I've bought a FLIRC a few days ago for my HTPC. I installed the software V3.25.3 and updated the firmware to the newest V4.9.3.
When i start the software i select under "controllers" the "full keyboard". My remote control is a harmony 650, but for the problem this doesn't matter.
Now i click a key, for example the cursor up key. The software says "Press the button to be paired with 'up' ". After "a few seconds" the software send the message "recorded successfully" automatically.
This happens without pressing a key on my remote control!! And this is the problem. I can't record the FLIRC correctly.
When the time "a few seconds" is longer, then it's possible to record a key. The key works, but later in KODI the FLIRC does not work reliable. This means that some keys are working sometimes. I become crazy.
Then i explored the software an i've seen the device log and enabled the ir debugging.
Even though no key is pressed on the remote control some codes, for example ":e:68…" appears. They also appear when i press a key on the remote control, which i think is correct.
But in my case this happens too when no key is pressed on the remote control.
It's like FLIRC is receiving a ir-signal or it's not working correctly. Any idea?