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  1. .. i was thinking, the fastforward and rewind behaviour were funny.. maybe i should have some more remapping .. thanks for the info!
  2. ja, i totally agree :) .. and how i tried to point out.. this is now what works for me in windows.. i have not tried in adnroid, where i have no clue how the "Toggle between fullscreen/windowed mode" would behave ... so, your explanation is just fine.. and i am not saying you need to change it .. ok, my wording might be a bit brutal with "wrong" ... but maybe your explanation should be included in the manual.. cause your lines are actually very important thanks for helping!
  3. hey guys, i was just able to perform some tests... sooooo... the keyboard interface is the way to go! following this page http://kodi.wiki/view/Keyboard_controls for 1: shutdown in the kodi interface is programmed "CTRL+END Exit Kodi (Only on Home Screen)" as yawor mentionedwhat is needed is from the keyboard interface "S Shutdown menu "for 2: fullscreen in the kodi interface is programmed "\ backslash Toggle between fullscreen/windowed mode"what is needed is from the keyboard interface "Tab ⇆ Fullscreen playback"i still think the kodi interface is done wrong,, at least for windows ..
  4. oh! there are replies! :D .. for some reason i did not get notified. thanks for the answers.. i will have a try next weekend.. and will come back to you :)
  5. hi everyone, i am running kodi 15.2 on a win10 tronsmart ara x5. so, flirc (v. 1.3.6) came in quite handy .. but i have issues with 2 buttons: shutdown: doesn't do anythingfullscreen: actually minimizes my kodi into a windows window and back again to the fullscreen mode.. but does not get the streamed media to go on fullscreenis it me.. or is the win implementation not doing what it should?
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