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  1. Absolutely, you can see here that there are 2 Yamahas listed: If I click the first one, I see this: If I click the second one, I see this: If I search for my receiver in the first one (RX V-1000), it isn't present. Let me know if any or other diagnostic or log would be helpful, I can provide them.
  2. Hello, just wanted to drop my experience with this update. I definitely notice that the animations are smoother. I would still appreciate a sort of "reduced motion" setting, because they still chug on my laptop, but it's still improved. I noticed that when making an activity, the drop down to select model/brand seems to close when I try scrolling. I also noticed that some brands are now split with some models under one/the other. For example, Yamaha Audio, my RX V-1000 code set was under the second Yamaha category. Thanks for the improvements, hope to see more soon.
  3. I've been using my Skip remote for about a week now and it really is a great device, but the software has so many problems that I believe too many people would be completely turned off of using it. Pros: Build quality The remote feels amazing, there aren't any too sharp corners, the buttons are stable, and they have a nice satisfying click. The USB C port is tight and works with a variety of cables without clearance issues. Speed The remote is super responsive, no lag unlike my harmony. I can press the arrow 5 times in a row and it won't start falling behind or reject other inputs. Pronto HEX support I had very little problems adding unsupported devices manually using Pronto hex codes (on a working system) These things alone make this the remote that I want to leave next to my TV, but getting to the point where this was an option was a huge undertaking. Cons: Windows and Linux The software was clearly designed with MacOS in mind. On 2 separate machines I had many issues getting the Skip App to work properly. On my main desktop, under windows, I installed the software and driver with no issues, but I was completely unable to communicate with the remote in the Skip App. I tried with Linux, and the Linux software was able to communicate, but failed to actually send any information. I later found out that this is because Firmware updates are only available on Windows and MacOS. On a second Windows machine, I was having trouble installing the application. I needed to manually install the msix using PowerShell as Admin to get the installation to complete. Once the install completed, I had no issues using the software to flash the firmware. On my M1 Mac, I had no issues at all. Everything went smoothly. Flirc USB Integration I bought the bundle with the Flirc USB thinking that the integration would be smoother than trying to use a WMCE receiver. However, I quickly realized that aside from the few built in profiles, there is no obvious way to add custom bindings. I wanted to add custom bindings for ESC, Alt+F4, i, j, J, and other keys to the many buttons on my remote. With my harmony and WMCE, I was able to just set the bindings with the Harmony and the WMCE had no problems interpreting the codes. For the Flirc, I had to add a bogus device to my activity, then use the Flirc software to bind those bogus codes to my necessary keys. Key holding The previous section led me to find this issue. Since I had used the codes for a Motorola STB, I was unable to hold the arrow or enter key. I tried setting the Flirc software to hold mode, however the receiver wasn't receiving any hold signal. My solution was to add both the STB and the Flirc Kodi as 2 separate devices, then leave the Flirc Kodi as the arrow+enter keys, and the rest of the keys dedicated to the STB. This led me to the issue of the enter key double clicking. There is about a 50% chance that when I press the enter key, it will double click. I don't have this issue on any of the keys that I bound via the STB, like the play/pause button on top. I would imagine this is some sort of de bounce or reflection issue with the IR signal, but I haven't debugged it. Default activities don't make sense As an example, I will make a new activity with an LG TV (Code Group 1), a Yamaha Soundbar (YAS Series), and a Flirc Kodi. The default power activity does not wake the PC (?), uses a Toggle for the TV power when there are already Discrete codes available in the database, and does not turn the soundbar on at all. Any time I add a new device to an activity, these defaults overwrite my handmade one. General bugs The software has way too many drawn out animations. If I do actions too quickly before animations finish, the software starts bugging out and the transitions render me unable to click anything or to close and restart the process I was in. On machines without GPU Acceleration (like a VM), the Skip App is completely unusable. The Linux version doubles up any actions that I drag to the remote. Forums I understand that you guys are running a very small shop, and I'm sure that this isn't an easy project for you to be working on. However, I find the amount of questions that remain unanswered or with no conclusion astounding. There are even scam links being posted in different sections of the forum for almost a month now that haven't been removed. Plenty of useful and important information is scattered all around the forums with no conclusive location to see all of it. An example of this is the fact that the firmware cannot be flashed on Linux, or that the Logitech LampArray service can cause issues and should be disabled, or even where the latest version of tools like SkipUpdate can be found. I really like this device, and I really want to see it succeed, but I also hope that the issues that I have outlined above will actually be fixed, because otherwise I find it very difficult to recommend that anyone actually buy one of these remotes unless they have a simple setup and a lot of time to kill.
  4. After playing around a bit, I tried on a physical Linux machine with the same issue, but when I tried a Mac, I was invited to update the firmware and the remote is working now. Windows is still not working, but I am able to program keys from Linux now. I think that regardless, it should be verified that Linux and Windows are capable of flashing the firmware on these devices. I understand that UWP is causing some issues on the development side, but I think that if this is the case at the bare minimum there needs to be a simple Win32 application (like SkipUpdate) that can get you out of a jam. UWP has been an endless headache for me and many others, in general, even outside of Flirc, so to be locked into it seems counterproductive on a new/beta product like this remote. I don't plan on keeping this Mac much longer, so if I am unable to flash the firmware without one, that may be a deal breaker.
  5. Hey, just received my Skip 1s unit, and upon trying to sync it the first time, I got this error: I have the driver, restarted the software, pulled the batteries, unplugged and replugged, rebooted the pc. If I open the admin panel, I noticed that it seems to be stuck in DFU mode. Under windows, in the Admin panel I see that if I click connect, there is an Error 414. I was going to try and manually flash the firmware, however the SkipUpdate tool linked here leads to an AccessDenied page. I read other posts on the forum, and saw that the Logitech LampArray service can cause issues, however it seems to be already disabled for me. I then tried to use SkipApp under Debian (VMware). I get farther than the error 414, however, upon syncing I receive: Anything I can do to get out of DFU mode, or is this a faulty unit?
  6. Nope, there shouldn't have been any codes removed. I only removed some blank entries that got generated because my script was lazy (lol). I grabbed the zip from here.
  7. made a script real quick to turn 2013_Pioneer & Elite AVR IR Codes with Hex 7-30-13.zip from Pioneer's website into a JSON for the skipapp because none of the pioneer sets that I can find in the app include Power commands. Thought it would be cool to add all the possible codes in one shot, but the program says the file is invalid until I remove about half the codes (either half works, its not a json error I don't think). Is this limit intentional? A limitation of the remote hardware perhaps? Pioneer - 2013.json
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