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GUI Controllers - Keymaps ?


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Hi! Just got a flirc to use with the new Xbox One Media Centre Remote and it works great! (Much much easier than stuffing around with ir-keytable and LIRC for use with KODI on linux or in OpenELEC.)


Is there a way to tell what keys the various "Icons" map to in the GUI Controller maps? (like for Basic Remote, Amazon Fire TV, Boxxee Box, FLIRC etc etc....)


For example:



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I will update this support document (I've been busy with work over the last few months - and have moved house so need to find my stuff again). 


In the meantime you can double check they are what they are by programming those keys then opening a text editor and pressing the buttons (as flirc turns up as a keyboard)... or use the  "full keyboard" controller to configure flirc to the way you want.


Does this help?

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