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Posts posted by MrNice

  1. I found 2 old remotes saved from bin few years ago.

    Both have Play and Pause buttons separately.

    Both have the same behaviour;

    - Play with the first press Play button and play again from beginning with the second press.

    - Toggle file view/play list with Pause button

    - Stop paying with Stop button

    When a button is recorded with the xbmc profile then we con go to the keyboard profile and press recorded remote buttons, then key turn green according to the remote button pressed.

    So Play button sends p key

    Pause sends space bar

    Stop sends x key


    sudo ./flirc_util keys allows to check that as well. ($ sudo ./flirc_util settings as well)

    Could you run it and post please?


    I don't have a USB keyboard to compare when press p or space bar.



    I just note that my request in the other thread "

    Keyboard key (action) mapped to more than 1 remote key"

    is implemented. If you have more than 1 remote or 1 remote with more than 1 profile, you don't need to delete the previous record for one button to record a new button code to the same key (action). Not easy to explain.

    For example, you record Play button from the remote 1 with the xbmx profile, > is green. You can record the Play button from the remote 2 with the xbmc profile, > will be green as well.

    Look at the CLI command:

    $ sudo ./flirc_util keys

    Recorded Keys:
    Index  hash        key
    -----  ---------   ---
        1  9D6C74B0    tab
        2  5F5A4B9D    home
        3  5B1B6912    escape
        4  5B06EC4E    x
        5  9DC159A3    c
        6  5B68E519    up
        7  1917DA7B    left
        8  99BE5F32    right
        9  5729038F    down
       10  5BAC361F    return
       11  99298E70    backspace
       12  5F7C2097    ,
       13  5F386CE9    .
       14  9D7D089E    pageup
       15  9D7D6728    pagedown
       16  1D89F0E4    i
       17  5BF9F14B    /
       18  5FF41AE4    p
       19  8096252F    p
       20  862411    space
       21  6104EE71    p
       22  61C0603E    space
       23  61040FBF    x

    I have 3 p keys, 2 space and 2 x. This is what I was saying in the other thread.

  2. That was not as an offense meant ;)

    I didn't, just I was thinking that I never win lotto but I get a lot of computer issues.

    (At this time I use Linux Mint-Mate, when I click Places>Home Folder, it open VLC and play music from another HDD... and more issues)


    Back to the point:

    I use Denon RC-1167 from my AVR-2313

    Good pic here: http://www.amazon.com/Denon-Rc-1167-Remote-Control-Rc1167/dp/images/B00BA08UB0

    I didn't change keyboard.xml, even don't know where it is.

    Localisation OE and XBMC are done.

    I changed the "remote sends keyboard presses", nothing better


    I erased all the Flirc then recorded with xbmc profile:

    Play button with 4 different keys

    Pause button with 1 other key

    Still the same on all buttons


    BTW, no keyboard connected to Pi only mouse.

  3. I use xbmc profile:

    When I map Play/Pause ( >/|| ) remote button to Pause key ( || ), usage is; swap between folder with files list (.. at the top) and play list.

    When I map Play/Pause ( >/|| ) remote button to Play key ( > ), usage is; start to play at the beginning and start to play at the beginning (again).

    Not so easy.


    So what I can do?

  4. Flirc Version v1.2.2 [v1.2.2]
    2.3 01-25-2014 [0x3DB4D4F3]




    When I want to record \ (backslash) key, I select it in the Controlers > Full keyboard.

    The key is green (Press the button to be paired with 'backslash'), I press the remote button (Recorded successfully).

    I test it and press again the remote button and the #3 key turn green not the \.

    ./filrc_util settings says hash: 5BF9F14B key:/

    Very strange.


    I did the test few times and after reboot my Linux box.


    I don't know if this is a GUI or firmware issue.


  5. Hi,


    This is an idea, not very important for me right now but could be convenient.

    Let say you have a usual remote for some devices.

    At the top of the remote you have few keys to choose the device to send the beam: TV, DVD, SAT, PLAYER, AUX...

    First you press the device key and then press the action key to the selected device.


    What is the purpose of the play, pause, fast forward, etc when you select TV? Nothing.

    When you select PLAYEUR key the above keys are used to the right action for the player and mapped.

    Note the codes are not the same when device selected is TV or PLAYER.

    It could be usefull to map the play, pause, fast forward, etc to command the player with the both selected devices TV and PLAYER for example.


    So, to be able to map 2 or (more ?) remote keys (different codes) to 1 keyboard key (action).


    What do you think?

  6. At first I mapped the play/pause key with the p key; This doesn't fulfil my requirement.


    Then I mapped the key with space bar; When I use the key, music doesn't play/pause but I have only a change in the file list.

    How to map with space bar and get play/pause?

  7. Hi,


    I didn't find an answer in the forum, so:


    My remote has only 1 key for play/pause.

    Is it possible to assign a toggle key with play/pause (play when in stop/pause and pause when in play) in the Flirc?

    In Flirc software all the controlers have 2 separate keys.

    If not how do you manage to have play and pause in you remote?


    Many thanks

  8. Hi,


    Same problem with same error message "...404  Not Found"


    However I can share a tested workaround for Linux:

    1 - Dowload the file here http://www.flirc.tv/downloads_linux/

    2 - Extract the zip

    3 - Open a Terminal

    4 - Go into the folder (ie: cd Downloads/Flirc-v1.2.2-x64)

    5 - Enter: sudo ./Flirc

    6 - Enter you root password


    You can use the utility as well

    sudo ./flirc_util then choose an action then ie: sudo ./flirc_util version


    Hope this will help

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