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I use my PC for other things remotely (Steam In Home Streaming) and prefer XBMC is closed.

I want to use Event Ghost + Flirc to open/close XBMC.


I tried to use this 

and edit it to do what I want it to do but I'm no Event Ghost expert.


My Goal is this:

When XBMC is not open, Button Key Press Opens XBMC.

When XBMC is open, Button Key Press Closes XBMC.


Anyway I can do that with Flirc+EventGhost?


This is my current solution.  It doesn't close XBMC but for windows users it keeps it out of the way when someone is done watching.


Under Event Ghost, I have it set to emulate the following key presses (with small wait times between each depending on your system speed).

Emulate "\"


Emulate "x"


Emulate {Win+2}


Emulate "\"


So what his does is window mode XBMC, stop video, then minimize it (Windows 2 should be replaced with whatever button you've set XBMC to teh taskbar to). last keypress does nothing


When it's minimized and it wants to be opened, the first 2 key presses do nothing, third (Win+2) will bring XBMC to foregorund and "\" will maximize it.


For some reason, I found that emulate \ does not work for this.

Under EventGhost, hit your "\" key and see what the key is under there.  For me, the key was OEM5.  So I replaced "\" with "{OEM5}".


Not sure how useful this will be for anyone since most run XBMC  on a dedicated PC but hope it helps someone.

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