Hello! I was unable to program a working power on button with my Flirc-SE. Using latest Windows 10 and Flirc GUI the software gave me the thumbs up and the button was bound because i was unable to assign it a second time, but pressing the button did not start the pc. After i changed the OS to LibreElec (latest stable Kodi 16.1) i installed the XBMC Flirc addon 1.0.3 and again, thumbs up after i programmed a second power on button but the PC did not boot using it. I did resolve this problem by using the flirc_cli still running LibreElec, did program a 3rd power on button with it and (only) this power on button does work. Also funny: running LibreElec and Kodi 16.1 i did press the first under Windows 10 + GUI programmed power (on) button and the up, down, left, right and select buttons got deleted instantly. Hope that help. If any more details about the software (versions - used latest December downloads) or hardware is required to resolve this, please let me know.