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Configure Power button not working in Kodi 14.0


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We've probably got the key mapping wrong.

Delete the key you assigned: https://flirc.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203653385-How-to-delete-a-key-from-Flirc

The go to the keyboard controller: https://flirc.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202923419-Controller-presets-in-Flirc-GUI

Then record the correct keyboard key, here's kodi's list of keys: http://kodi.wiki/view/Keyboard

(is it "s" key you want for the shut down menu?)

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Expanding on this topic (power on/off).

I have a Streacom FC8 Evo case with a dedicated internal FLIRC module which should allow power on/off of the pc thorugh remote if the motherboard supports USB power in S5 state.

I have set in my mobo bios the option to charge usb devices even when the pc is in S5 state and correctly setup the internal flirc module to route the power switch thorugh it before it reaches the mobo, however when the pc is off pushing any button on the remote does nothing. It's there a special mapping should I be doing in Flirc application for this to happen or something else I'm missing?






Found the solution--- Either wait for new firmware 3.4 or try my luck with RC... I don't fell very adventurous, I'll wait a stable 3.4


Thanks again.

Edited by fabio14
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Current stable firmware version is 3.5 and is included in Flirc software 1.3.4 which can be downloaded from a download section on the website. It has the Flirc-SE power button working, but you need to use command line util to record the power button for now:

flirc_util record power
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Thanks that



Current stable firmware version is 3.5 and is included in Flirc software 1.3.4 which can be downloaded from a download section on the website. It has the Flirc-SE power button working, but you need to use command line util to record the power button for now:

flirc_util record power



I had to figure I had to run it as Administrator but it worked.

It's not perfect, meaning you can only switch on the pc, to turn it off I still need to go trough another button and Kodi shutdown menu, but I can definitely live with it.


Would you know if there is anyway to configure the a dvd eject button?





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You need to wait for the shutdown ability. I think I saw Jason mentioning that he'll work on this.


As for the Eject, I'm not 100% sure that this will work but you can try running this in command line:

flirc_util record_api 184 102

and press a button you want to have the eject on.

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