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Suddenly stopped working.. almost a year old


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Since I got this device, I haven't had a single issue until last week. Suddenly, a single button press would repeat hundreds of times till I unplugged the FLIRC. I assumed this was some sort of bug or fault with my Harmony remote despite me neither changing the FLIRC or Remote since the beginning of the year. Either way. I did a resync of the harmony remote.. The problem persisted.

Then I thought it was an Openlec bug... So I moved the flirc to other boxes.. same problem persisted


Then I plugged into a PC.. Forced upgraded the firmware from something like 2.x to 3.0 and then to 3.1.

It worked temporarily and then stopped again. I came on the forums and saw others and saw they were advised to force another firmware update. I did this multiple times..

The problem continues..


Whats going on? I find it strange that it happened suddenly to me and the same appears on the forums from similar time frames?


What warranty do have on the hardware?

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Yeah, this is definitely bothering me. I'm not sure what's going on. Another user reported he got his sell phone and having his cell phone in the room caused this.

I'm actively trying to determine a way to reproduce this 24/7. Please hang in there, I wont leave you hanging nor will I let anyone else.


I think I need some special diagnostic firmware to tell me about the IR signal coming through.


Did you recently get any new Wifi radios, cell phone, anything attached to the wall sockets that are new that would cause noise?

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Ya.. I am trying to figure out what changed.. So I went and sat in the car with my laptop and plug it in.. and it woudnt respond after the 3rd press.. So I can t seem to think its interference..


Especially since it was very gradual. I actually notice a strange behaviour at the beginning. In lists it would jump up and down  when I marked a show as watched.. I immediately assumed this was XBMC/Openelec acting out... but now I realise that was the start of it...


I cant even blame the latest firmware as I hadn't needed to unplug mine in months...


I am more than happy to wait for your figure it out..


I will however buy a new one cause I cant do with out it...

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Hey Jason, this sounds so similar to my and others problems withe "stuck" keys. I am very sure that this would happen to him in a text editor, too. Software does not seem to be the problem here. Even plugging Flirc in a cell phone produces the problem for me. After all, that problem did not appear for the last two days here, whatever changed...

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going to loose it. It's going to take me a bit of time, but I think what it comes down to is something with the IR sensor. Has to be. It's causing the firmware to think the key is held down or pressed repeatedly.


So what I'm going to do is bring in some custom functionality into the firmware. I'm going to add the ability to capture the waveform as seen from flirc represented as timing information. I'll let you guys export that to me, in which case I'll feed that into some software to visually draw the signal, as well as another device that outputs that as IR to a flirc here to reproduce exactly what you're flirc is seeing.


This will also help me from buying 1000 remotes (which I've done).


But this is going to take a bit of time. I'm coming out with a new product this week and am sacked with the launch. This is a pretty decent effort, but I should have some really good time next week. Hang in there, if you guys are miserable, I can try sending you a replacement or issue a refund. 

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But this is going to take a bit of time. I'm coming out with a new product this week and am sacked with the launch. This is a pretty decent effort, but I should have some really good time next week. Hang in there, if you guys are miserable, I can try sending you a replacement or issue a refund. 

Maybe I shouldnt have been so quick to order a new one then????

Edited by konradwalsh
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Thanks Jason, hanging in there. ;-) It is still totally stable for me atm.


"but I think what it comes down to is something with the IR sensor. Has to be."


Why? How is switching USB ports, and making it work suddenly, has anything to do with the IR sensor? What I mean is, I did not change the environment or anything, just the port what made it work. When it flips out I can push ANY key and each and everyone of them gets repeated (one after another of course), when it is working (no learning or configurnig, just using), it is super stable....


"It's causing the firmware to think the key is held down or pressed repeatedly"


Totally agree with that though. But isn't this something to track down "easily"? Of course I have absolutely no insights into your hardware and I still think it is a wonderful little device. Just trying to understand the way it works here.


"I can try sending you a replacement"

That's why I think a replacement is not the solution here. Can't you make the firmware shut the sensor off for a short while after each key is received and dont't take the sensor's word for granted that there might be a key being pressed continously? Hihi, don't laugh at me, if I write total bs. :-D


Cheers guys

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okay can you help me out.


What is actually happening. 

Fire up a text editor, and press the button on your remote.


Is it as if you were to take a keyboard, and rapidly press a button, or is it as if you were holding a button down on your keyboard, in which case, the button is seen by the computer, there is a delay, and then multiple keys are received.

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JUst wondering if this was resolved?  I have the exact same thing happen...Flirc working perfectly for a really long time, 6-8+ months at least...firmware in Flirc was 2.6.


I'm using OpenElec XBMC in a Intel NUC.  XBMC is Frodo 13.2, and I don't think it's updated for a while either.  A few days ago, for no reason, XBMC starts going nuts like a key press is stuck...I had to turn off the device.  When it came back on the Flirc wouldn't work any more.  Hooked Flirc up to my laptop with Windows 7 and updated firmware from 2.6 to 3.1.  Then I clicked 'Go' in the Flirc software and pushed the buttons to memorize them on my silver Apple remote.  The key recording isn't sticking, I can't get it to remember the keys now :(


Any help is much appreciated.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jason


As in, I plugged it in and the exact same repeat issues are happening.. However, I just read in your other forum post that you have RC firmware.. I havent tried that.. So I will try that today an report back..

I think it fixes it, let me know on the release candidate forum if it doesn't resolve it.

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