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  1. If you have been wondering on how to make Kodi work with Flirc and Harmony remotes to automatically suspend without you having to call up the shutdown menu or be stuck with the other methods that limit suspend commands to the home screen of Kodi this is how to do it with Kodi v15 at time of writing. Thx to GoodOmens for the tip though his info is a little out of date now so this is a guide on how to do it all. Kodi/Openelec Go to system information and make a note of it's IP address Turn on SSH in Kodi services Harmony Software Devices Flirc Media Player Change Device Settings Power Settings I want to turn this device off when not in use I press the same button for on and off Add command and select PowerOff (if you have messed with poweroff before finding this guide choose the fix command and reset IR code for PowerOff) Sync remote Go to Flirc software Select file clear configuration Select full keyboard Select Ctrl+F12 (as Kodi wont respond to this at least not yet) Go to devices on Harmony remote and select Flirc media player then hit the power off key to map it to Ctrl+F12 (requires harmony with display screen or map power off to physical button) From Windows Download WinSCP Select SFTP Input Kodi IP address Username = root and password = openelec Once logged in select options\preferences\panels and tick the box for “show hidden files” Browse to /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps folder Create a file called remote.xml Copy and paste in the text below, then save (old floppy disk icon) <keymap> <global> <keyboard> <f12 mod="ctrl">XBMC.Suspend()</f12> </keyboard> </global> </keymap> Exit WinSCP Kodi/Openelec Reboot the system (required for new xml to take effect) Now if all goes well when using Harmony activities the system should go into suspend. If you've been wondering why not just use the stock Flirc/Kodi power off command combined with the Kodi settings\power saving changing it from shutdown to suspend, this doesn't work. If you go this path the system will always wake up when using any activity and not go into suspend, the stock power off command is bugged somehow like it's being sent multiple times.
  2. First, I want to say, I have covered the issue of no power to the flirc to be able to boot... I have a media pi+ case (http://sb-components.co.uk/mediapi.html or https://www.amazon.com/Limited-Raspberry-MEDIAPI-integrated-Remote/dp/B00SEGYY7C) I am not using the onboard IR that came with it, as there's no power to it when the raspberry pi shutsdown. So I bought a flirc SE, and I have a couple adapter cables plugged in that allowed me to have the flirc se powered off of the incoming power, and it also splits to power raspbery pi (internal usb cable that came with FLIRC SE going to adapter cable that gives me standard usb plug, going into female usb plug that splits into 1 male, 1 female micro usb) so I have power going to everything, My question is, how do I set the IR remote to "boot" or wake from sleep or wake from hibernate? also, I am assuming I will need to connect one of the power switch pin pairs up to the raspberry pi for the actual boot command to work, Can I connect it to the run pin holes as that does a reset? sorry for the rather noobish question, I am trying to teach myself this stuff as much as possible, I have searched first, and did not see anything that covered this, so if it is covered elsewhere, could you please direct me to it? thanks in advance for any information or guidance anyone is able to give.
  3. Hi I want to run a .sh script using my harmony remote. My set up is a Kodi Openelec media centre and Humax freesat box connected through an HDMI matrix to an LG tv and Optoma projector. Kodi is running on a RPi 3 with a USB Flirc. All is well and everything is (pretty much) under control. Now I want more! Now I want to be able to run .sh scripts on the RPi 3 when I press a button on the remote. The reason for this is I've lifted some scripts from an old openremote2 install and can use the GPIO to activate a circuit on a RC remote that controls lights and projector screen. I've googled loads and got myself totally confused. I've read about flirc_util but have been unable to get this working on the openelec install. Any pointers? thanks
  4. Sorry if duplicate since i tried searching and didnt get anything. So i got a Flirc receiver, added to my Rpi with OpenElec and configured with Apple 3 remote. So far all good! Perfect. Now all i need is how do i have multi functions, example long press Menu can be right click on Kodi. Or double click the center button can do something. How do i configure this? There is something about virtual keys on the setup instruction. I was not able to understand or create that. TIA>
  5. Hi all .... So .. i'm new to FLIRC .. but not new to HTPCs (and building PCs in general) .. i've also read a lot about FLIRC. Anyway .. i'm changing my current HTPC setup, but am keeping my streacom case - i've ordered an FLIRC-SE which will be replacing streacom's IR header ... one very important feature for me is the ability to power on the PC via remote (specifically a harmony ultimate & hub). So - having read quite a bit on FLIRC i was planning the following: mobo to have USB power on stand by enabledupgrade FLIRC-SE to latest fw and make sure internal profiles are enabledadd FLIRC/KODI device to harmonySo ... in theory that should already give me 99% of functionality (right?!) ... what i'm not sure on is powering on - the FLIRC/KODI profile doesn't seem to include a PowerON command (PowerOFF is present) ... do I need to program a PowerON button myself? If I understood correctly - if I don't do that any IR signal will turn the PC on ... or is it any button from FLIRC/KODI profile? That might be acceptable. Cheers all!
