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  1. See if this will help you: Macro Usage Yeah, the forums don't seem very useful, lately :(
  2. In trying to achieve additional functionality with an Android TV/Amazon FireTV app called "Channels," one of the devs suggested the following: flirc_util record_api 2 0 156 flirc_util record_api 2 0 157 That doesn't behave normally with flirc_util version 3.20.3 on my Linux Mint 17 (Qiana) MATE machine. The app developer wrote back "There’s supposed to be a third undocumented prefix parameter but it’s not working. I’ve reached out to the flirc dev about it." Anybody here have any clues as to what this is all about? (Lord, this is horrible forum software :(.)
  3. I was just getting ready to write "Never mind. End-user error." :)
  4. Flirc GUI Version: v3.20.3 on Linux Mint 17 (Qiana) MATE Trying to do some reprogramming. When I try to erase a given button, I click "erase", then the button I want erased, and get "Erasing cancelled". The erase does not occur, as confirmed by trying to learn something else on that button. Whereas if I File -> Clear Configuration I can. So, it appears to be the only way to change a mapping is to clear the entire config and start over?
  5. Lacking any feedback, I finally simply tried what I'd hoped to be able to achieve and verified, for myself, that it will not work.
  6. I'm using Home Theater Master MX-500 universal remotes with Amazon Fire TVs (v2) and Xiaomi MiBox 3's. One app we're using on both is the Channels client app. A couple of functions, commercial skip and last channel are handled by rapid key-presses (D-pad "right" and "enter," respectively). We can't key them consistently. So I was thinking "Hmmm... Flirc macros." What I'd hoped to be able to do is have the remote's "next chapter" (>>|) cause the Flirc to emit two D-pad "right"s and the "previous chapter" (|<<) to emit two D-pad "enter"s, but I want the D-pad's "right" and "enter" to function normally. If I'm reading the flirc_util documentation properly, it looks like this is not going to be possible, but I'm not certain. Btw: Is Macro Usage -> Example 1: "hello" correct? It show repeated use of "flirc_util record <letter>", as opposed to "flirc_util record <letter>", followed by multiple "flirc_util record_macro <letter>"s.
  7. Got my answer, complements of @yawor: http://blog.flirc.tv/index.php/2018/09/14/new-linux-repo/ Thanks, yawor!
  8. *bump* Still going on. (Or not going on, I guess one could say.) I've removed the Flirc repos from my software sources. Wondering if this is going to be fixed?
  9. There was a Flirc update just a few days ago, I think. Now I'm getting Failed to fetch https://packagecloud.io/Flirc/repo/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/source/Sources HttpError429 Failed to fetch https://packagecloud.io/Flirc/repo/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages HttpError429 Failed to fetch https://packagecloud.io/Flirc/repo/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-i386/Packages HttpError429 Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. When I go to the download link it shows 3.20.2 is available. I'm at 3.20.1. Recommendation?
  10. Hi All, I've got a Home Theater Master MX-500 [set to a Replay TV code set] controlling a Gen. 2 Fire TV via a Flirc. On another forum made a passing reference to using number buttons on a remote with either an Amazon Fire TV or Android TV streaming device. A request for details went unanswered. So that's the question: Can it be done and, if so, how to go about it? Thanks!
  11. I had this same problem with a Flirc on a MiBox, using a Home Theater Master MX-500 with the device set to a NEC TV code set. Disabled the built-in profiles. Problem solved.
  12. Remote being used Home Theater Master (Universal Remote Control) MX-500 Pros + Was easy to program/configure + Has a really nice Linux programming/configuration utility + Worked "right out of the box" + Flexible + Good community support Cons - None (yet?) Overall Being used on a Xiaomi MiBox (Android TV) streaming device because it's native IR appears to be incompatible with the MX-500. Configured one of the MX-500 device pages for a NEC TV IR set, trained the Flirc to it, plugged the Flirc into the MiBox, and bang: Can now control the MiBox, along with all the other HT gear, from the one universal remote. Worked so well I almost wish I needed more of them. Heck, I may buy another to have around "just in case" :)
  13. Did some more experimentation. Tried using a Hitachi (I think it was) code set on the Flirc. Same behaviour. Hmmm... Tried using a different NEC code set. Yup: Same thing. (Btw: As well as the GE/Jasco's "ok" button producing a Right Move on the MiBox, the Right Move button produced two Right Moves.) Then, leaving the Flirc plugged in, I blinded it by stuffing it behind the cabinet. Behaviour went away. So I'm guessing there's some "native" programming in the Flirc that's causing this?
