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Posts posted by Turbine

  1. 1 hour ago, jason said:

    Batteries get disconnected with USB present. I log a reboot on battery low fail. I’m going to add a ton of logging because it must be stuck somewhere, but you can’t remove the batteries or I lose the logs.  

    OK. But for some reason - After a day or so - when I try to connect the remote to the PC - I get USB error.

    After changing the batteries ( maybe its just taking them out and in again ) - It comes to live again and I get no USB error.

    So I don't know what to tell you and how to generate those logs without taking the batteries out.

  2. I used the original batteries and another Alkaline set.

    I suspect it's a software issue. I just tried to replace the batteries and the remote started working again

    But now, when I inserted the "dead" batteries again - It's started working again.

    I will keep you posted

    You cannot take remote logs when the batteries are dead because when you plug it in - you get a USB error. device did not recognized


  3. 19 hours ago, Benjamin Metzler said:

    Here's a version compatible with the Skip 1s. I called it DuneHD1 as there is already a DuneHD (you should try that first).


    DuneHD1-DuneHD1-Misc.json 16.06 kB · 3 downloads

    Bingo !! Channel up & down now working :)

    But every command is sent twice. If I press number 1 - it send the number 11. If I press  number 2 - its send the number 22.

    If I press channel up - It goes up 2 channels etc...

    Any way to change / fix that ?



  4. 2 minutes ago, jason said:

    Pretty tuff for me to figure out without a remote or device. But maybe I we can try and reverse engineer it. Let me look at the protocol or come up with a way for you to cycle through different commands until we find the one we need. 

    Thank you for your kind help

    VERY much appreciated

    The database is very lean.. But I do have my other devices remote so I can teach it. ( Onkyo TX-NR609 for exeample or TCL C645 ) 

    This one - the remote is missing and I hope I can get it to work with this one


  5. 3 minutes ago, jason said:

    Maybe I put it in the wrong category. Look in misc.  that is supposed to have every device 

    Yeah. It was in misc. Thank you

    The power toggle now works with this one. 

    But still no Channel up & Channel down buttons or Settings button


  6. 14 minutes ago, jason said:

    If you added it in the brands section of the admin panel, just run through the wizard and it should show up as if it’s been there. 

    Well it's not. Only the mecool one from the database is there when I edit buttons

    Or maybe it's just added some more buttons to this one. 

    But no channel up & channel down :/


  7. 19 hours ago, Benjamin Metzler said:

    Out of curiosity, which buttons are working and which are not?

    Side note, someone on the Flipper Zero IR DB has uploaded an Mecool IR file at:


    Not sure how difficult it is to convert to Skip 1s format though.


    The main buttons missing that I really need is channel up & Channel down

    The other ones I can manage


    14 hours ago, jason said:

    Thank you, just delete that, here it is again without that.



    MECOOL - KM6.json 5.88 kB · 0 downloads

    I am not sure what I suppose to do with this file.. I added it up with the Admin thing. But I can't see where I choose the buttons.

  8. 14 hours ago, jason said:

    Thank you, just delete that, here it is again without that.

    I am not sure what I suppose to do with this file.. I added it up with the Admin thing. But i can't see where I choose the buttons.

    19 hours ago, Benjamin Metzler said:

    Out of curiosity, which buttons are working and which are not?

    Side note, someone on the Flipper Zero IR DB has uploaded an Mecool IR file at:


    Not sure how difficult it is to convert to Skip 1s format though.


    The main buttons missing that I really need is channel up & Channel down

    The other ones I can manage

    MECOOL - KM6.json 5.88 kB · 0 downloads


  9. 15 minutes ago, jason said:

    Oh.  That’s gonna be a problem. I’ll see if I can find codes but it may not even support IR?

    It does support IR .

    Only about 10-15% of the buttons are working on my MECool KM2 Plus with the existing MECool model that you do have there. 

    Lots of buttons are just missing as well ( channel up & channel down for example )


  10. 1 minute ago, jason said:

    I’m going to post an update in the forum today so you can learn your remote. We have a lot of work to do on it, it is alpha. 

    Learn what ?

    the original remote is Bluetooth and I don't have it 

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