt on it for good measure) and I have yet to find a single remote control to use for inputs that doesn't have the "sticky key" problem. In short, it is completely unusable. 

I initiated a return on Amazon, then found the information about Advanced settings and cancelled the return because "hey, this looks like it will fix my problem!"  But nope... apparently that was false hope. I will try one more time using a Samsung remote, since I believe I saw somewhere that that might help. I've tried 5 other remote profiles with no luck though.  Sure would be nice if someone posted a SPECIFIC REMOTE THAT GENERATES CODES THAT DON'T HAVE THIS PROBLEM SO I DON'T HAVE TO GUESS FROM THE 5000 DEVICES SUPPORTED BY MY REMOTE.

Yeah... little ticked by the amount of time wasted on this.

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Setting up Flirc was not the best experience. I really looked forward to the simplicity of using a pre-set Amazon Fire TV profile, but it failed to work. I was, however, finally able to get my remote working exactly how I want. (I have the Inteset 422.). I alluded to the possible resolution earlier. Through trial-and-error using many different profiles, I was able to get each button working for my Fire. For example, the directional buttons were mapped from the Media Center profile, but I still used the Play/Pause button for the Fire. The Back button is from another profile, and the Info button is from yet another profile. Basically each key is from a different profile.

It's still not perfect because, although now I don't get sticky scrolling, now I can't hold a directional arrow and have it keep moving; it's one click at a time. Not the end of the world, but seems like it should work better, especially since Flirc setup a profile that is automatically supposed to work.

It seems like Flirc is in a pretty major flux. The new update has disabled Advanced Settings, and they are using a new algorithm that, let's face, needs to be seriously tweaked. As far as the Simple Control, I've never heard of that. It looks pretty cool though. Unfortunately, I can't offer any help for you, but let us know if you get it working.

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Stupid question: Are you trying to make Flirc work using universal remote codes or are you having trouble mapping keys through the Flirc software? I am talking about the Flirc software, and the device profiles they provide. 

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I also need to lower the Inter-Delay value on the Gen 2. My Gen 1 works awesome with the inter-delay set at 0. I am using the Harmony remote and a Pivos remote and they both will repeat forever unless you are extremely quick at pressing the button and releasing. This is on a Nexus Player. Very annoying that they would release a new version without having a core feature needed by many on the previous version.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Devs should force the new flirc to use the older software until this is fixed. As it is now its pretty much a deal breaker to return this for a full refund. On a positive note at least i can write a bad review till this gets fixed on the new flirc. I cant push any key without it spazzing out and act like im holding down the key infinitely.

Edited by BTSpaniel
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@BTSpaniel, have you updated to the latest firmware? Current firmware version is 4.0.10 and software 2.3.0. I think Jason fixed the sticky keys issue.

Also there's no old software for new Flirc, as new Flirc is a totally different hardware platform compared to the old one. It can't just run old firmware.

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@BTSpaniel, have you updated to the latest firmware? Current firmware version is 4.0.10 and software 2.3.0. I think Jason fixed the sticky keys issue.

Also there's no old software for new Flirc, as new Flirc is a totally different hardware platform compared to the old one. It can't just run old firmware.

I Will check and try, give me 24 hours to fully test.

it seems to have fixed my issues

Edited by BTSpaniel
was testing
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