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Found 9 results

  1. Hi! I was setting up my brand new dongle and I was having a hard time with fast_forward. The usage message incorrectly suggests to use fastforward without underscore. mlt@rpi ~ $ ./flirc_util record fastforward Press any button on the remote to link it with 'fastforward' Not a valid word: fastforward usage: flirc record 'word'Available Options: escape, return, enter, escape, backspace, delete, tab, space, F[1-12], printscreen, scroll, pause, insert, home, pageup, pagedown, end, right, left, down, up, wake, media keys: eject, vol_up, vol_down, mute, play/pause, stop, fastforward, rewind [E] fl_ver2_set_record(454): Key does not exist Error, button exists mlt@rpi ~ $ ./flirc_util version flirc_util version v1.3.7 [v1.3.7-rc.1-50-gc0ff92e] Firmware: v3.6 [96F70DB5] mlt@rpi ~ $ uname -a Linux rpi 4.1.13-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 13 20:11:44 MST 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux
  2. Hi there, new to flirc, I've looked at the flirc_util command and saw that there's a script command which says run a command script. I've looked in the documentation for the cli (which seems to be a bit lacking) but there's no detail on how this works or examples on how to use this. Can anyone who has some experience with this command explain what it does and how to use it? My assumption is that you can pass a file of inputs you want to record and it will do that for you? But maybe my assumption is wrong, any help is appreciated, thank you.
  3. Just bought a Gen 2, and after installing the software I tried to use the command line utility and found that there seems to be a bug in how the command line is parsed. Every time I try to use the utility, no matter what I put after the executable name I receive the same error message: [E] lib/libcmds/cmds.c run_cmd(275): could not find command 'flirc_util' Looks like it is considering the name of the executable as the parameter. I double-checked by renaming the executable to 'help.exe', and sure enough I got the output I would have expected from 'flirc_util help'. I renamed it to 'version.exe' and I appear to have version 3.25.3-16-g28e8a01+. I'm running Windows 10. Is this something that can be looked at for the next software release? Alternatively, am I being very thick-headed and doing something amazingly wrong? Thanks!
  4. Hi - I would like to add additional remote controls commands to my current configuration. I have a working configuration for my Nvidia Shield TV 2017, but I know there are other keyboard keys that aren't in the FLIRC GUI (primarily, the Android Menu and Google Search buttons). I have seen postings about HID codes and the FLIRC util. I have searched the forum, but I didn't find a consolidated posting that had instructions on how to identify USB keyboard codes and how to add them to an existing configuration with FLIRC Util. Is there an existing single posting with these instructions? If not, can somebody please post the step-by-step instructions here? I think other folks would appreciate it, too! Thanks! AzJazz
  5. Hello, I am having problems running command line flirc_util (v3.9.10) on macOS High Sierra. When I first tried running it I got: "Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libhidapi.0.dylib" I ran "brew install hidapi", and after that flirc_util would run and print the usage message. Unfortunately, when I tried any other command, like "flirc_util status", I was getting: "device disconnected, can't run command" Flirc itself works fine, and the GUI app works too. Could you point me to anything else I could try to make flirc_util work? Thank you!
  6. Is setting sensitivity still supported in the command line? flirc_util.exe help doesn't list anything related to sensitivity. Thanks in advance!
  7. Update: 2/4/17 On win10, and macOS Sierra 10.12.3, Everything works just great on both metal Flirc and SE. test update edited2: Problems are solved with WIN10 ALL FUNCTIONS ARE WORKING AS INTENTED with the latest firmware update. Just Uninstalled and re-download it, once connected the update message showed up. On my macbook pro, Only thing doesn't work is sleep and wake. On my hackintosh build(sorry I don't really own a mac pro/mini/iMac), everything functions as intended. Only thing flaky is when I register sleep, the prompt would show up with minor delay, and "Shutdown" actually functions as "Sleep". It'd Very Likely due to my own system setup and has nothing to do with Flirc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just got the two Flirc ordered this week. The new Metal one and the SE. I so far has only tested the Metal Flirc on my desktop windows10 and a macbook macOS Sierra. Issue for Windows 10: 1. Hibernate is DISABLED, I can use the GUI, tab Controllers --> Media Key, pair up the power button which works no problem to put the computer to sleep. However, I cannot wake it up by using any mapped key or the "Wake button" under Full Keyboard. 2. I cannot change any settings in the advanced setting at GUI. 3. I cannot use the flirc_util.exe command(see image attached) The exe file runs fine by listing all the commands. The only one that can be run is "wait" which will run into waiting and if I re-plug Flirc, it will say FW Detected. But the rest of the commands in any way, responds with device disconnected, can't run command. And the GUI does say Connected, plus I am able to map keys no problem. I have tried to install the USB on both 2.0 and 3.0 ports. The normal press any key on keyboard or mouse works fine either sleep or hibernating. Issue for macOS Sierra: 1. Pairing keys are no problem but does not work. No input at all, but they are paired up according to GUI. 2. The advanced setting does not work, just like Windows. I am not as familiar with Apple OS, not sure what to do at this point. I am hoping this info can help both the developers and I getting this product to work properly. Please let me know if you have any suggestion.
