Is there a way to suspend my htpc whether I am in xbmc or windows? I was up all night trying to figure it out. I don't want 2 buttons as I use a harmony 1100 and activities. I tried to set up a suspend shortcut with a hotkey and the same hotkey in my xbmc keymap.xml but it breaks the hotkey in both windows and xbmc completely.
Also, I'm not sure if this is a flirc issue or if it's something in windows that got borked when I was messing around last night but about 1 in 3 suspends when in xbmc causes a blue screen error.
If anyone has an idea for me to try regarding suspending my machine let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Well I figured it out. I use eventghost for my system hibernate (and presumably much more in the future ;) ). It works even when behind xbmc. As for my blue screen errors that was due to my ssd. If I hibernate rather then sleep I don't get the blue screen error. I do believe I have everything working perfectly B) .