I just received my Flirc to use with my Harmony One. I downloaded whatever was on the main page of the Flirc website. The about says
GUI 1.0.6
Git 1.0.6
Based on Qt 4.8
It also says Firmware v.1.2
I set it up as a Media Center PC->Flirc->XBMC and I gave the Menu/Guide/Exit buttons some random buttons so that Flirc would know to recognize them. It can control XBMC, but it exhibits some weird behavior when trying to program the Home button when I select XBMC as the controller. In the Flirc Gui, it records successfully if I click the Home, then Menu on my remote. However, then the up and down buttons don't work anymore. Also, when I hit the menu button on my remote, it doesn't turn green on Flirc afterward the way that everything else does. Can't seem to figure out why that happens...
More generally, I wish there was a bit better information on how to program these for XBMC on the main page (it doesn't seem to work setting up XBMC and then switch to the Full Keyboard and set the c as another button, it got rid of the up botton in the XBMC page, and then going back to the keyboard the c button doesn't light up green anymore).
Edit: It seems like latest updates have resolved this issue.