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Everything posted by jason

  1. Batteries get disconnected with USB present. I log a reboot on battery low fail. I’m going to add a ton of logging because it must be stuck somewhere, but you can’t remove the batteries or I lose the logs.
  2. Don't use rechargeable batteries, and follow the instructions I outlined. When it seems to be dead. Press and hold a button that is mapped to something. Do another, hook it up to the computer without disconnecting the batteries, and get the remote logs please.
  3. Alright, I'm not doing this anymore. I'm deleting new posts. I have sent a dozen remotes and only got one back. I have no idea if people are just wanting free remotes or what, but now I'm getting mad. I test every remote before I send it out and never came accross one that uses 100mA because that's what it would take to deplete a battery in one day. Every remote has gone to sleep correctly and is under 6uA.
  4. jason

    MECool remote ?

    @Turbine Okay try this Dune - Dune HD1.json
  5. jason

    MECool remote ?

    Yup. I'm out today, will fix it tomorrow or monday. Thanks @Benjamin Metzler for helping jump in.
  6. jason

    TV Source button?

    Sorry. Do you mean you can’t find the button in the device button list?
  7. jason

    MECool remote ?

    Theyll be the same. No need to retest. They are identical with different labels.
  8. jason

    MECool remote ?

    Thank you for doing that, I just worry this is going to be a brutal test. I removed the entries already in the previous config since we already know their assignment. There is no quick way to test these other than assigning them in the gui. Mecool - Mecool_KM6.json
  9. jason

    MECool remote ?

    I tried very hard to finish yesterday but couldn't find anything useful to help guide me on making more codes. I have to put together a tool and will have something end of next week. I normally work on the weekends, but my family needs some time with me.
  10. Please. I’m betting it’s not a battery issue and a firmware issue. I’ve been able to see in one of our rooms a state where it is stuck. Button presses don’t do anything and it looks dead. Hooking up to the computer I see that it never turned off and collected logs. I brought it to work and was going to do some electrical analysis and by the time I wanted to try again, it unstuck.
  11. jason

    MECool remote ?

    Pretty tuff for me to figure out without a remote or device. But maybe I we can try and reverse engineer it. Let me look at the protocol or come up with a way for you to cycle through different commands until we find the one we need.
  12. jason

    MECool remote ?

    Maybe I put it in the wrong category. Look in misc. that is supposed to have every device
  13. jason

    MECool remote ?

    If you added it in the brands section of the admin panel, just run through the wizard and it should show up as if it’s been there.
  14. jason

    MECool remote ?

    Thank you, just delete that, here it is again without that. MECOOL - KM6.json
  15. jason

    MECool remote ?

    Will do. I am going to publish a lot of my scripts and helpers soon, all of it is a bit of a hot mess in a working directory. @Turbine Try the attached. MECOOL - KM6.json
  16. jason

    MECool remote ?

    Good find! I just so happened to write a python script to convert flipper to json. BRB.
  17. When it seems dead.Without taking out the batter, I’d like you to press and hold the number 5. Then 1. Then plug it into the computer. Go to preferences. Accessibility. Enable admin panel. Go to the gear icon in the top right corner. Go to logs. Remote tab log. Refresh. Copy and paste that here.
  18. jason

    MECool remote ?

    Oh. That’s gonna be a problem. I’ll see if I can find codes but it may not even support IR?
  19. jason

    MECool remote ?

    I’m going to post an update in the forum today so you can learn your remote. We have a lot of work to do on it, it is alpha.
  20. Is that the only app that doesn’t work? Only the okay button and only on one version of the firetv?
  21. Thanks for letting me know. We’re going to improve testing different codes in the wizard and I have a huge update to learn codes that I’ll post on the beta forums too this week.
  22. Update with updated firmware posted.
  23. Perfect summary. I couldn't find the codes. Alpha version of learning should be ready soon.
  24. jason

    Add device?

    Oh I'm so so sorry. I got swamped and completely forgot about this. This was perfect. Thank you. Try this: I'll include this in the next update as well. Emotiva - BasX TA1.json
  25. Specific devices aren't supported by big brands. You can find that in one of the given LG code groups. That being said, learning codes beta release is imminent.
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