I have several of my AndroidTV boxes (MiBox s) set up using Kodi as the Harmony device. I got one more box and went to set up a flirc for it and am running into issues. Not only did I not get the new one set up, now I've managed to bork two of the ones I had set up. I'm wondering if the f/w update is to blame but at any rate I have one set up and went into CLI to check the settings using flirc_util.exe settings and this is what I'm seeing. Is this correct?
FW Version: v4.9.3
SKU: Flirc 2.0 [dori]
Branch: master
Config: release
Hash: 0xCB185BDE
sleep detection: always enabled
noise canceler: always enabled
inter-key delay: N/A for current firmware
variant: Flirc
builtin profiles: NA
Memory Info: NA
product sku: Flirc 2.0 [dori]
Recorded Keys:
Index hash IK ID key
----- -------- --- -- ------------
0 A0AB871A 077 02 menu_up
1 5DB5670D 076 02 menu_right
2 CB58A141 076 02 menu_down
3 5DB54866 077 02 menu_left
4 CB58A05A 076 02 menu_pick
5 791733F0 054 04 browser_back
6 1EDDA9CE 077 04 browser_home
7 2B6BFCFF 105 01 1
8 73BCF418 105 01 2
9 2B6BDF3F 105 01 3
10 E5FF8824 105 01 4
11 87D9E931 105 01 5
12 7638FF4C 094 01 6
13 733E673F 105 01 7
14 00403758 105 01 8
15 BCD5958B 104 01 9
16 B65F618C 104 01 0
17 4455FAD8 107 01 up
18 FC04E5FF 107 01 down
19 18242E8B 107 01 right
20 69991058 107 01 left
21 18240FE4 107 01 return
22 76936B0B 107 01 backspace
23 BCD96B4B 106 01 escape
24 F01CFFE4 106 02 play/pause
25 EBB0C998 106 02 play/pause
26 A27C97CB 106 01 x
27 AA6ABF97 107 01 r
28 91A9CFE4 106 01 f
29 00EBD44B 107 01 ,
30 A27C7924 106 01 .
I should add, I used a WMC remote to program the Flirc, using all the keys above and the Green Button Key for "Home". What device should I choose for my Harmony 900's using the old Harmony Software, version 7.7.0?