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I want to set the buttons + and - with FLIRC using the full-keyboard layout in the FLIRC software.

I have a geman system using german keyboard with german layout. The FLIRC software shows me a different layout. There I should press "SHIFT + equal". This is not + on my german layout.


Just ignore symbols in the GUI and look at your hardware keyboard. What matters is the position of the key (for example top row, 11th from the left).

So, for example, on german keyboard you should have + two keys to the right from letter P. In GUI it's ] key. When you record that one it will then work as +. Similarly the - is at the same position where the / key is in the GUI.


Nice this work. Is that the reason why the KODI-mapping doesn't work?

Currently it is not a good solution. The minimal thing should be to warn the user if the current local/region/language/keyboardlayout doesn't fit to the one that the FLIRC-setup-software offers. Also you should insert that toppic in your "help articles".

The best solution would be if FLIRC-software recognize the current local/region settings and use it correct.


You mean the mapping in the Kodi controller screen in the GUI? In that case yes. The Kodi controller screen (and most others) is just a layer above the full keyboard controller with predefined shortcuts. The issue comes from the fact that both the GUI and the Flirc itself don't use char codes (codes assigned to specific symbols) but USB HID codes and these depend on the physical button position on a keyboard. The operating system uses keyboard layout mapping to translate HID codes to key/char codes.

I know that the situation isn't great. I'm not a creator of the app so I don't know whether it is possible to check the layout set in the OS or not. This would need to work across all supported systems. Also there's a lot of non-US keyboards that are compatible with US QWERTY, like for example "Polish (Programmers)" layout which, despite its name, is used by most people in Poland. Displaying a warning in these cases could also cause a confusion. There's no win-win here for everyone. The best solution would probably be an option to load different layouts from files and some user-submitable database of layouts to download from, but this would require a total rewrite of the app so it won't happen anytime soon.


I am a programmer. It is possible to check the layout/region settings on each OS and to translate the chars to HID codes. There are libraries and databases for that. Even the OS itself support things like that. The OS (GNU/Linux) can translate for you.

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