  6. Hello, I have searched for an answer to my problem but no luck finding a resolution. I setup my Flirc with my Asus Chromebox Openelec HTPC. I setup an Acitivity on my Harmony One to "Watch Videos" and it works perfectly to wake/suspend the HTPC. But when I switch to another activity (Watch TV or Play PS4), it will also wake up the HTPC. Here's what I did: In the Harmony software, I added a new device under Computer>Media Center PC>Flirc>KodiUnder "Advanced setup for this device", I set it to "turn this device off when not in use", selected "one button on remote to turning it both On and Off", and set the command used to "PowerOff".I created an activity to "Watch Videos" using the Flirc device and added an additional customized button that I called "Suspend/Wake" that will send a command from the Flirc to "PowerOff"I used the Flirc software to map Ctrl + End to the customized button that I just created ("Suspend/Wake"). For some reason, it used to work with Ctrl + F12 but it suddenly stopped working. I did a search and found Ctrl + End works but only from the main screen of Kodi. I thought Ctrl + F12 worked in any screen in Kodi but I could be wrong.I double-checked and all my activities do not use the FlircKodi device except "Watch Videos". I also created a new activity to "Play PS4" thinking there was an issue with the old activity but it still wakes up the HTPC. Does anybody know what I did wrong to wake up the HTPC even though I'm watching/playing a different activity?
  7. Hi Guys, I have just started to use my Intel NUC again with Openelec. I have upgraded the firmware from 1.0 to the latest on my Flirc and i have the latest Openelec installed on my NUC. I have a Logitech harmony touch remote and i have loaded the Flirc device onto it. When i manually boot up the NIC, it boots into Openelec and i can use the harmony remote without issues to navigate around the GUI. Is there a way for me to use the power button on the harmony touch remote to have it put openelec into shut-down mode and then proceed to turn off my tv and amp? For the moment i cant see a way to set the power button on the harmony remote via their GUI to shut-down/suspend the NUC when i press the power button to turn things off, it just leaves the NUC running. I would like to also see if there is a way when i start up the harmony task to watch tv using the NUC to un-suspend/boot up openelec so its ready to go. Has anyone manages to successfully get this set-up and working with the above combination? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  8. Hi all. How do I install this on OpenElec? I SSHd onto the box, but I can't write to /etc/apt/sources.list' It's very possible I've missed something fundamental about how openelec works :) I posted this over on the openelec forum too, with a couple of images. Thanks all
  9. I have all the basic keys on my remote working just fine, and I've made a few tweaks (though haven't synchronized them with the remote as yet). Adding the device & activity via the Logtech Harmony software was the hardest piece...and it has nothing to do with FLIRC. However, OpenELEC has a Home "icon"/function...which I assume could correlate to a button press (maybe Guide or Exit on the remote), however, the XMBC profile (if I'm using the right term here) in the Harmony software (which is a PITA to setup sometimes), doesn't show any extra "keys" that I could use to assign to my free buttons. I assume this is an issue on the Harmony/FLIRC side rather than something on OpenELEC. I do not see a way to manually add a new "key" value via the Harmony software, to associate with the Media Center PC (Flirc XMBC) device. There's a hardcoded list of keys. I've seen mention of Profiles on this forum, is there a profile I can edit to add a key value that the Harmony software will list? (Seems unlikely as I'd assume the Harmony software pulls that data from it's own servers.) Thanks for any help you can provide. -Chris
  10. I'm using Openelec on a Raspberry Pi B+ and recently bought a Logitech Harmony to control it. I'm trusting the embedded profile, and it seems to work very well. After a while though the volume down key or command (and ONLY this one, so far) stops working. Unplugging and replugging the FLIRC doesn't help, only a complete reboot of the RPi will let it work again. It's not a tremendous hassle but it's somehow distressing. Anyone got any clue on this? Is it a firmware bug?
  11. Hi guys. I've received my Flirc a few days ago and I'm not able to run a lot of functions or keys with my Harmony 300 (Vol+ vol- mute smallstepack). :o Of course I've read before an tested this guide without luck. The XBMC Flirc profile in MyHarmony don't work fine with the Harmony 300. If I load this profile the Volume+ Volume- and smallstepback don't work. I've also tried to program the harmony like a Samsung LN46C650L1F and assigned a function to all the keys as mentioned in the post. BUT when I try to program or reassign this functions in the FlircGui 1.2.5 (w7x64 + firmware 2.5) they don't work. For example, I press the Vol+ in the gui, it asks for the command, then I press the button in the remote and Flirc says 'recorded successfully' BUT if I test the new key it doesn't work neither Flirc Gui nor Openelec 3.95.2. I can't make it work from any panel... minimalist, Full Keyboard, XBMC. I haven't this issues with the direction arrows, exit, play, enter, stop, forward, backward, up, down, left, right, INFO and numbers 0 to 9. :wacko: It is curious that when I record the key mute (with any button in my Harmony) it makes it on the key info :huh: What can I do? A lot of thanks. :)
  12. Hi everyone, So I have my FLIRC running my XBMC (OpenELEC) box and I absolutely love it, but I'm having an issue with what I call hypersensitive wakeup. I put my box to sleep, but absolutely any IR from any remote wakes it back up. I'm using a repurposed Samsung remote from an old DVD player with the FLIRC, but any of my IR remotes will wake the unit. Is there a way to program the FLIRC to only wake on a single, specific key press? Regards, Jeff
  13. Hello all, I am running the latest version of openelec on a regular pc. The flirt works just fine but after a period of not using openelec/xbmc it doesn't respond directly, it starts responding after a couple of minutes when i used the keyboard and watch television. I am using the flirc with logitech harmony touch. Any ideas ? Greetz, Matija
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