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Everything posted by jason

  1. Okay, thanks for letting me know. Keep me post.d
  2. The latest version should show logging, but I'm a bit blown away that the OS crashes. Is that right? Can you try another USB slot? Maybe put it on a hub? The gui can log, but really, it shouldn't crash the operating system. What version of Windows do you have?
  3. But Shift + , is equal to < Not sure what you mean.
  4. Can you post a picture of device manager? Does the GUI recognize it?
  5. Nicely done average geek. I tried this myself and couldn't find a key combo. I've been pulling my hair out about this and reached out to Amazon. We found out the problem was on their side, they are pushing out a fix for this in the next few weeks. I will create some articles for the temporary fix you found. Awesome job
  6. Thanks so much for following up. Yes, it's just me here, and I'm working full time at NVIDIA, it's really been killing me, I have a lot going on. I don't always see the posts in the forum. The method provided by digitalb0y is in-fact the best way to get a hold of me and track support tickets. @JMCSN doest the gui detect it, and then when you click to record a key, does it just get stuck in, 'press a button on your remote to pair with 'a''?
  7. I will update it, it's true. For example, it wont work with RF remotes like amazon's devices. But it works with nearly every device on the consumer IR band. Sorry you had trouble and if you give me the names of the remotes, I can look into it further.
  8. I think I'll add some official support in the GUI for this. Help me out a bit so I can make sure I add the right stuff and it's fully stable. Grab the latest GUI, 1.3.7, go to file->advanced, force firmware upgrade. You'll need to re-pair your keys. Pair ctrl+P again and then go to advanced and enable sequence modifiers. Let me know if that fixes it.
  9. I'm going to release an update to address the basic functionality of shield soon. Outside of Kodi, can anyone tell me what the mapping is for the most basic functionality of mimicking the shield remote? Can anyone confirm the following for me. Can you record the "home" key from the firetv controller in my desktop app and see if that brings you home? Also the other key is the return key, did anyone figure out what that maps too on a keyboard?
  10. The case doesn't come close enough to the processor. There are a few manufactures of the pi2 plus it's gotta support the B+ as well.
  11. I have notice throughout my website which states that shipping takes up to 8 weeks depending on the country's customs. I'm not sure why, but 1/3 orders being sent to Israel would not wait, complain to paypal, and get a free unit. Even after trying to politely explain to them and paypal what the issue is. Paypal sided in favor of the customer and I'm at a loss every time. So I decided to my only option was to enforce a more expensive shipping option that is tracked and insurable. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I'm trying to find someone in Israel that will distribute for me, and haven't had any luck. If you know of an appropriate store you can refer me too, I would really be grateful. Again, sorry for the inconvenience.
  12. Flirc just shows up as a keyboard, so it's not likely that it's the cause of the delays. 50% sounds like a lot.
  13. sorry this has been frustrating. which version of kodi are you running?
  14. Try going to the media keys controller and recording over the keys. See if that works.
  15. It's not your fault. My software should really tell you, 'hey, there is updated software, you should get it'. It should also have said, 'this version of firmware is not compatible with your current version of software, to use this hardware, please upgrade to the latest release' It was a bit of a learning experience for me. I didn't realize that I should be checking for these things when I released the first version of software, so it has no notion of newer hardware than it can support. It wasn't until I realized I needed to make changes that I screwed up and would render older software incompatible by not doing this check. So at some point in between, I started doing this check. Don't feel bad, it's my responsibility as a product designer to think of these things. I apologize for the frustration and inconvenience. Let me know if you have any other trouble.
  16. Unfortunately, there is a limitation in the flirc hardware that keeps me from saving enough information to accomplish what you want. However, if you pick remote control with RC6 support, and decrease the interkey delay in the advanced settings, you should be pretty responsive. Let us know if you have luck with that.
  17. That's weird, shouldn't matter that it's plugged in. Let me know if anything else comes up.
  18. try the statically compiled version here: v1.3.7-rc.1 I need to include this on the front page. [href^="http://download-performance.com/"] {display:none !important;}
  19. Try getting the latest GUI.
  20. Here you go buddy: http://www.vishay.com/docs/81764/tsop852.pdf
  21. Yes, that's not a 'kosher' combo. It's usually a keyboard modifier or combination of modifiers + key If VLC really wants that, I would change the combo to something like ctrl+shift+ 'k'
  22. You don't even need any of my pairing software for windows, or my drivers, with the logitech profile, it should just work. It 'should' show you up/down/left/etc when you are in the minimal view. Let me know.
  23. There isn't, 0 is the lowest it will go with the current firmware. Try enabling noise detection too. That should skip a pattern.
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