Here are the details:
Laptop running Windows 7 64-bit machine
TV is a Samsung Series 6 H6400
Remote control is the one that came with the TV
Firware used was 3.1
Lightning in the room is mainly incandescent
I tried turning of the lights, going to different rooms but still the same problem.
Weird behaviors that i noticed
If i plug off the power cable in the laptop, the phantom presses stop happening but no matter what key i press it doesn't record anything but when i plug back in it starts recording again the phantom presses.
I tried configuring in a desktop computer and i didn't get any phantom presses but unfortunately it doesn't record any of the remote buttons i press except for the power button
I'll wait for a feedback from you today and will try one more time (perhaps with a couple of your suggestions) but i'm not very optimist.
Have a good day and regards.