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Could not upgrade firmware. Contact support.


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After unplugging the working FLIRC once and plugging it in again it stopped working. The GUI of v1.2.2 switches between: "Could not upgrade firmware. Contact support." and "Bootloader detected." Also there is a line saying: "Bootloader v-16.-16". It is not possible to "Force FW Upgrade" under "Advanced".

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I mentioned this in a few places, but don't like to because it doesn't excuse much, but it's just me here. I do everything, support, development, sales, packaging, testing, assembly, you name it. It's literally enough jobs for 2 people full time, and I do it outside a full time job. I may miss an occasional post, which I did, and I really apologize. One way to get a hold of me is by going to that contact support site, it goes directly to my email and is managed by zendesk so I don't lose track.


That's a problem that is due to a bad driver. Give this a try: https://flirc.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200712548-Using-the-ZADIG-Utility


I apologize I missed your post.

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I didn't know that you are an "one man army".  :o  My sincere apologizes! If this is the case, then you are actually doing a great job!


I already tried that suggested utility without any success. The device is enlisted in Windows 8.1's Device Manager as bootldr but still the GUI can't establish a constant connection. It always switches forth and back. Same under Mac OS 10.9.2 by the way.


Anything else I could do to help you with the troubleshooting?

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