Hey team,
First off, I wanted to relay how much I love the Skip 1s for my theater. I can't wait to see how the remote matures over the rest of the year.
The one issue I'm encountering is how the remote handles powering down my TV and AVR at the time same. So the behavior I'm experiencing today is this.
1. TV and AVR are powered off
2. Pressing the Power Button on the remote will turn on the TV followed by the AVR immediately after.
3. When pressing the power button after watching TV/playing games/etc. instead of sending the "power down" commands the remote sends the "power up" button config. This makes my AVR show "Main: Power On", but if I press the power button a second time, it sends the "power down" commands correctly. Is this intended functionality or is there something I need to set on the remote config to make sure that it sends the proper commands.
I'm leaning towards there's an issue with my config because I had issues with the TV and AVR having their power states stayed synced when using the "power toggle" option. So the way it's set today is like this:
Power Up
TV Power On - Repeat 1x; Wait 0s
AVR Power On - Repeat 1x
Power Down
TV Power Toggle
I hope my explanation makes sense, haha. Let me know if you need any additional information!