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Everything posted by jason

  1. make sure you are on the latest firmware too, firmware v2.6. Should read that at the bottom of the GUI.
  2. Fire up advanced and change the inter-key delay to 3, it should fix it and make it feel more natural
  3. Head to advanced in the gui and set the interkey delay to 3. Should do the trick.
  4. shoot me an email at my support address, I'll get this fixed. I know what the issue is.
  5. touch screen's will never replace remotes. It's not practical. WIFI will eventually break into consumer remote control's, but it's still too expensive.
  6. Make sure your drivers update, usually an update from an older GUI with the old drivers don't get updated. Just a windows issue, I'm not sure why. https://flirc.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200712548-Using-the-ZADIG-Utility Try that.
  7. do you have any incandescent/fluorescent lighting?
  8. Try a few things with this release too. In GUI, turn off built in profiles. Also try to change the interkey delay to 3. Let me know if those do anything.
  9. It's not C#, and the programming language has nothing to do with the feature you are asking for. I agree it would be handy, but I won't be able to do that due to hardware limitations.
  10. Can you shoot me an email at my support email address. I'll send you a new one asap and would like to take a look at what's going wrong with the one you have. Others have said this and I've pulled my hair out trying to reproduce it and shooting out potential fixes. If it's tied to the unit, this would greatly help me. I'm really sorry about the trouble, please hang in there, it's just me here. I'll do whatever I can. Refund is no problem.
  11. I'd really like to help you, have you tried upgrading to firmware 2.6?
  12. No I don't support anything like that with this model. I'm sorry.
  13. pope5, I'm really sorry, Chris is just an amazing friend who jumps in to help. I do this solo. Flirc firmware is not open source, and that's the only place this will help. I can't address this request, I do this on the side of a full time job (which is very busy), got a young baby, and I've got a bunch of products I'm working on to be released this year. I also can't do this in the existing hardware version. It's too limited, I'm very sorry. If it doesn't meet your needs, I'm happy to give you a refund.
  14. You can use the GUI to set it. It's in advanced settings. No doesn't matter. Settings stay with the device.
  15. yeah, flirc_util settings Check your inter-key delay, make sure it's 3 or 4. flirc_util interkey_delay 3 or in the gui-> settings, advanced.
  16. The best interkey delay is 3-4, I should really change it and remove the rest. Try 3.
  17. I don't have support for that. It's not quite do-able with my current model and implementation. I'm very sorry. I plan on addressing this, but I don't have a timeline.
  18. What does the version number say at the bottom?
  19. Could be. Could you go to advanced, force firmware upgrade again, then try again. If it's still happening, could you enable the noise filter? If it still happens, shoot me an email at support at flirc.tv
  20. So the code at the end is the representation of the infrared signal, but this can't be understood by any tv, android app, or anything in the world for that matter. I use a custom algorithm to extract the long pattern sent from a remote, and compress it into a 32 bit representation that can never be converted back into the original format. I do plan on doing something else in the future to help with this, but I can't do it with the current model.
  21. Yes, unfortunately, I don't have support for internationalization settings yet, but it's on the map. For now, just use a side by side comparison for the german keyboard ignoring what the key on my GUI says. That's exactly what you need to do, use the keyboard controller view in the GUI and manually do the pairing this way.
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