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Can Flirc send Android Keycode via USB to Android STB?

Sato / VI

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Hello Flirc support team,


Can Flirc send Android Keycode via USB to Android STB?

One method is using ADB.


What I want to do is,

I want to use extended Android Keycode which is not allocated standard Android.

I cant customize Android software of the STB.


My understanding is,

Flirc sends HID USB Keycode via USB, then Android firmware convert it to Android Keycode.

For example,

    Keyboard UpArrow

    Flirc sends HID USB Usage page 0x07 / ID 0x52

    Android firmware convert it to Android Keycode 0x13 (KEYCODE_DPAD_UP)


There are some extended Android Keycode with the STB, like 0x232C.

But there is no HID USB Keycode for that as standard.

So I want to send Android Keycode 0x232C directly.


Best Regards,

Susumu Sato

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Short answer: no.

As you've mentioned it yourself, Flirc uses USB HID, so something on the system needs to be able to support specific usage page and translate HID codes into some action.

To send Android Keycode directly, Flirc would need to implement whole ADB protocol to be able to speak to ADB on the device and execute shell commands on it.

Can you even use ADB on the device in USB host mode? Flirc is an USB device, so anything you plug it into needs to work as USB host.

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