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Everything posted by openricky

  1. with an interkey delay of 0, are you able to hold down a direction key and scroll through the xbmc interface? or does holding down a direction key only advance the selection once and then stop?
  2. OK, I have the URC MX-890 and am having a HELL of a time trying to get this to work on my FLIRC + OUYA + XBMC setup. I can program the remote as whatever, sony dvd, panasonic dvd, panasonic tv, generic aux, whatever, but i get the same problems. When navigating the menus (up down left right), i press the direction key once and the selection on screen cycles 2 or 3 times. SO FRUSTRSTING. When I had a Harmony remote, I used the official FLIRC XBMC profile and it worked great. All I want is for this MUCH BETTER remote control to work the same :( Can you other URC users elaborate on your working setups so that I can copy it?
  3. Newly released OUYA firmware "Jackalope" ( https://www.ouya.tv/ouya-system-update-jackalope-feb-4-2014/ ) has a change that may be relevant here. * Better support for navigation with bluetooth and IR remotes – we now respect the “Enter” key in OUYA menus. Do these guides need updating based on this change? Should be easier now, right?
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