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Everything posted by yury

  1. Had similar issue, downgrading the firmware worked for me: http://forum.flirc.tv/index.php?/topic/1573-duplicate-key-ids-on-buttons/&do=findComment&comment=11796 I still have to program each key twice, but at least there are no conflicts now, and I'm able to actually use it.
  2. Here's the method that worked for me: http://forum.flirc.tv/index.php?/topic/1573-duplicate-key-ids-on-buttons/&do=findComment&comment=11796
  3. this forum is extrememly supportive... I ran into the same problem with the brand new flirc fw v3.6. I was able to find a way to downgrade the firmware. Luckily, GUI apps have specific fw versions bundled. So the approach is as follows - Download previous GUI version here: http://downloads.flirc.tv/release/gui/ - Connect flirc, don't run the GUI yet - In terminal/console, go to flirc GUI folder (on MacOS - cd /Applications/Flirc.app/Contents/Resources) - On MacOS I had to copy a lib: cp libusb-1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib- Run flirc_util dfu- Now start the flirc app. It will download the firmware and install it to the thing. I had to try several versions. 1.2.8 finally worked with me. I still have to program each button twice, but at least there are no conflicts
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