  8. Hi all I have a Flirc SE (for the Streacom cases). On my current OS installation I can't get the Flirc GUI to recognize the Flirc board as connected. It always says "disconnected :(". This is regardless of whether or not I run it as root. The flirc_util happily programs the Flirc board, i.e. "flirc_util record up" works and records a key for the "up arrow"-keypress (and this keybinding works afterwards). This is without running flirc_util as root. It gets a bit bothersome to record keys with the flirc_util, so how should I get the GUI to recognize that the Flirc board is connected? My current OS is Ubuntu 16 daily 64bit, and my Flirc board is running firmware 3.8 flashed from Windows. The current x64 linux Flirc GUI and flirc_util is 1.3.6 (we need the newer version, please, http://forum.flirc.tv/index.php?/topic/2200-latest-firmware-on-ubuntu-x64/). I've seen this post about udev rules http://forum.flirc.tv/index.php?/topic/579-warningcannot-open-usb-device-on-linux/ , but with this version (1.3.6) there is already /etc/udev/rules.d/99-flirc.rules in place which contains the rules outlined in that post... Any suggestions?
  9. tl;dr USB HID codes from here http://www.freebsddiary.org/APC/usb_hid_usages.php should be given to flirc_util record_api as decimal Hi all Just had to deal with flirc_util record_api on account of the GUI not recognizing the Flirc board as connected (http://forum.flirc.tv/index.php?/topic/2208-linux-x64-flirc_util-works-without-root-but-flirc-gui-always-say-disconnected/#comment-12182 ), and I thought I'd save the information I found in a topic with a descriptive title for future reference: This is also a good resource: http://forum.flirc.tv/index.php?/topic/128-modifier-keys-in-command-line-recording/ flirc_util record_api x y where x is the modifier key and y is the HID key. # Modifier keys According to the documentation presented when running "flirc_util record_api" the modifier keys are specified by logically OR'ing these values together as binary (the de facto standard for specifying flags as a single parameter): OR'ing binary numbers is done by going through the two numbers bit by bit and comparing corresponding bits. If one of the two bits is 1 set the corresponding result bit to 1, otherwise set it to 0, e.g. 0101 OR 0010 = 0111. For these specific binary numbers (1,2,4...128 as decimal) OR'ing is the same as ADDing, and since "flirc_util record_api" expects a decimal input we might as add them in decimal: LEFT CTRL + LEFT SHFIT = 1 + 2 = 3 LEFT CTRL + LEFT ALT + LEFT SHIFT = 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 # HID keys The HID key codes can be found here: http://www.freebsddiary.org/APC/usb_hid_usages.php "flirc_util record_api" expects the code as decimal, but the freebsddiary.org page gives them in HEX, so get your hex-to-dec converter out. For example, 'g and G' is specified as 0x0A which is 10 in decimal. So if you want to program the g/G keyboard key with "flirc_util record_api x y" you have to specify y as 10, not 0x0A or similar. Another example is DownArrow which is specified as 0x52 in hex which needs to be specified as 82 in decimal. # Putting it together If you want to program LEFT CTRL + LEFT SHIFT + UP ARROW you need 1+2=3 as modifier key and 0x52=82 as HID key: flirc_util record_api 3 82 Another example is LEFT CTRL + LEFT SHIFT + LEFT ALT + S which would be 1+2+4=7 as modifier key and 0x16=22 as HID key: flirc_util record_api 7 22 # Documentation from flirc_util
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