I have a Harmony (650) and I'm setting up Flirc with XBMC. But I can't seem to find any definitive answer on the best method to use. There is a pinned post that describes using a Panasonic or Samsung TV profile to control XBMC (http://forum.flirc.tv/index.php?/topic/22-harmony-remotes/), but that's dated from way back in 2011. Is it still the ideal way to go? Then there's the recent blog post about Flirc having it's own harmony profile now (http://blog.flirc.tv/flirc-has-a-harmony-profile/), and this is dated much more recenlty -- April 1st. However, following the link to the updated firmware that is supposedly needed shows a forum thread marked "(RETIRED)", which would lead me to believe this is no longer needed or supported (I'm not sure which). And when I use this method, nothing seems to work anyway.
So, I suppose the ultimate question is: At this point, which method is preferred for using Flirc with a Harmony Remote and XBMC?
I'm new here so I hope I'm not rehashing an old question. I might be missing something obvious, so apologies if I am, but I did look. Has there been discussion of creating a Wiki or something similar to consolidate information like this? Also, is there a page that lists the latest firmware versions (stable, beta, etc) so that I can determine if I'm up-to-date?