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I have two Zboxes, two flircs. They both run OpenELEC Eden. Only one works as it should.

The other lets me operate XBMC perfectly with a remote until after it resumes from a suspend. The resume itself is fine and goes back to the home screen, but the remote no longer operates XBMC.

Anyone know why this should be happening. I've tried the regular firmware and the latest beta.

Thanks in advance.


Indeed, the simplest way would be to trace the issue would be to check if the Flirc unit causes it or something on the machine.

Try swapping the Flirc's and see if the same thing happens

Pleasant regards,



I love you guys. So quick and helpful. And a wonderfully simple yet clever device that I've recommended to friends.

I'm embarrassed to admit that a simple upgrade to v6 firmware appears to have done the trick. I think at some point I installed media keys firmware, which I think hurt it. I found it hard to establish which firmware I should be using.

Working 100% now I think.


Oh! I spoke too soon. It seems intermittent. The problem is that sometimes it fails to find the flirc after resuming from suspend. It doesn't show up in the USB list. A reboot solves the problem but of course a reboot requires the remote.

Here's an output for when it's detecting the flirc okay. I used lsusb -v as you suggested in another post.



A little more detail, in case it helps.

At the front: USB2 socket and USB3 socket

At the back: USB2 socket

The problem will occur in either of the USB2 sockets. When that happens, if I take the flirc out and put it back in the same socket then the system doesn't find it. If I plug it into one of the other sockets then it does find it.

I can't use the USB3 socket because it's not recognised in suspend mode.

I don't have the ability to try the other flirc as my wife is watching TV!


We'll have to wait for digitalb0y or Jason for the logs (i'm not as knowledgeable - sorry)

But in the meantime did you manage to test the one your wife was using before to see if the same behaviour is observed when it is swapped?


Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Are you still using the wake beta 6? I never could get that one to stay asleep on my Zbox. I went back to the stable firmware 1.0 and it's been working really well. I've not had it fail to detect the flirc on wakeup and it consistently wakes on any remote button press, and stays asleep otherwise. Interestingly, I have found that depending on what port I put my bluetooth dongle in, my bluetooth keyboard and trackpad aren't recognized until I unplug the dongle and plug it back in, but that's never happened to me with the flirc. I'll take a look when I get home and see which one I finally settled on which port I finally decided didn't have the problem, but it sounds like you've tried them all anyway. I will try to look at your pastebin links a bit later as well, but for now, did you already see the guide I wrote after getting wake to work on my system? Not sure if it will be totally helpful either since it seems to mostly be working for you, or what OpenELEC removes in order to optimize (I'm running XBMCbuntu), but I think the instructions should all still apply to your system.


Thanks Digitalb0y. I have been trying 1.0 and beta 6 without success on either. I'd appreciate it if you could take a look through the logs. There's some information about my setup here.

I had read your thread. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to work for me because flirc works intermittently.


I had a response to this written at the office but apparently never hit send, sorry aout that! Anyway, while picking through your logs I did see where it went to sleep and woke back up, and I saw some usb errors while it was coming back up, but I haven't found out for sure why.

Could you test what happens if you put "ehci_hcd uhci_hcd usbcore" after the MODULES_WHITELIST= in /etc/default/acpi-support ?

So that line would look like:

MODULES_WHITELIST="ehci_hcd uhci_hcd usbcore"


Thanks digitalboy. Openelec is a closed system so I don't think you can do that.

Someone in the openelec IRC channel suggested that I save the following as blabla.power in storage/.xbmc/addons/blabla.suspend.blablabla/sleep.d/


. /etc/profile

REMOVE_MODULES="ehci_hcd uhci_hcd usbcore"

case "$1" in


    for module in $REMOVE_MODULES ; do

      rmmod -w $module




    for module in $REMOVE_MODULES ; do

      modprobe $module




Does that make any sense to you?


Yeah, that's really weird that it was fixed on a new install and then would suddenly break. Sorry I've not worked with OpenELEC so I don't know what to suggest. I will say though, the current Zotac Zboxes are plenty powerful for XBMC, so I haven't seen a need to go the OpenELEC route at all. XBMCbuntu or even XBMC installed on a fresh Ubuntu install has no disadvantage compared to OpenELEC that I know of, except for boot time. I do have to wait about a minute to use XBMC when I power up from a cold shut down, but In all other aspects I believe I'm better served with a full, open, standard Linux distro at the heart of my system. Since you've gone as far as compiling your own OpenELEC, perhaps trying XBMCbuntu isn't such a daunting thing to try? Just a thought.

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