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Everything posted by Kurojin_Karu

  1. This bit looked interesting. It looks like the isRestrictionLiftSuccessful function returned false because DEVPKEY_DeviceInterface_Restriced is already false. Is this exception handler preventing the device form completing the connection?
  2. I managed to get it to connect to the remote once today, but after multiple hours of trying I was not able to again, nor could I figure out what made it work in the first place.
  3. When I installed the app, it had "run as administrator" as one of it's permissions, so I'm assuming it is already running with admin perms.
  4. Agreed. I honestly thought the remote was vaporware, so imagine my surprise yesterday when it shows up out of the blue, and imagine my disappointment when I realized the thing is useless.
  5. I hear Windows make the device connection sound and get a SkipDeviceRestrictionBroker alert, but the Skip software won't detect the remote.
  6. Using v0.9.80 BTW. No idea what firmware is on the remote, as I am not able to connect to it.
  7. Hi, not the OP, but I'm having the same issue where my Windows 11 app will not connect to the remote. I just got the remote today and have not been able to do anything with it.
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