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  1. Hi Jason, have received the new flirc, programmed it with 10.5 on iMac 2009, and flirc app 3 - and I can only say: It works like a DREAM! Thank you very much for this. all the best,
  2. Okay. I can record it with my iMac instead. OSX10.5 - but only with the latest version of the GUI (3.1.0)
  3. 1.22 and 1.44 open on OSX9.5 the latest version not. replace my 1st gen with a new? That's extremely generous. But if you think it is not the remote, then thank you very much for this. Anything else I can do?
  4. I DID reload your recording, and thank you for that. It did not help, though. And the two buttons are still acting up. Looking at the screen it seems they pass on 2 signals instead of one. Which for some reason set off a chain reaction with the previous recording, but with your edited recording only makes flirc "skip one" - 1 down becomes 2, from home bar and one down it skips the addons and chooses the off switch. MUST be the remote. I lost patience after that and recorded an Apple aluminium. This on the other hand responds sluggish, needing several presses (battery, I think), and the flirc 1st gen has the problem of not being able to record a long press, but it's better than getting up all the time. Do you stille want me to try recording the other remote? -- And what about the 1.4.4 flirc app crashing on OSX 9.5?
  5. thank you. Will try. But this has persisted over numerous recordings. (And the remote works for other things)
  6. Inserted the Flirc in OSX 9.5, the only Flirc app that does not crash here is 1.4.4 (- which may be lacking an update to 64bit?) - The 1.44 app can no longer see the Flirc (so I cannot save a config file from here - but it could not that either, when it COULD se the Flirc) - The flickering is all over the OS, when the Flirc is in either USB-port Move Flirc to iMac w OSX 10.6 - Latest app, v.3.1 can se the Flirc, and it is now updated to newest firmware, 3.9 - The saved config-file is saved - my_flirc_config.fcfg - The Flirc with remote seems almost stable here - There is the occasional skip, when using the remote's up or down "arrow" - then it skips one line. Move the Flirc to the raspberry Pi 3 - Flickering makes Kodi unusable. Where can I manually find the update shown in the image, which v 1.4.4 cannot itself update, because the old is 32bit and the new (1.4.4 3.1.0) is 64bit? EDIT: OR is the new Flirc1.4.4 3.1.0 mentioned in the screen shot similar to the 3.1.0 app-version, that worked on the iMac? 64bit SHOULD work on my MBP mid-2010, as seen in the screenshot here from Mactracker
  7. I reset the flirc dongle two days ago for Kodi. But right now it does not show up in the app. Even so everything in the front is skipping.
  8. sure, but my trusty mac can runs 64 bit apps, so why does it crash? And whats wrong with the flirc? And how and where do I find the "save log" function, that I can it pass on to you? Library somewhere? Or ? -- Can I find the downloaded update for flirc in a temp folder somewhere?
  9. crash log for latest Flirc app.rtf
  10. Sure. But to where does it save the configuration, so I can pass it on to you? (flirc v. 1.4.4)
  11. Config file from where? Im on Mac OSX 9.5 and 10.11, or Raspeberry PI 3, OSMC. Either way, please be precise, and I will do my best.
  12. Easy test: Yes, by inserting Flirc dongle in USB-port randomly chosen line in Finder Window immediately began "running", even before I opened Kodi. Where everything began jumping between options on the frontpage. So, no, its not OSMC. Maybe it's firmware - but like I said, unfortunately I cannot update to latest Firmware, because the latest Flirc app crashes on OSX 9 and 10 .
  13. Bug? 1st gen Flirc on Raspberry Pi 3. Bought 2014. Worked well on Pi 2. Now OSMC on PI 3. Flirc programmed on OSX 9,5 with Flirc v.1.4.4 (and its firmware). The latest v.3.1 crashes, even if it SHOULD work on OSX 9,5 and 10. problem: Used on Kodi the cursor "runs" down lists (like Arrow down), or "skips" between choices on the home screen (like Tab) on its own. Then it stops. Interacting with the programmed remote OR a keyboard, starts the running and skipping again. have tried pinning it down by exclusion, but no matter what else is attached to the Raspberry, if the flirc is present, the skipping begins like a nervous tick. Defect Flirc?
  14. Well, I'm on the latest firmware, latest version of Flirc, and I cannot get it to work with OpenElec on Raspberry Pi B+ - no reaction on the Pi. AND there is still no button setup for the Apple silver remote with the extra button. Do you know this is 2014? That XBMC recognises keyboard presses by heart - if I add an IR-receiver to the Pi?
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