  14. Trying it again. MX-500 Move Right :e:28181 0,1065,413,609,1031,609,413,583,759,623,1018,608,413,609,409,608,1330,587,435,609,409,608,1037,608 :e:13 0,1070,409,608,1032,609,413,609,733,608,1036,609,409,608,413,608,1331,608,409,613,409,608,1032,609 :e:13 0,1043,435,609,1031,609,409,612,734,608,1032,612,409,609,409,608,1330,613,409,609,428,593,1032,608 :e:13 0,1069,409,587,1058,608,409,608,774,573,1032,608,414,608,410,608,1331,608,413,609,409,608,1032,613 GE/Jasco "ok" button (Xiaomi code set [1654]) :e:23363 0,1069,440,651,1071,673,443,678,750,678,1044,647,469,648,469,677,1343,651,772,677,444,673,1343,651 :e:12 0,1070,439,647,1070,678,443,652,776,647,1071,677,445,672,443,652,1369,651,772,678,443,673,1339,677 :e:12 0,1053,439,674,1045,694,426,652,776,652,1070,673,444,673,443,652,1365,677,751,651,465,678,1339,677 :e:12 0,1048,460,678,1045,651,466,677,751,651,1071,673,444,652,465,677,1343,678,751,691,425,652,1365,677 :e:13 0,1043,465,678,1045,673,443,677,751,677,1045,697,419,652,465,677,1343,677,746,677,443,696,1320,677 :e:13 0,1069,439,652,1066,677,444,651,777,673,1045,677,440,706,415,647,1373,673,751,677,439,677,1339,677 And, yes: The only key on the MX-500 learned from the Jasco was the power button. The MX-500 claims it learns the others, but they don't accomplish anything on the MiBox when pressed. Hmmm... In fact: Here's what the MX-500 learned from the Jasco ("ok" button programmed into the "ok" button on the MX-500 for an unused device): :e:1340 0,1069,409,609,1032,586,435,608,734,586,1058,608,409,608,409,613,1330,609,733,613,409,608,1330,609 :e:13 0,1069,409,613,1032,608,409,587,759,608,1032,612,409,609,409,608,1330,613,733,608,409,613,1330,608 :e:12 0,1070,409,612,1032,608,409,613,733,608,1032,612,416,602,408,587,1352,612,733,608,409,613,1330,608 :e:12 0,1070,409,586,1054,613,409,608,733,613,1032,608,409,613,409,608,1331,608,733,613,409,610,1329,612 :e:12 0,1069,409,608,1034,611,409,608,733,612,1032,608,409,613,404,613,1330,608,734,612,409,609,1330,612 :e:12 0,1069,409,608,1032,612,409,608,734,612,1031,587,430,613,409,608,1330,612,733,587,430,613,1326,613 :e:12 0,1069,409,612,1032,608,409,613,733,608,1032,612,409,608,409,587,1352,613,733,608,409,613,1326,613 I wish the Flirc app gave you the ability to clear that debug window w/o having to exit the app entirely. If you have any influence with the development team, perhaps you could persuade them to add that?
  15. MX-500 Move Right, followed by Jasco "ok" :e:19752 0,1069,409,612,1031,608,414,608,733,586,1057,609,413,608,408,608,1330,612,409,608,413,608,1031,612 :e:13 0,1073,409,608,1032,612,409,608,738,608,1031,613,409,608,409,612,1330,608,413,608,409,608,1036,608 :e:13 0,1048,435,608,1031,613,408,608,738,608,1031,613,408,608,409,613,1329,608,414,608,408,608,1036,609 :e:11609 0,1051,439,678,1044,672,448,673,755,672,1049,673,443,673,443,677,1342,673,750,678,443,673,1342,678 :e:12 0,1047,465,672,1044,678,443,677,750,673,1048,673,443,677,439,677,1346,673,750,677,443,673,1342,672 :e:12 0,1069,439,673,1048,673,443,677,750,677,1044,677,439,677,444,672,1343,677,750,677,439,679,1341,652 :e:12 0,1069,439,677,1044,651,469,673,750,677,1044,677,444,701,414,678,1342,677,750,651,465,678,1338,677 :e:13 0,1069,439,677,1044,677,443,673,754,677,1044,676,439,677,439,677,1342,682,745,651,465,677,1368,651 :e:13 0,1072,439,673,1044,677,444,677,751,676,1044,677,439,677,444,651,1368,677,746,677,443,678,1337,677
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