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Everything posted by offroad

  1. yes I would love to trial your test hardware. Currently have a FIRESTICK working with the older FLIRQ via USB and my logictec Harmony 650. email me ktjensen(at)gmail(dot)com
  2. please respond if you have this working to confirm others are doing this.
  3. found this old discussion thread. Just bought a Harmony 650 ($20 used on ebay) and see if I attach a FLIRC USB ($15) to my FIRETV (4k aka Gen2) via a OTG cable I likely can make the firetv work. That there is a profile for FLIRC/FIRETV, which is kind of cool. So guess I will invest in this. Thanks to all the originators of the profile and the tests.
  4. Nigel - you mean most IR receivers have a window that is polarized and filters IR so it is line of sight only? Like polarized sunglasses? Can you create one with filter film you can buy st the car parts store for window film?
  5. Am also having this problem. Have noticed that extra keys are recorded to other buttons. Even after clearing everything those extra keys get recorded. Agree it might be a button speed issue when recording. Also noticed that when using the FLIRC I get a multiple response like it is too sensitive. Have not tried turning on the noise filter yet because it's just almost working. Looking forward to the new firmware when it comes out.
  6. Am also having this problem. Have noticed that extra keys are recorded to other buttons. Even after clearing everything those extra keys get recorded. Agree it might be a button speed issue when recording. Also noticed that who using the FLIRC I get a multiple response like it is too sensitive. Have not tried turning in the noise filter yet because it's just almost working. Looking forward to the new firmware when it comes out.
  7. Trying to map any two remote keys to the "A" button and the "O" button. But have no luck with FLIRC. Supposedly these two buttons are just button "1" and "2" but my mapping did work.
  8. Trying to map any two remote keys to the "A" button and the "O" button. But have no luck with FLIRC. Supposedly these two buttons are just button "1" and "2" but my mapping did work.
  9. have posted this same message multiple times. but be careful when using USB HUB or EXTENTION cables. they will cause issues with the FLIRC usb device being recognized. you may need to unplug at the computer end to get USB to cycle connection.
  10. be real careful with USB HUB or a USB EXTENSION CABLE because when you use them the usb port on your computer might not fully cycle the connection. i had this happen. result will be the FLIRC does not get initiated so that it can be programmed or tested. likely another reason to get a powered usb hub when i finally buy one.
  11. b4pjoe - have had problems with USB drivers being flakey on WIN7 machines so expect it could happen again. Will need to try what you did. 1) How do you clear the configuration completely for the FLIRC? no buttons programmed? 2) Assume you use the FLIRC just on your PC computer?
  12. Now happy with FLIRC. I upgraded the firmware to attempt to get XBMC working differently and only succeeded in completely messing up the FLIRC. but now have it working. ********* got FLIRC working. be careful with USB HUB or EXTENTION cables. they tend to block the FLIRC from being recognized as connected. will need to test if a power cycle on OUYA would disconnect the FLIRC. 1) Looks like FLIRC works great under XBMC, but not so good under OUYA itself. will need to map a couple more keys like the "O" and the "A" special keys for the OUYA. not sure what their equivalent on a keybaord is, as OUYA seems to pretend to be a keyboard once plugged in. 2) the FLIRC will be fast with its buttons so be quick with your finger and it will work.
  13. Am also getting this issue where I seem to not be able to reprogram the FLIRC buttons. But funny thing is that I was able to restore a previous saved profile, so I could get the FLIRC back working in a working mode. Will need to experiment more. Maybe program all the buttons (or think I have) then save the profile, then restore that profile. Any other suggestions? Just sent in a support email about this also.
  14. am also going to attempt this tonight. The ermote I am using will emulate a DISH NETWORK or a DIRECT TV as I do not have those systems. should have all the buttons there in those profiles on my universal remote.
  15. $6 per month cable card fee from COMCAST. If you already have a regular digital tuner. Else just a cable card with nothing else will be zero dollars per month.
  16. was going to need to program every button of my RCA remote as I suggested above. That is about 30 buttons. would take me forever. so now am thinking maybe the harmony is not a bad choice. still priced at $40 to $80 used to new prices. Am going about this wrong. I just need to find a profile for my remote, that emulates all the buttons of XBMC. Then program the FLIRC to accept all those buttons. Anyone have a suggested profile for a generic remote, that has all the XBMC buttons, without being XBMC itself? maybe I can find a satelitte reciever like DISH NETWORK or DIRECT TV and use an emulated remote for that on the RCA remote (since I do not have the satelite dish networks). Will attempt that tonight. Am doing this because I have an XBMC computer already next to my HDTV (it can do WINDOWS MEDIA CENTER, and flash capable browser apps too); but I want an OUYA as well as a backup XBMC machine.
  17. 1) program the FLIRC with another computer. I use a win7 computer and select the XBMC profile in the FLIRC software. then I program every key press to get the FLIRC locked in. 2) Then I installed the FLIRC drivers for XBMC. see the blog entry for XBMC and load the drivers as mentioned in the blog entry link. should now work.
  18. You have to teach the FLIRC how to recognize your IR blaster signals. just wondering what the OP did to teach the flirc?
  19. Line Of Sight = LoS for those not lingo literate
  20. yep cable card at $130 plus the cable card rental fee of $60 per year.
  21. Harmony on sale used is $30. If money is no object get the full harmony starting at $100.
  22. Obviously FLIRC makes it easy to be flexable with an IR remote control. Its a great solution. But many computers also need an IR emitter (aka transmitter, aka BLASTER) to work at controlling cable boxes and other items on your computer and HDTV system. What are the best suggestions for an IR blaster?
  23. So if you do any work or reading about how PLASMA HDTV can interfear (mess up) infrared you might find out that something called FLOOD happens. Basically the IR receiver is blinded by the light from your Plasma tv. has their been any discussion about how to make sure that does not happen? Via positioning, or via window tint maybe?
  24. http://blog.flirc.tv/one-more-thing-weve-got-an-xbmc-plugin/ has instructions on the location of the plugin for OUYA, which if you know XBMC you can load as a PLUGIN source, and then install. The issue is that this assumes you are using the FLIRC factory firmware (not the BETA testing latest release firmware). 1) XBMC has to have a plugin for OUYA to use the FLIRC (as above). Only works with the factory FIRMWARE on the FLIRC so be careful about this. Other firmware will disable the XBMC driver for OUYA and FLIRC. 2) There are known issues with MCE remotes (which is what you will use to control FLIRC typically). Read about the issues here, and consider them in your pursuit to get FLIRC working. You might find it not fun to do. ************ You will have issues. Recommend to just root your OUYA and install the android keyboard drivers. Then program the FLIRC to work with the remote controls cross mapped to the ANDROID keyboard.
  25. Just want to mention after some research am finding the RCRP05BR remote by RCA as the least expensive full function remote. It is a learning remote and it can be used to with a cable to be programmed (forget those cables names, but they are a standard). Can be found at all Walmarts for $15 or if you order via Amazon less than $10. have not used it with my FLIRC but expect no issues. Everything else is so much more expensive.
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