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Hi there,


Can someone please help me with troubleshouting my setup?


I'm trying to use a RasberryPI 5 (running on PI OS) and Flirc USB V2 to send ir-signals using the flirc_util sendir command.

After recording the ir pattern from the remote and trying to send it with the command line, I can't get it up and running.


Below my Flirc information and attached the commands I've tried...

Fri Nov 8 2024 13:42:38
Flirc GUI Version v3.27.16
Operating System: Linux
*** Device Disconnected *** 
*** Device Connected *** 
Firmware Version: v4.10.5
SKU: Flirc 2.0 [dori]


What am I doing wrong here? Why can I not succeed sending an ir-signal?


Thanks in advance!

Screenshot 2024-11-08 at 13.51.50.png

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