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Guide on obtaining IR codes for submission?

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Hey team, I understand that the current process is people come to forums and request XYZ device be added. However, this process is arduous and often full of delays since demand greatly surpasses the capacity of the Flirc team. I was just wondering if there could be some basic guide of getting a cheap setup to get 80% of the way there to start contributing to the growing database? 

I know that the team is working on new features and enhancements, but I'm sure setting up some kind of intake + giving the community a basic setup of a reasonably cost effective setup to either get the Pronto codes or some intermediary step to help the team speed up the process can't be a bad thing?

For example, would an expensive route be to get something like the Flipper Zero to store the IR signal of the device. An inexpensive, albeit with some assembly required is to get an Ardiuno + parts. (Would those two options even work?) Then some kind of Google form/API/forum reply template could be provided for the community to submit to the team in a systematic/structured fashion. That way hopefully would speed up the process.

AND if people are still impatient, they can try to use IRScrutinzer or something and try to manually update their configs as this post outlines: https://forum.flirc.tv/index.php?/topic/10420-current-device-list-and-manual-importing/.

I'm sure that all of us want to make our purchase (and investment) in the Skip worthwhile and in the absence of a "learning" feature and pockets/gaps in our devices...this might be another measure that can run in parallel to the features the core team is considering. What do y'all think?


Edit: literally saw this right after I posted: https://forum.flirc.tv/index.php?/topic/13135-hdmi-splitterswitch-ir-codes/ which I'm sure was easy(?) for the team to quickly turn it around with a .json file and I'm sure adding it to the database for a future update in the selection field


Edited by pseudowoodo
update with example
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The dev team is (afaik) working on a firmware that will allow reading codes with the Skip1s. Not sure if the codes will be shareable, but I'd hope so.

The flipper zero, as you mentioned, is expensive. A more affordable solution might be something like the LearnIR. Given that I've only used the flipper zero for reading IR (and scanning my dogs RF tags), I haven't done much with it.

The thing I like about the flipper zero is that it's trivial to find new codes by incrementing through the IR codes (https://github.com/jamisonderek/flipper-zero-tutorials/wiki/Infrared). It's how I found the power toggle on the HDMI splitter. I hope that Skip1s will do something similar, ideally via the app.

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