Hey All,
I've read a bunch of older threads for this problem and tried the "solutions" they mentioned without any success.
I have a Flirc connected directly to a raspberry pi, and I'm controlling it with a Harmony One. I had no problems setting this up using the Flirc XBMC Profile in the harmony software. Everything worked great for 2 days, no issues at all. No double characters, play and pause worked correctly.
Today when I came home I was using it, started a video and paused it and noticed it seemed to pause/play really quickly. Then realized it was sending every button press very quickly. I tried the troubleshooting options in the harmony software and adjusted it to 0. The problem still persists.
Has anyone found a solution? I've recorded a video of this here: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=5C92638C7D70FFCA!986&authkey=!AKW5-zehJpIA5iU&ithint=video%2c.mp4